Beispiel #1
  public void removeTrailingWhitespace() {
    int end = textArea.getDocument().getLength();

    // remove trailing empty lines
    int realEnd = end;
    if (eolAt(end - 1)) {
      while (eolAt(end - 2) || getText(end - 2, end - 1).equals("\r")) end--;
      if (end < realEnd) textArea.replaceRange("", end - 1, realEnd - 1);

    // remove trailing white space from each line
    for (int i = textArea.getLineCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      try {
        int start = textArea.getLineStartOffset(i);
        if (eolAt(end - 1)) end--;
        if (start == end) continue;
        String line = getText(start, end);
        realEnd = end;
        while (start < end && Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(end - start - 1))) end--;
        if (end < realEnd) textArea.replaceRange("", end, realEnd);
        end = start;
      } catch (BadLocationException e) {
        /* cannot happen */
Beispiel #2
 int skipToEOL(TokenIterator iter, Token current) {
   int end = textArea.getDocument().getLength();
   for (; ; ) {
     if (current.type == current.NULL || !iter.hasNext()) return end;
     end = current.offset + current.textCount;
     current =;
  * Returns the starting line of this fold region. This is the only line in the fold region that is
  * not hidden when a fold is collapsed.
  * <p>The value returned by this method will automatically update as the text area's contents are
  * modified, to track the starting line of the code block.
  * @return The starting line of the code block.
  * @see #getEndLine()
  * @see #getStartOffset()
 public int getStartLine() {
   int startOffs = getStartOffset();
   if (lastStartOffs == startOffs) {
     return cachedStartLine;
   lastStartOffs = startOffs;
   Element root = textArea.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
   return cachedStartLine = root.getElementIndex(startOffs);
  * Returns the end line of this fold. For example, in languages such as C and Java, this might be
  * the line containing the closing curly brace of a code block.
  * <p>The value returned by this method will automatically update as the text area's contents are
  * modified, to track the ending line of the code block.
  * @return The end line of this code block.
  * @see #getEndOffset()
  * @see #getStartLine()
 public int getEndLine() {
   int endOffs = getEndOffset();
   if (lastEndOffs == endOffs) {
     return cachedEndLine;
   lastEndOffs = endOffs;
   Element root = textArea.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
   return cachedEndLine = root.getElementIndex(endOffs);
  * Returns whether the specified offset is "inside" the fold. This method returns <code>true
  * </code> if the offset is greater than the fold start offset, and no further than the last
  * offset of the last folded line.
  * @param offs The offset to check.
  * @return Whether the offset is "inside" the fold.
  * @see #containsLine(int)
 public boolean containsOffset(int offs) {
   boolean contained = false;
   if (offs > getStartOffset()) {
     // Use Elements to avoid BadLocationExceptions
     Element root = textArea.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
     int line = root.getElementIndex(offs);
     contained = line <= getEndLine();
   return contained;
Beispiel #6
  private void search(int direction) {
    String searchText = searchField.getText();
    if (searchText == null || searchText.length() == 0 || rTextArea.getText() == null) {

    boolean forward = direction >= 0;
    boolean matchCase = matchCaseCB.isSelected();
    boolean regex = regexCB.isSelected();
    boolean wholeWord = wholeWordCB.isSelected();

    if (markAllCB.isSelected()) {
      rTextArea.markAll(searchText, matchCase, wholeWord, regex);
    } else {

    SearchContext context = new SearchContext();

    // TODO hack: move cursor before previous search for not jump to next occurrence
    if (direction == 0 && !COLOR_BG_ERROR.equals(searchField.getBackground())) {
      try {
        int caretPos = rTextArea.getCaretPosition();
        int lineNum = rTextArea.getLineOfOffset(caretPos) - 1;
        if (lineNum > 1) {
      } catch (BadLocationException e) {
        LOG.error("Caret move error", e);

    boolean found = SearchEngine.find(rTextArea, context);
    if (!found) {
      int pos =
              searchText, rTextArea.getText(), forward, matchCase, wholeWord);
      if (pos != -1) {
        rTextArea.setCaretPosition(forward ? 0 : rTextArea.getDocument().getLength() - 1);
    } else {
  private void init(final DesignTimeContext designTimeContext) {
    if (designTimeContext == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException();
    this.designTimeContext = designTimeContext;


    previewAction = new PreviewAction();

    queryNameTextField = new JTextField(null, 0);
    queryNameTextField.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new QueryNameTextFieldDocumentListener());

    queryTextArea = new RSyntaxTextArea();
    queryTextArea.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new QueryDocumentListener());

    initScriptTextArea = new RSyntaxTextArea();

    shutdownScriptTextArea = new RSyntaxTextArea();

    languageField =
        new JList(new DefaultComboBoxModel(InternalBSFManager.getRegisteredLanguages()));
    languageField.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(new UpdateLanguageHandler());

    queryNameList = new JList();
    queryNameList.addListSelectionListener(new QueryNameListSelectionListener());
    queryNameList.setCellRenderer(new QueryNameListCellRenderer());

    final QueryRemoveAction removeQueryAction = new QueryRemoveAction();

   * Sets whether this <code>Fold</code> is collapsed. Calling this method will update both the text
   * area and all <code>Gutter</code> components.
   * @param collapsed Whether this fold should be collapsed.
   * @see #isCollapsed()
   * @see #toggleCollapsedState()
  public void setCollapsed(boolean collapsed) {

    if (collapsed != this.collapsed) {

      // Change our fold state and cached info about folded line count.
      int lineCount = getLineCount();
      int linesToCollapse = lineCount - childCollapsedLineCount;
      if (!collapsed) { // If we're expanding
        linesToCollapse = -linesToCollapse;
      // System.out.println("Hiding lines: " + linesToCollapse +
      //		" (" + lineCount + ", " + linesToCollapse + ")");
      this.collapsed = collapsed;
      if (parent != null) {

      // If an end point of the selection is being hidden, move the caret
      // "out" of the fold.
      if (collapsed) {
        int dot = textArea.getSelectionStart(); // Forgive variable name
        Element root = textArea.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement();
        int dotLine = root.getElementIndex(dot);
        boolean updateCaret = containsLine(dotLine);
        if (!updateCaret) {
          int mark = textArea.getSelectionEnd();
          if (mark != dot) {
            int markLine = root.getElementIndex(mark);
            updateCaret = containsLine(markLine);
        if (updateCaret) {
          dot = root.getElement(getStartLine()).getEndOffset() - 1;

 public Fold(int type, RSyntaxTextArea textArea, int startOffs) throws BadLocationException {
   this.type = type;
   this.textArea = textArea;
   this.startOffs = textArea.getDocument().createPosition(startOffs);
  * Sets the ending offset of this fold, such as the closing curly brace of a code block in C or
  * Java. {@link FoldParser} implementations should call this on an existing <code>Fold</code> upon
  * finding its end. If this method isn't called, then this <code>Fold</code> is considered to have
  * no end, i.e., it will collapse everything to the end of the file.
  * @param endOffs The end offset of this fold.
  * @throws BadLocationException If <code>endOffs</code> is not a valid location in the text area.
 public void setEndOffset(int endOffs) throws BadLocationException {
   this.endOffs = textArea.getDocument().createPosition(endOffs);