protected void readConfiguration(GeoServer geoServer, XStreamPersister xp) throws Exception {
    // look for services.xml, if it exists assume we are dealing with
    // an old data directory
    File f = resourceLoader.find("services.xml");
    if (f == null) {
      // assume 2.x style
      f = resourceLoader.find("global.xml");
      if (f != null) {
        GeoServerInfo global = depersist(xp, f, GeoServerInfo.class);

      // load logging
      f = resourceLoader.find("logging.xml");
      if (f != null) {
        LoggingInfo logging = depersist(xp, f, LoggingInfo.class);

      // load workspace specific settings
      File workspaces = resourceLoader.find("workspaces");
      if (workspaces != null) {
        for (File dir : workspaces.listFiles()) {
          if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.isHidden()) continue;

          f = resourceLoader.find(dir, "settings.xml");
          if (f != null) {
            SettingsInfo settings = depersist(xp, f, SettingsInfo.class);

      // load services
      final List<XStreamServiceLoader> loaders =
      loadServices(null, loaders, geoServer);

      // load services specific to workspace
      if (workspaces != null) {
        for (File dir : workspaces.listFiles()) {
          if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.isHidden()) continue;

          loadServices(dir, loaders, geoServer);

    } else {
      // add listener now as a converter which will convert from the old style
      // data directory to the new
      GeoServerPersister p = new GeoServerPersister(resourceLoader, xp);

      // import old style services.xml
      new LegacyConfigurationImporter(geoServer).imprt(resourceLoader.getBaseDirectory());


      // rename the services.xml file
      f.renameTo(new File(f.getParentFile(), "services.xml.old"));