public void run() {
   // TODO get rid of current and use the marker file instead?
   try {
     long start = System.nanoTime(); // keep time after lock is acquired for correct measure
     int oldIndex = current;
     int index = oldIndex == 1 ? 2 : 1;
     File destinationFile = new File(destination, Integer.valueOf(index).toString());
     try {
       log.tracef("Copying %s into %s", source, destinationFile);
       FileHelper.synchronize(source, destinationFile, true, copyChunkSize);
       current = index;
     } catch (IOException e) {
       // don't change current
       log.unableToSynchronizeSource(indexName, e);
     if (!new File(destination, CURRENT_DIR_NAME[oldIndex]).delete()) {
     try {
       new File(destination, CURRENT_DIR_NAME[index]).createNewFile();
     } catch (IOException e) {
       log.unableToCreateCurrentMarker(indexName, e);
         "Copy for %s took %d ms",
         indexName, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start));
   } finally {
 public void start() {
   int currentLocal = 0;
   this.directoryProviderLock = this.context.getDirectoryProviderLock(this);
   this.context = null;
   try {
     // copy to source
     if (new File(sourceDir, CURRENT1).exists()) {
       currentLocal = 2;
     } else if (new File(sourceDir, CURRENT2).exists()) {
       currentLocal = 1;
     } else {
       log.debugf("Source directory for '%s' will be initialized", indexName);
       currentLocal = 1;
     String currentString = Integer.valueOf(currentLocal).toString();
     File subDir = new File(sourceDir, currentString);
     FileHelper.synchronize(indexDir, subDir, true, copyChunkSize);
     new File(sourceDir, CURRENT1).delete();
     new File(sourceDir, CURRENT2).delete();
     // TODO small hole, no file can be found here
     new File(sourceDir, CURRENT_DIR_NAME[currentLocal]).createNewFile();
     log.debugf("Current directory: %d", currentLocal);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new SearchException("Unable to initialize index: " + directoryProviderName, e);
   task = new FSMasterDirectoryProvider.TriggerTask(indexDir, sourceDir);
   long period = DirectoryProviderHelper.getRefreshPeriod(properties, directoryProviderName);
   timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, period, period);
   this.current = currentLocal; // write to volatile to publish all state
  public void testMkdirsDetermineIndex() throws Exception {
    String root = "./testDir/dir1/dir2";
    String relative = "dir3";

    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.put("indexBase", root);
    properties.put("indexName", relative);

    DirectoryHelper.getVerifiedIndexDir("name", properties, true);

    assertTrue(new File(root).exists());

    FileHelper.delete(new File("./testDir"));