  * Loads the properties in the system property file associated with the framework installation
  * into <tt>System.setProperty()</tt>. These properties are not directly used by the framework in
  * anyway. By default, the system property file is located in the <tt>conf/</tt> directory and is
  * called "<tt>system.properties</tt>".
 protected void loadSystemProperties(JsonValue configuration, URI projectDirectory) {
   JsonValue systemProperties = configuration.get(SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_PROP);
   if (systemProperties.isMap()) {
     for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : systemProperties.copy().asMap().entrySet()) {
       // The user.dir MUST not be overwritten!!!
       if (entry.getValue() instanceof String && !"user.dir".equals(entry.getKey())) {
         System.setProperty(entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue());
   } else {
     Properties props =
     if (props == null) return;
     // Perform variable substitution on specified properties.
     for (Enumeration e = props.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
       String name = (String) e.nextElement();
       if (!"user.dir".equals(name)) {
         Object newValue = ConfigurationUtil.substVars(props.getProperty(name), propertyAccessor);
         if (newValue instanceof String) {
           System.setProperty(name, (String) newValue);
 protected Resource convertValue(JsonValue queryResult) throws ParseException {
   return new Resource(
   * Start the string parsing. If base is not a string, will return null.
   * @param base base JsonValue object to begin parsing from
   * @return a string with any interpolation expanded or null if base is not a string
  private static String parse(JsonValue base) {
    if (!base.isString()) {
      return null;

    return buildString(base.asString());
  public void shouldGetWithSSL() throws ResourceException {

    // Given
    final String uri = "URI";
    final Map<String, String> queryParameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
    final Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
    final Context context = mock(Context.class);
    final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> requestAttributes =
        new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();
    final JSONObject restResponse = mock(JSONObject.class);


    // When
    final JsonValue response = restClient.get(uri, queryParameters, headers);

    // Then
    verify(resource, never()).addQueryParameter(anyString(), anyString());
    verify(requestHeaders, never()).set(anyString(), anyString());
    assertEquals(response.size(), 0);
Beispiel #5
  * Queries all the links for a given mapping, indexed by the source identifier
  * <p>This method expects a {@code "links-for-linkType"} defined with a parameter of {@code
  * "linkType"}.
  * @param mapping the mapping to look up the links for
  * @throws SynchronizationException if the query could not be performed.
  * @return the mapping from source identifier to the link object for it
 public static Map<String, Link> getLinksForMapping(ObjectMapping mapping, String linkQualifier)
     throws SynchronizationException {
   Map<String, Link> sourceIdToLink = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Link>();
   if (mapping != null) {
     JsonValue query = new JsonValue(new HashMap<String, Object>());
                     QueryFilter.equalTo("/linkType", mapping.getLinkType().getName()),
                     QueryFilter.equalTo("/linkQualifier", linkQualifier)))
     JsonValue queryResults =
     for (JsonValue entry : queryResults) {
       Link link = new Link(mapping);
       sourceIdToLink.put(link.sourceId, link);
   return sourceIdToLink;
Beispiel #6
   Alice has removed Dave's rights to EDIT, so EDIT needs removing from the
   active Dave -> Ed policy, and adding to an inactive policy.
  public void shouldRemoveLostRights() throws Exception {
    // Given
    List<Resource> policies = excludePolicies(DAVE, ED);
    policies.add(makePolicy(DAVE, ED, true, VIEW, DELETE, EDIT));

    PolicyGraph graph = makePolicyGraph(policies);

        .willReturn(new ResourceSetDescription(RESOURCE_SET_ID, "RESOURCE_SERVER_ID", ALICE, null));

    given(delegate.updatePolicies(isNull(ServerContext.class), anySet()))
            Promises.<List<Resource>, ResourceException>newResultPromise(

    given(delegate.createPolicies(isNull(ServerContext.class), anySet()))
            Promises.<List<Resource>, ResourceException>newResultPromise(

    // When
    Promise<List<List<Resource>>, ResourceException> promise = graph.update(null, delegate);

    // Then
    JsonValue created = policyCreated();
    assertThat(UmaPolicyUtils.getPolicyScopes(policyUpdated())).containsOnly(VIEW, DELETE);
Beispiel #7
   * Creates Organization within OpenAM
   * @param ocm Organization Configuration Manager
   * @param jVal JSONvalue that contains the payload
   * @param realm Name of the realm to be created
   * @throws SMSException
   * @throws Exception
  private void createOrganization(
      OrganizationConfigManager ocm, JsonValue jVal, String realm, String realmPath)
      throws Exception {

    Map defaultValues = null;
    OrganizationConfigManager realmCreatedOcm;
    if (realmPath != null && !realmPath.endsWith("/")) {
      realmPath = realmPath + "/";
    try {
      JsonValue realmDetails = jVal;
      if (jVal != null) {
        defaultValues = createServicesMap(jVal);
      ocm.createSubOrganization(realm, defaultValues);
      // Get the Organization Configuration Manager for the new Realm
      realmCreatedOcm = new OrganizationConfigManager(getSSOToken(), realmPath + realm);
      List newServiceNames = realmDetails.get(SERVICE_NAMES).asList();
      if (newServiceNames != null && !newServiceNames.isEmpty()) {
        // assign services to realm
        assignServices(realmCreatedOcm, newServiceNames);
    } catch (SMSException smse) {
      debug.error("RealmResource.createOrganization()", smse);
      throw smse;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      debug.error("RealmResource.createOrganization()", e);
      throw e;
Beispiel #8
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public String toString() {
   final JsonValue wrapper = new JsonValue(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(3));
   wrapper.add("id", id);
   wrapper.add("rev", revision);
   wrapper.add("content", content);
   return wrapper.toString();
Beispiel #9
  * Returns a JsonValue containing appropriate identity details
  * @param message Description of result
  * @return The JsonValue Object
 private JsonValue createJsonMessage(String key, Object message) {
   JsonValue result = new JsonValue(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(1));
   try {
     result.put(key, message);
     return result;
   } catch (final Exception e) {
     throw new JsonValueException(result);
   * Expands any interpolation contained within the JsonValue object in-place.
   * @param json JsonValue to parse for macros
  public static void expand(JsonValue json) {
    Iterator<String> iter = json.keys().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      String key = iter.next();

      String expanded = parse(json.get(key));
      if (expanded != null) {
        json.put(key, expanded);
  * Updates the underlying backend policies.
  * <p>NOTE: if the update of the underlying policies fails, the underlying policies may be in an
  * inconsistent state.
  * @param context The request context.
  * @param policies The updated underlying policies to update.
  * @return A promise containing the list of updated underlying policies or a {@code
  *     ResourceException} if the update failed.
 public Promise<List<Resource>, ResourceException> updatePolicies(
     ServerContext context, Set<JsonValue> policies) {
   List<Promise<Resource, ResourceException>> promises =
       new ArrayList<Promise<Resource, ResourceException>>();
   for (JsonValue policy : policies) {
     String policyName = policy.get("name").asString();
         policyResource.handleUpdate(context, Requests.newUpdateRequest(policyName, policy)));
   return Promises.when(promises);
Beispiel #12
 private static List<Resource> excludePolicies(String owner, String subject) {
   List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<>(VALID_POLICIES);
   for (Iterator<Resource> i = resources.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
     JsonValue policy = i.next().getContent();
     if (owner.equals(policy.get(PolicyGraph.OWNER_KEY).asString())
         && subject.equals(UmaPolicyUtils.getPolicySubject(policy))) {
   return resources;
Beispiel #13
  * Queries a single link and populates the object with its settings
  * @param The query parameters
  * @throws SynchronizationException if getting and initializing the link details fail
 private void getLink(JsonValue query) throws SynchronizationException {
   JsonValue results =
   if (results.size() == 1) {
   } else if (results.size() > 1) { // shouldn't happen if index is unique
     throw new SynchronizationException("More than one link found");
   * TODO: Description.
   * @param source
   * @param target
   * @param syncOperation the parent {@link ObjectMapping.SyncOperation} instance
   * @return TODO.
   * @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
  public Action getAction(
      LazyObjectAccessor source,
      LazyObjectAccessor target,
      final ObjectMapping.SyncOperation syncOperation)
      throws SynchronizationException {
    Action result = null;
    if (action != null) { // static action specified
      result = action;
    } else if (script != null) { // action is dynamically determine
      Map<String, Object> scope = new HashMap<String, Object>();
      if (null != scriptScope) {
        // Make a thread safe copy and put the variables into the scope
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : Utils.deepCopy(scriptScope).entrySet()) {
          if (scope.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
          scope.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
      Map<String, Object> recon = new HashMap<String, Object>();
      scope.put("recon", recon);
      JsonValue actionParam = null;
      if (syncOperation instanceof ObjectMapping.TargetSyncOperation) {
        actionParam = ((ObjectMapping.TargetSyncOperation) syncOperation).toJsonValue();
      } else if (syncOperation instanceof ObjectMapping.SourceSyncOperation) {
        actionParam = ((ObjectMapping.SourceSyncOperation) syncOperation).toJsonValue();
      if (null != actionParam) {
        // FIXME Decide if leading underscore should be used here or not
        actionParam.put("_" + ActionRequest.FIELD_ACTION, "performAction");
        recon.put("actionParam", actionParam.getObject());

      scope.put("sourceAction", (syncOperation instanceof ObjectMapping.SourceSyncOperation));
      if (source != null) {
        scope.put("source", source.asMap());
      if (target != null) {
        scope.put("target", target.asMap());
      try {
        result = Enum.valueOf(Action.class, script.exec(scope).toString());
      } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        throw new SynchronizationException("action script returned null value");
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        throw new SynchronizationException("action script returned invalid action");
      } catch (ScriptException se) {
        LOGGER.debug("action script encountered exception", se);
        throw new SynchronizationException(se);
    return result;
Beispiel #15
  * Returns a JsonValue containing Service Names and Values
  * @param ocm The organization configuration manager
  * @param serviceNames Names of the services available to the organization
  * @return The JsonValue Object containing attributes assigned to the services
 private JsonValue serviceNamesToJSON(OrganizationConfigManager ocm, Set serviceNames)
     throws SMSException {
   JsonValue realmServices = new JsonValue(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(1));
   try {
     for (Object service : serviceNames) {
       String tmp = (String) service;
       Object holdAttrForService = ocm.getAttributes(tmp);
       realmServices.add(tmp, holdAttrForService);
   } catch (SMSException e) {
     debug.error("RealmResource.serviceNamesToJSON :: " + e);
     throw e;
   return realmServices;
Beispiel #16
  * Queries the links for a match on the second system (links can be bi-directional)
  * <p>This method expects a {@code "links-for-targetId"} defined with a parameter of {@code
  * "targetId"}.
  * @param targetId TODO.
  * @throws SynchronizationException TODO.
 void getLinkFromSecond(String id) throws SynchronizationException {
   if (id != null) {
     JsonValue query = new JsonValue(new HashMap<String, Object>());
                     QueryFilter.equalTo("/linkType", mapping.getLinkType().getName()),
                     QueryFilter.equalTo("/linkQualifier", linkQualifier),
                     QueryFilter.equalTo("/secondId", id)))
  private void registerCsvAuditEventHandler(AuditService auditService)
      throws ResourceException, AuditException {
    JsonValue csvConfig = readJsonFile("/org/forgerock/openam/audit/csv-handler-config.json");

    CSVAuditEventHandlerConfiguration csvHandlerConfiguration =
        new CSVAuditEventHandlerConfiguration();

    CSVAuditEventHandler csvAuditEventHandler = new CSVAuditEventHandler();

    auditService.register(csvAuditEventHandler, "csv", csvConfig.get("events").asSet(String.class));
Beispiel #18
 private static Resource makePolicy(
     String owner, String subject, boolean active, String... scopes) {
   String policyId = owner + "-" + subject + "-" + active;
   JsonValue policy =
               field("_id", policyId),
               field(PolicyGraph.OWNER_KEY, owner),
               field(SUBJECT_KEY, object(field(BACKEND_POLICY_SUBJECT_CLAIM_VALUE_KEY, subject))),
               field(PolicyGraph.ACTIVE_KEY, active)));
   for (String scope : scopes) {
     policy.putPermissive(new JsonPointer(BACKEND_POLICY_ACTION_VALUES_KEY + "/" + scope), true);
   return new Resource(policyId, String.valueOf(policyId.hashCode()), policy);
 public Object get(String name, Scriptable start) {
   if (PatchRequest.FIELD_PATCH_OPERATIONS.equals(name)) {
     final JsonValue value = new JsonValue(new ArrayList<Object>());
     for (final PatchOperation operation : request.getPatchOperations()) {
     return Converter.wrap(parameter, value, start, false);
   } else if (PatchRequest.FIELD_REVISION.equals(name)) {
     return Converter.wrap(parameter, request.getRevision(), start, false);
   } else {
     return super.get(name, start);
 public JsonValue getLauncherConfiguration() {
   if (null == launcherConfiguration) {
     launcherConfiguration = new JsonValue(new HashMap<String, Object>());
   return launcherConfiguration;
  private Map<String, Object> toMap(JsonRepresentation entity) throws BadRequestException {
    if (entity == null) {
      return Collections.emptyMap();

    try {
      final String jsonString = entity.getJsonObject().toString();
      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(jsonString)) {
        JsonValue jsonContent = JsonValueBuilder.toJsonValue(jsonString);
        return jsonContent.asMap(Object.class);

      return Collections.emptyMap();
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      throw new BadRequestException(e.getMessage());
  private String getTicketId(JsonValue requestBody) throws BadRequestException {
    final JsonValue ticket = requestBody.get("ticket");

    String ticketId = null;

    try {
      ticketId = ticket.asString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new BadRequestException(UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_TICKET_MESSAGE);

    if (ticketId == null) {
      throw new BadRequestException(UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_TICKET_MESSAGE);

    return ticketId;
  public void testResource() throws Exception {
    ScriptName scriptName = new ScriptName("resource", getLanguageName());
    ScriptEntry scriptEntry = getScriptRegistry().takeScript(scriptName);

    Script script = scriptEntry.getScript(new RootContext());
    // Set RequestLevel Scope
    script.put("ketto", 2);
    script.putSafe("callback", mock(Function.class));

    JsonValue createContent = new JsonValue(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>());
    createContent.put("externalId", "701984");
    createContent.put("userName", "*****@*****.**");
        "assignedDashboard", Arrays.asList("Salesforce", "Google", "ConstantContact"));
    createContent.put("displayName", "Babs Jensen");
    createContent.put("nickName", "Babs");

    JsonValue updateContent = createContent.copy();
    updateContent.put("_id", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
    updateContent.put("profileUrl", "https://login.example.com/bjensen");

    final Context context =
        new ApiInfoContext(
            new SecurityContext(new RootContext(), "*****@*****.**", null), "", "");
    script.put("context", context);

    CreateRequest createRequest = Requests.newCreateRequest("/Users", "701984", createContent);
    script.put("createRequest", createRequest);
    ReadRequest readRequest = Requests.newReadRequest("/Users/701984");
    script.put("readRequest", readRequest);
    UpdateRequest updateRequest = Requests.newUpdateRequest("/Users/701984", updateContent);
    script.put("updateRequest", updateRequest);
    PatchRequest patchRequest =
        Requests.newPatchRequest("/Users/701984", PatchOperation.replace("userName", "ddoe"));
    script.put("patchRequest", patchRequest);
    QueryRequest queryRequest = Requests.newQueryRequest("/Users/");
    script.put("queryRequest", queryRequest);
    DeleteRequest deleteRequest = Requests.newDeleteRequest("/Users/701984");
    script.put("deleteRequest", deleteRequest);
    ActionRequest actionRequest = Requests.newActionRequest("/Users", "clear");
    script.put("actionRequest", actionRequest);
  * Loads the configuration properties in the configuration property file associated with the
  * framework installation; these properties are accessible to the framework and to bundles and are
  * intended for configuration purposes. By default, the configuration property file is located in
  * the <tt>conf/</tt> directory and is called " <tt>config.properties</tt>".
  * @return A <tt>Map<String, Object></tt> instance or <tt>null</tt> if there was an error.
 protected Map<String, String> loadConfigProperties(
     JsonValue configuration, URI projectDirectory) {
   JsonValue systemProperties = configuration.get(CONFIG_PROPERTIES_PROP);
   if (systemProperties.isMap()) {
     // Substitute all variables
     systemProperties = systemProperties.copy();
   } else {
     Properties props =
     if (props == null) return new HashMap<String, String>(0);
     // Perform variable substitution on specified properties.
     systemProperties = (new JsonValue(props, null, Arrays.asList(transformer))).copy();
   Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<String, String>(systemProperties.size());
   for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : systemProperties.asMap().entrySet()) {
     if (entry.getValue() instanceof String) {
       // Excluce the null and non String values
       config.put(entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue());
   return config;
  * Loads the boot properties in the configuration property file associated with the framework
  * installation; these properties are accessible to the framework and to bundles and are intended
  * for configuration purposes. By default, the configuration property file is located in the
  * <tt>conf/</tt> directory and is called " <tt>config.properties</tt>".
  * @return A <tt>Map<String, Object></tt> instance or <tt>null</tt> if there was an error.
 protected Map<String, Object> loadBootProperties(JsonValue configuration, URI projectDirectory) {
   JsonValue bootProperties = configuration.get(BOOT_PROPERTIES_PROP);
   if (bootProperties.isMap()) {
     // Substitute all variables
     return bootProperties.copy().asMap();
   } else {
     Properties props =
     if (props == null) return new HashMap<String, Object>(0);
     // Perform variable substitution on specified properties.
     return (new JsonValue(props, null, Arrays.asList(transformer)))
Beispiel #26
    void setConfiguredQueries(Map<String, String> replacements, JsonValue queriesConfig) {
      for (String queryName : queriesConfig.keys()) {
        String rawQuery = queriesConfig.get(queryName).required().asString();

        TokenHandler tokenHandler = new TokenHandler();
        // Replace the table name tokens.
        String tempQueryString = tokenHandler.replaceSomeTokens(rawQuery, replacements);

        // Convert to ? for prepared statement, populate token replacement info
        List<String> tokenNames = tokenHandler.extractTokens(tempQueryString);
        String queryString = tokenHandler.replaceTokens(tempQueryString, "?", PREFIX_LIST);

        QueryInfo queryInfo = new QueryInfo(queryString, tokenNames);
        configured.put(queryName, queryInfo);
            "Configured query converted to JDBC query {} and tokens {}", queryString, tokenNames);
  * Checks that the JSON callback being converted is of the same type as the CallbackHandler.
  * @param callbackName The required name of the callback.
  * @param jsonCallback The JSON callback object.
 final void validateCallbackType(String callbackName, JsonValue jsonCallback)
     throws RestAuthException {
   String type = jsonCallback.get("type").asString();
   if (!callbackName.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
     DEBUG.message(MessageFormat.format("Method called with invalid callback, {0}.", type));
     throw new RestAuthException(
         MessageFormat.format("Invalid Callback, {0}, for handler", type));
  * Returns the exception in a JSON object structure, suitable for inclusion in the entity of an
  * HTTP error response. The JSON representation looks like this:
  * <pre>
  * {
  *     "code"    : 404,
  *     "reason"  : "...",  // optional
  *     "message" : "...",  // required
  *     "detail"  : { ... } // optional
  *     "cause"   : { ... } // optional iff includeCause is set to true
  * }
  * </pre>
  * @return The exception in a JSON object structure, suitable for inclusion in the entity of an
  *     HTTP error response.
 public final JsonValue toJsonValue() {
   final Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(4);
   result.put(FIELD_CODE, code); // required
   if (reason != null) { // optional
     result.put(FIELD_REASON, reason);
   final String message = getMessage();
   if (message != null) { // should always be present
     result.put(FIELD_MESSAGE, message);
   if (!detail.isNull()) {
     result.put(FIELD_DETAIL, detail.getObject());
   if (includeCause && getCause() != null && getCause().getMessage() != null) {
     final Map<String, Object> cause = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(2);
     cause.put("message", getCause().getMessage());
     result.put(FIELD_CAUSE, cause);
   return new JsonValue(result);
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public AuditService createAuditService() throws AuditException {

    JsonValue extendedEventTypes = readJsonFile("/org/forgerock/openam/audit/events-config.json");
    JsonValue customEventTypes = json(object());

    AuditServiceConfiguration auditServiceConfiguration = new AuditServiceConfiguration();
    JsonValue serviceConfig = readJsonFile("/org/forgerock/openam/audit/service-config.json");

    AuditService auditService = new AuditService(extendedEventTypes, customEventTypes);
    try {
    } catch (ResourceException | AuditException e) {
      debug.error("Unable to configure AuditService", e);
      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to configure AuditService.", e);
    return auditService;
  public void shouldGetWithEmptyQueryParameters() throws ResourceException {

    // Given
    final String uri = "URI";
    final Map<String, String> queryParameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
    final Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
    final JSONObject restResponse = mock(JSONObject.class);


    // When
    final JsonValue response = restClient.get(uri, queryParameters, headers);

    // Then
    verify(resource, never()).addQueryParameter(anyString(), anyString());
    verify(requestHeaders, never()).set(anyString(), anyString());
    verify(resource, never()).getContext();
    assertEquals(response.size(), 0);