Beispiel #1
   * You can use this if you have a lot of text parameters to set instead of the individual
   * properties.
   * @param Font The name of the font face for the text display.
   * @param Size The size of the font (in pixels essentially).
   * @param Color The color of the text in traditional flash 0xRRGGBB format.
   * @param Alignment A string representing the desired alignment ("left,"right" or "center").
   * @param ShadowColor An int representing the desired text shadow color in flash 0xAARRGGBB
   *     format.
   * @param ShadowX The x-position of the shadow, default is 1.
   * @param ShadowY The y-position of the shadow, default is 1.
   * @return This FlxText instance (nice for chaining stuff together, if you're into that).
  public FlxText setFormat(
      String Font,
      float Size,
      int Color,
      String Alignment,
      int ShadowColor,
      float ShadowX,
      float ShadowY) {
    if (Font == null) Font = _font;

    if (!Font.equals(_font) || Size != _size) {
      try {
        _textField = new BitmapFontCache(FlxG.loadFont(Font, FlxU.round(Size)));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        _textField = new BitmapFontCache(FlxG.loadFont("org/flixel/data/font/nokiafc.fnt", 22));

      _font = Font;
      _size = FlxU.round(Size);

    if (Alignment != null) // GWT doesn't support Locale. May cause problems?
    _alignment = HAlignment.valueOf(Alignment.toUpperCase()); // Locale.ENGLISH));
    _shadow = ShadowColor;
    _shadowX = ShadowX;
    _shadowY = ShadowY;


    return this;
Beispiel #2
  public void draw() {
    if (_flickerTimer != 0) {
      _flicker = !_flicker;
      if (_flicker) return;

    FlxCamera camera = FlxG._activeCamera;

    if (cameras == null) cameras = FlxG.cameras;

    if (!cameras.contains(camera, true)) return;

    if (!onScreen(camera)) return;

    _point.x = x - (camera.scroll.x * scrollFactor.x) - offset.x;
    _point.y = y - (camera.scroll.y * scrollFactor.y) - offset.y;
    _point.x += (_point.x > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f;
    _point.y += (_point.y > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f;

    // scaling
    BitmapFont font = _textField.getFont();
    if (scale.x != font.getScaleX() || scale.y != font.getScaleY()) {
      _textField.getFont().setScale(scale.x, scale.y);

    // position
    _textField.setPosition(_point.x, _point.y);

    // rotation
    if (angle != 0) {
      _matrix = FlxG.batch.getTransformMatrix().cpy();

      Matrix4 rotationMatrix = FlxG.batch.getTransformMatrix();
          _textField.getX() + (width / 2), _textField.getY() + (height / 2), 0);
      rotationMatrix.rotate(0, 0, 1, angle);
          -(_textField.getX() + (width / 2)), -(_textField.getY() + (height / 2)), 0);


    // blending
    if (blend != null && currentBlend != blend) {
      int[] blendFunc = BlendMode.getOpenGLBlendMode(blend);
      FlxG.batch.setBlendFunction(blendFunc[0], blendFunc[1]);
    } else if ( && (FlxG.batchShader == null || ignoreBatchShader)) {
      // OpenGL ES 2.0 shader render
      // OpenGL ES 2.0 blend mode render

    // Render shadow behind the text
    if (_shadow != 0) {
      // tinting
      int tintColor = FlxU.multiplyColors(_shadow, camera.getColor());
          ((tintColor >> 16) & 0xFF) * 0.00392f,
          ((tintColor >> 8) & 0xFF) * 0.00392f,
          (tintColor & 0xFF) * 0.00392f,
          ((_shadow >> 24) & 0xFF) * _alpha * 0.00392f);
      _textField.translate(_shadowX, _shadowY);
      _textField.translate(-_shadowX, -_shadowY);

    // tinting
    int tintColor = FlxU.multiplyColors(_color, camera.getColor());
        ((tintColor >> 16) & 0xFF) * 0.00392f,
        ((tintColor >> 8) & 0xFF) * 0.00392f,
        (tintColor & 0xFF) * 0.00392f,


    // rotation
    if (angle != 0) FlxG.batch.setTransformMatrix(_matrix);


    if (FlxG.visualDebug && !ignoreDrawDebug) drawDebug(camera);
Beispiel #3
 /** The alignment of the font ("left", "right", or "center"). */
 public void setAlignment(String Alignment) {
   if (Alignment == null) return;
   _alignment = HAlignment.valueOf(Alignment.toUpperCase()); // Locale.ENGLISH));
Beispiel #4
 /** The text being displayed. */
 public void setText(CharSequence Text) {
   _text = Text;