   * Converter from a numeric object to Long. Input is checked to be within range represented by
   * Long.
  static Long convertToLong(Object a) throws HsqlException {

    if (a instanceof Integer) {
      return ValuePool.getLong(((Integer) a).intValue());
    } else if (a instanceof Long) {
      return (Long) a;
    } else if (a instanceof BigDecimal) {
      BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) a;

      if (bd.compareTo(MAX_LONG) > 0 || bd.compareTo(MIN_LONG) < 0) {
        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);

      return ValuePool.getLong(bd.longValue());
    } else if (a instanceof Double || a instanceof Float) {
      double d = ((Number) a).doubleValue();

      if (Double.isInfinite(d)
          || Double.isNaN(d)
          || d >= (double) Long.MAX_VALUE + 1
          || d <= (double) Long.MIN_VALUE - 1) {
        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);

      return ValuePool.getLong((long) d);
    } else {
      throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561);
  public static double toDouble(Object a) throws HsqlException {

    double value;

    if (a instanceof java.lang.Double) {
      return ((Double) a).doubleValue();
    } else if (a instanceof BigDecimal) {
      BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) a;

      value = bd.doubleValue();

      int signum = bd.signum();
      BigDecimal bdd = new BigDecimal(value + signum);

      if (bdd.compareTo(bd) != signum) {
        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);
    } else if (a instanceof Number) {
      value = ((Number) a).doubleValue();
    } else {
      throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22501);

    return value;
  public Object floor(Object a) throws HsqlException {

    if (a == null) {
      return null;

    switch (typeCode) {
      case Types.SQL_REAL:
      case Types.SQL_FLOAT:
      case Types.SQL_DOUBLE:
          double value = Math.floor(((Double) a).doubleValue());

          if (Double.isInfinite(value)) {
            throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);

          return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(value));
      case Types.SQL_NUMERIC:
      case Types.SQL_DECIMAL:
          BigDecimal value = ((BigDecimal) a).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);

          if (JavaSystem.precision(value) > precision) {
            throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);

        // fall through
        return a;
  long readBigint() {

    boolean minus = false;

    if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MINUS) {
      minus = true;



    if (minus
        && token.dataType.typeCode == Types.SQL_NUMERIC
        && LONG_MAX_VALUE_INCREMENT.equals(token.tokenValue)) {

      return Long.MIN_VALUE;

    if (token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_INTEGER
        && token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_BIGINT) {
      throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42565);

    long val = ((Number) token.tokenValue).longValue();

    if (minus) {
      val = -val;


    return val;
  public String getNameString() {

    switch (typeCode) {
      case Types.TINYINT:
        return Tokens.T_TINYINT;

      case Types.SQL_SMALLINT:
        return Tokens.T_SMALLINT;

      case Types.SQL_INTEGER:
        return Tokens.T_INTEGER;

      case Types.SQL_BIGINT:
        return Tokens.T_BIGINT;

      case Types.SQL_REAL:
        return Tokens.T_REAL;

      case Types.SQL_FLOAT:
        return Tokens.T_FLOAT;

      case Types.SQL_DOUBLE:
        return Tokens.T_DOUBLE;

      case Types.SQL_NUMERIC:
        return Tokens.T_NUMERIC;

      case Types.SQL_DECIMAL:
        return Tokens.T_DECIMAL;

        throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType");
Beispiel #6
  void prepareCheckConstraint(Session session, Table table, boolean checkValues) {

    // to ensure no subselects etc. are in condition

    if (table == null) {
      check.resolveTypes(session, null);
    } else {
      QuerySpecification s = Expression.getCheckSelect(session, table, check);
      Result r = s.getResult(session, 1);

      if (r.getNavigator().getSize() != 0) {
        String[] info = new String[] {table.getName().name, ""};

        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_23504, ErrorCode.CONSTRAINT, info);

      rangeVariable = s.rangeVariables[0];

      // removes reference to the Index object in range variable

    if (check.getType() == OpTypes.NOT
        && check.getLeftNode().getType() == OpTypes.IS_NULL
        && check.getLeftNode().getLeftNode().getType() == OpTypes.COLUMN) {
      notNullColumnIndex = check.getLeftNode().getLeftNode().getColumnIndex();
      isNotNull = true;
  int readInteger() {

    boolean minus = false;

    if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MINUS) {
      minus = true;



    if (minus
        && token.dataType.typeCode == Types.SQL_BIGINT
        && ((Number) token.tokenValue).longValue() == -(long) Integer.MIN_VALUE) {

      return Integer.MIN_VALUE;

    if (token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_INTEGER) {
      throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42565);

    int val = ((Number) token.tokenValue).intValue();

    if (minus) {
      val = -val;


    return val;
Beispiel #8
  boolean hasColumnOnly(int colIndex) {

    switch (constType) {
      case CHECK:
        return rangeVariable.usedColumns[colIndex]
            && ArrayUtil.countTrueElements(rangeVariable.usedColumns) == 1;

      case PRIMARY_KEY:
      case UNIQUE:
        return core.mainCols.length == 1 && core.mainCols[0] == colIndex;

      case MAIN:
        return core.mainCols.length == 1
            && core.mainCols[0] == colIndex
            && core.mainTable == core.refTable;

      case FOREIGN_KEY:
        return core.refCols.length == 1
            && core.refCols[0] == colIndex
            && core.mainTable == core.refTable;

        throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Constraint");
  public static NumberType getNumberType(int type, long precision, int scale) {

    switch (type) {
      case Types.SQL_INTEGER:
        return SQL_INTEGER;

      case Types.SQL_SMALLINT:
        return SQL_SMALLINT;

      case Types.SQL_BIGINT:
        return SQL_BIGINT;

      case Types.TINYINT:
        return TINYINT;

      case Types.SQL_REAL:
      case Types.SQL_DOUBLE:
        return SQL_DOUBLE;

      case Types.SQL_NUMERIC:
      case Types.SQL_DECIMAL:
        return new NumberType(type, precision, scale);

        throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType");
Beispiel #10
   * Tests a row against this CHECK constraint.
  void checkCheckConstraint(Session session, Table table, Object[] data) {

            if (session.compiledStatementExecutor.rangeIterators[1] == null) {
                session.compiledStatementExecutor.rangeIterators[1] =
    RangeIteratorBase it = (RangeIteratorBase) session.sessionContext.getCheckIterator();

    if (it == null) {
      it = rangeVariable.getIterator(session);


    it.currentData = data;

    boolean nomatch = Boolean.FALSE.equals(check.getValue(session));

    it.currentData = null;

    if (nomatch) {
      String[] info = new String[] {name.name, table.tableName.name};

      throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_23504, ErrorCode.CONSTRAINT, info);
  public boolean isNegative(Object a) throws HsqlException {

    if (a == null) {
      return false;

    switch (typeCode) {
      case Types.SQL_REAL:
      case Types.SQL_FLOAT:
      case Types.SQL_DOUBLE:
          double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue();

          return ad < 0;
      case Types.SQL_NUMERIC:
      case Types.SQL_DECIMAL:
        return ((BigDecimal) a).signum() < 0;

      case Types.TINYINT:
      case Types.SQL_SMALLINT:
      case Types.SQL_INTEGER:
        return ((Number) a).intValue() < 0;

      case Types.SQL_BIGINT:
        return ((Number) a).longValue() < 0;

        throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType");
  Result getResult(Session session) {

    switch (type) {
      case StatementTypes.SIGNAL:
      case StatementTypes.RESIGNAL:

        // todo
      case StatementTypes.ITERATE:
      case StatementTypes.LEAVE:
      case StatementTypes.RETURN:
      case StatementTypes.CONDITION:
        return this.getResultValue(session);

      case StatementTypes.ASSIGNMENT:
          Object[] variables =
              variable.getType() == SchemaObject.PARAMETER
                  ? session.sessionContext.routineArguments
                  : session.sessionContext.routineVariables;

          try {
            Object o = expression.getValue(session, variable.getDataType());

            variables[variableIndex] = o;

            return Result.updateZeroResult;
          } catch (HsqlException e) {
            return Result.newErrorResult(e);
        throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "");
  public CachedObject get(RowInputInterface in) {

    try {
      return new RowAVLDisk(table, in);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, e);
Beispiel #14
  void checkCheckConstraint(Session session, Table table, Object data) {

    session.sessionData.currentValue = data;

    boolean nomatch = Boolean.FALSE.equals(check.getValue(session));

    session.sessionData.currentValue = null;

    if (nomatch) {
      if (table == null) {
        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_23504, name.name);
      } else {
        String[] info = new String[] {name.name, table.tableName.name};

        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_23504, ErrorCode.CONSTRAINT, info);
  /** Converts a value to this type */
  public Object convertToDefaultType(SessionInterface session, Object a) throws HsqlException {

    if (a == null) {
      return a;

    Type otherType;

    if (a instanceof Number) {
      if (a instanceof BigInteger) {
        a = new BigDecimal((BigInteger) a);
      } else if (a instanceof Float) {
        a = new Double(((Float) a).doubleValue());
      } else if (a instanceof Byte) {
        a = ValuePool.getInt(((Byte) a).intValue());
      } else if (a instanceof Short) {
        a = ValuePool.getInt(((Short) a).intValue());

      if (a instanceof Integer) {
        otherType = Type.SQL_INTEGER;
      } else if (a instanceof Long) {
        otherType = Type.SQL_BIGINT;
      } else if (a instanceof Double) {
        otherType = Type.SQL_DOUBLE;
      } else if (a instanceof BigDecimal) {
        if (typeCode == Types.SQL_DECIMAL || typeCode == Types.SQL_NUMERIC) {
          return convertToTypeLimits(a);

        BigDecimal val = (BigDecimal) a;

        otherType = getNumberType(Types.SQL_DECIMAL, JavaSystem.precision(val), scale);
      } else {
        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561);
    } else if (a instanceof String) {
      otherType = Type.SQL_VARCHAR;
    } else {
      throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561);

    return convertToType(session, a, otherType);
Beispiel #16
  static int getExpressionType(int tokenT) {

    int type = expressionTypeMap.get(tokenT, -1);

    if (type == -1) {
      throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Parser");

    return type;
  public void resetAccessorKeys(Index[] keys) {

    if (indexList.length == 0 || indexList[0] == null || accessorList[0] == null) {
      indexList = keys;
      accessorList = new CachedObject[indexList.length];


    throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "RowStoreAVLDisk");
Beispiel #18
  void read() {


    if (token.isMalformed) {
      int errorCode = -1;

      switch (token.tokenType) {
        case Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BINARY_STRING:
          errorCode = ErrorCode.X_42587;

        case Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BIT_STRING:
          errorCode = ErrorCode.X_42588;

          errorCode = ErrorCode.X_42586;

        case Tokens.X_MALFORMED_STRING:
          errorCode = ErrorCode.X_42584;

        case Tokens.X_UNKNOWN_TOKEN:
          errorCode = ErrorCode.X_42582;

        case Tokens.X_MALFORMED_NUMERIC:
          errorCode = ErrorCode.X_42585;

        case Tokens.X_MALFORMED_COMMENT:
          errorCode = ErrorCode.X_42589;

        case Tokens.X_MALFORMED_IDENTIFIER:
          errorCode = ErrorCode.X_42583;

      throw Error.error(errorCode);

    if (isRecording) {
      Token dup = token.duplicate();

      dup.position = scanner.getTokenPosition();

Beispiel #19
  HsqlException unexpectedToken() {

    if (token.tokenType == Tokens.X_ENDPARSE) {
      return Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42590);

    String tokenS;

    if (token.charsetSchema != null) {
      tokenS = token.charsetSchema;
    } else if (token.charsetName != null) {
      tokenS = token.charsetName;
    } else if (token.namePrePrefix != null) {
      tokenS = token.namePrePrefix;
    } else if (token.namePrefix != null) {
      tokenS = token.namePrefix;
    } else {
      tokenS = token.tokenString;

    return Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42581, tokenS);
  /** @todo - review usage to see if range enforcement / java type conversion is necessary */
  public Object convertToTypeLimits(Object a) throws HsqlException {

    if (a == null) {
      return null;

    switch (typeCode) {
      case Types.TINYINT:
      case Types.SQL_SMALLINT:
      case Types.SQL_INTEGER:
      case Types.SQL_BIGINT:
        return a;

      case Types.SQL_REAL:
      case Types.SQL_FLOAT:
      case Types.SQL_DOUBLE:
        return a;

      case Types.SQL_NUMERIC:
      case Types.SQL_DECIMAL:
        BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal) a;

        if (scale != dec.scale()) {
          dec = dec.setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN);

        int valuePrecision = JavaSystem.precision(dec);

        if (valuePrecision > precision) {
          throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);

        return dec;

        throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType");
Beispiel #21
  HsqlException tooManyIdentifiers() {

    String tokenS;

    if (token.namePrePrefix != null) {
      tokenS = token.namePrePrefix;
    } else if (token.namePrefix != null) {
      tokenS = token.namePrefix;
    } else {
      tokenS = token.tokenString;

    return Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42551, tokenS);
Beispiel #22
  HsqlException unexpectedTokenRequire(String required) {

    if (token.tokenType == Tokens.X_ENDPARSE) {
      return Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42590, ErrorCode.TOKEN_REQUIRED, new Object[] {"", required});

    String tokenS;

    if (token.charsetSchema != null) {
      tokenS = token.charsetSchema;
    } else if (token.charsetName != null) {
      tokenS = token.charsetName;
    } else if (token.namePrePrefix != null) {
      tokenS = token.namePrePrefix;
    } else if (token.namePrefix != null) {
      tokenS = token.namePrefix;
    } else {
      tokenS = token.tokenString;

    return Error.error(
        ErrorCode.X_42581, ErrorCode.TOKEN_REQUIRED, new Object[] {tokenS, required});
  public Object add(Object a, Object b, Type otherType) throws HsqlException {

    if (a == null || b == null) {
      return null;

    switch (typeCode) {
      case Types.SQL_REAL:
      case Types.SQL_FLOAT:
      case Types.SQL_DOUBLE:
          double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue();
          double bd = ((Number) b).doubleValue();

          return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(ad + bd));

          //                return new Double(ad + bd);
      case Types.SQL_NUMERIC:
      case Types.SQL_DECIMAL:
          a = convertToDefaultType(null, a);
          b = convertToDefaultType(null, b);

          BigDecimal abd = (BigDecimal) a;
          BigDecimal bbd = (BigDecimal) b;

          return abd.add(bbd);
      case Types.TINYINT:
      case Types.SQL_SMALLINT:
      case Types.SQL_INTEGER:
          int ai = ((Number) a).intValue();
          int bi = ((Number) b).intValue();

          return ValuePool.getInt(ai + bi);
      case Types.SQL_BIGINT:
          long longa = ((Number) a).longValue();
          long longb = ((Number) b).longValue();

          return ValuePool.getLong(longa + longb);
        throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType");
  public Type getAggregateType(Type other) throws HsqlException {

    if (this == other) {
      return this;

    if (other.isCharacterType()) {
      return other.getAggregateType(this);

    switch (other.typeCode) {
      case Types.SQL_ALL_TYPES:
        return this;

      case Types.SQL_REAL:
      case Types.SQL_FLOAT:
      case Types.SQL_DOUBLE:
      case Types.SQL_NUMERIC:
      case Types.SQL_DECIMAL:
      case Types.TINYINT:
      case Types.SQL_SMALLINT:
      case Types.SQL_INTEGER:
      case Types.SQL_BIGINT:

        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42562);

    if (typeWidth == DOUBLE_WIDTH) {
      return this;

    if (((NumberType) other).typeWidth == DOUBLE_WIDTH) {
      return other;

    if (typeWidth <= BIGINT_WIDTH && ((NumberType) other).typeWidth <= BIGINT_WIDTH) {
      return (typeWidth > ((NumberType) other).typeWidth) ? this : other;

    int newScale = scale > other.scale ? scale : other.scale;
    long newDigits =
        precision - scale > other.precision - other.scale
            ? precision - scale
            : other.precision - other.scale;

    return getNumberType(Types.SQL_DECIMAL, newDigits + newScale, newScale);
  public String convertToString(Object a) {

    if (a == null) {
      return null;

    switch (this.typeCode) {
      case Types.TINYINT:
      case Types.SQL_SMALLINT:
      case Types.SQL_INTEGER:
      case Types.SQL_BIGINT:
        return a.toString();

      case Types.SQL_REAL:
      case Types.SQL_DOUBLE:
        double value = ((Double) a).doubleValue();

        // todo - java 5 format change
        if (value == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
          return "-1E0/0";

        if (value == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
          return "1E0/0";

        if (Double.isNaN(value)) {
          return "0E0/0E0";

        String s = Double.toString(value);

        // ensure the engine treats the value as a DOUBLE, not DECIMAL
        if (s.indexOf('E') < 0) {
          s = s.concat("E0");

        return s;

      case Types.SQL_NUMERIC:
      case Types.SQL_DECIMAL:
        return JavaSystem.toString((BigDecimal) a);

        throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType");
Beispiel #26
   * For the candidate table row, finds any referring node in the main table. This is used to check
   * referential integrity when updating a node. We have to make sure that the main table still
   * holds a valid main record. returns true If a valid row is found, false if there are null in the
   * data Otherwise a 'INTEGRITY VIOLATION' Exception gets thrown.
  boolean checkHasMainRef(Session session, Object[] row) {

    if (ArrayUtil.hasNull(row, core.refCols)) {
      return false;

    PersistentStore store = session.sessionData.getRowStore(core.mainTable);
    boolean exists = core.mainIndex.exists(session, store, row, core.refCols);

    if (!exists) {
      String[] info = new String[] {core.refName.name, core.mainTable.getName().name};

      throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_23502, ErrorCode.CONSTRAINT, info);

    return exists;
  StatementSession(int type, HsqlName[] readNames, HsqlName[] writeNames) {


    this.isTransactionStatement = true;
    this.readTableNames = readNames;
    writeTableNames = writeNames;

    switch (type) {
      case StatementTypes.TRANSACTION_LOCK_TABLE:
        group = StatementTypes.X_HSQLDB_TRANSACTION;

        throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "StatementCommand");
   * Converter from a numeric object to Integer. Input is checked to be within range represented by
   * the given number type.
  static Integer convertToInt(Object a, int type) throws HsqlException {

    int value;

    if (a instanceof Integer) {
      if (type == Types.SQL_INTEGER) {
        return (Integer) a;

      value = ((Integer) a).intValue();
    } else if (a instanceof Long) {
      long temp = ((Long) a).longValue();

      if (Integer.MAX_VALUE < temp || temp < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);

      value = (int) temp;
    } else if (a instanceof BigDecimal) {
      BigDecimal bd = ((BigDecimal) a);

      if (bd.compareTo(MAX_INT) > 0 || bd.compareTo(MIN_INT) < 0) {
        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);

      value = bd.intValue();
    } else if (a instanceof Double || a instanceof Float) {
      double d = ((Number) a).doubleValue();

      if (Double.isInfinite(d)
          || Double.isNaN(d)
          || d >= (double) Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1
          || d <= (double) Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1) {
        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);

      value = (int) d;
    } else {
      throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561);

    if (type == Types.TINYINT) {
      if (Byte.MAX_VALUE < value || value < Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);
    } else if (type == Types.SQL_SMALLINT) {
      if (Short.MAX_VALUE < value || value < Short.MIN_VALUE) {
        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003);

    return ValuePool.getInt(value);
Beispiel #29
  boolean hasColumn(int colIndex) {

    switch (constType) {
      case CHECK:
        return rangeVariable.usedColumns[colIndex];

      case PRIMARY_KEY:
      case UNIQUE:
      case MAIN:
        return ArrayUtil.find(core.mainCols, colIndex) != -1;

      case FOREIGN_KEY:
        return ArrayUtil.find(core.refCols, colIndex) != -1;

        throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Constraint");
  private static BigDecimal convertToDecimal(Object a) {

    if (a instanceof BigDecimal) {
      return (BigDecimal) a;
    } else if (a instanceof Integer || a instanceof Long) {
      return BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number) a).longValue());
    } else if (a instanceof Double) {
      double value = ((Number) a).doubleValue();

      if (Double.isInfinite(value) || Double.isNaN(value)) {
        return null;

      return new BigDecimal(value);
    } else {
      throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType");