   * <pre>
   * This method returns the role referenced by the {@link Collaboration} that is
   * the type of the {@link CollaborationUse}.
   * {@inheritDoc}
   * </pre>
  public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
    Object[] children = null;

    if (inputElement instanceof CollaborationUse) {
      CollaborationUse parentUMLElement = (CollaborationUse) inputElement;
      if (parentUMLElement.getType() != null) {
        children = parentUMLElement.getType().getCollaborationRoles().toArray();
    return children;
 // TODO add types from the loaded resources
 // traverse deep into the nested packages
 public IContentAssistProcessor getCompletionProcessor(IAdaptable subject) {
   CollaborationUse cu = doAdapt(subject);
   String name = cu.getName() == null ? "" : cu.getName(); // $NON-NLS-1$
   List<Type> types = getTypeProposals(cu);
   LinkedList<String> names = new LinkedList<String>();
   for (Type next : types) {
     names.add(COLLABORATION_USE_FORMAT.format(new Object[] {name, next.getName()}));
   FixedSetCompletionProcessor cp = new FixedSetCompletionProcessor(names);
   return cp;
 public ICommand getParseCommand(IAdaptable element, String newString, int flags) {
   CollaborationUse cu = doAdapt(element);
   if (cu == null) {
     return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;
   if (newString == null) {
     return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;
   Collaboration oldType = cu.getType();
   String oldName = cu.getName() == null ? "" : cu.getName(); // $NON-NLS-1$
   List<Type> types = getTypeProposals(cu);
   try {
     Object[] parsed = COLLABORATION_USE_FORMAT.parse(newString);
     String newName = (String) parsed[0];
     CompositeCommand cc =
         new CompositeCommand(
     if (!oldName.equals(newName)) {
           new SetValueCommand(
               new SetRequest(cu, UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getNamedElement_Name(), newName)));
     if (parsed.length < 2) {
       return cc;
     String newType = (String) parsed[1];
     for (Type next : types) {
       if (newType.equals(next.getName()) && !newType.equals(oldType)) {
             new SetValueCommand(
                 new SetRequest(cu, UMLPackage.eINSTANCE.getCollaborationUse_Type(), next)));
     return cc;
   } catch (ParseException e) {
   return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;
 private List<Type> getTypeProposals(CollaborationUse cu) {
   EObject root = cu.eContainer();
   while (root.eContainer() != null) {
     root = root.eContainer();
   if (false == root instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package) {
     return Collections.<Type>emptyList();
   List<Type> types = new LinkedList<Type>();
   for (Type next : ((org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package) root).getOwnedTypes()) {
   return types;
   * <pre>
   *  The method executes the creation :
   *  - opens a selection dialog to choose a {@link ConnectableElement} reference as a role by the {@link CollaborationUse} type
   *  - created a dependency between the selected role and the {@link ConnectableElement} that will be bind to it
   * {@inheritDoc}
   * </pre>
  protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(final IProgressMonitor monitor, final IAdaptable info)
      throws ExecutionException {

    if (!canExecute()) {
      throw new ExecutionException(Messages.RoleBindingCreateCommand_INVALID_ARGS_MSG);

    // Retrieve the graphical source of the binding.
    // This differs from the semantic source of the binding which is a role of the
    // CollaborationUse type.
    CollaborationUse graphicalSource = (CollaborationUse) getSource();

    // Create and open the selection dialog
    ComposedAdapterFactory adapterFactory =
        new ComposedAdapterFactory(ComposedAdapterFactory.Descriptor.Registry.INSTANCE);
    Shell currentShell = new Shell(Display.getCurrent(), SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL);
    ElementTreeSelectionDialog dialog =
        new ElementTreeSelectionDialog(
            new AdapterFactoryLabelProvider(adapterFactory),
            new CollaborationRoleTreeContentProvider());

    try {
      // Set dialog parameters
      // The source CollaborationUse is set as input for the selection dialog,
      // the CollaborationRoleTreeContentProvider provides the roles that can possibly be
      // selected.

    } finally {

    // If a ConnectableElement has been selected, complete command execution
    // using selection as the "newly created" element and make the edited
    // Collaboration reference it in the CollaborationRoles eReference.
    if (dialog.getReturnCode() == ElementTreeSelectionDialog.OK) {

      ConnectableElement roleToBind = (ConnectableElement) dialog.getFirstResult();
      // Create a Dependency (the binding) between selected role and a ConnectableElement
      // (the target)
      Dependency newBinding = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createDependency();
      newBinding.setName("binding_" + roleToBind.getName() + "_" + getTarget().getName());

      doConfigure(newBinding, monitor, info);

      ((CreateElementRequest) getRequest()).setNewElement(newBinding);

      return CommandResult.newOKCommandResult(newBinding);

    // No role selected: abort element creation
    return CommandResult.newCancelledCommandResult();
 public String getEditString(IAdaptable element, int flags) {
   CollaborationUse cu = doAdapt(element);
   String name = cu.getName() == null ? "" : cu.getName(); // $NON-NLS-1$
   String type = cu.getType() == null ? "" : cu.getType().getName(); // $NON-NLS-1$
   return COLLABORATION_USE_FORMAT.format(new Object[] {name, type});