   * Verifies if the selected node underneath <code>treePath</code> at column <code>column</code>
   * has a rendered text which is equal to <code>selection</code>.
   * @param pattern the pattern
   * @param operator The operator to use when comparing the expected and actual values.
   * @param column the column or column path of the item to select
   * @param colOperator the operator for the column path
   * @throws StepExecutionException If there is no tree node selected, the tree path contains no
   *     selection or the verification fails
  public void rcVerifySelectedValueAtPath(
      String pattern, String operator, String column, String colOperator)
      throws StepExecutionException {

    TreeTableOperationContext context = getContext();
    final int implCol = context.getColumnFromString(column, colOperator, true);

    String text = context.getRenderedTextOfColumn(context.getSelectedNode());

    Verifier.match(text, pattern, operator);
   * Verifies if the selected node underneath <code>treePath</code> at column <code>column</code>
   * has a rendered text which is equal to <code>selection</code>.
   * @param pattern the pattern
   * @param operator The operator to use when comparing the expected and actual values.
   * @param column The column containing the text to verify
   * @throws StepExecutionException If there is no tree node selected, the tree path contains no
   *     selection or the verification fails
  public void rcVerifySelectedValue(String pattern, String operator, int column)
      throws StepExecutionException {

    final int implCol = IndexConverter.toImplementationIndex(column);

    TreeTableOperationContext context = getContext();

    String text = context.getRenderedTextOfColumn(context.getSelectedNode());

    Verifier.match(text, pattern, operator);
   * Traverses the tree by searching for the nodes in the tree path entry and calling the given
   * operation on the last element in the path.
   * @param treePath The tree path.
   * @param pathType For example, "relative" or "absolute".
   * @param preAscend Relative traversals will start this many parent nodes above the current node.
   *     Absolute traversals ignore this parameter.
   * @param operation The tree node operation.
   * @param column The target column for the operation.
   * @throws StepExecutionException If the path traversal fails.
  private void traverseLastElementByPath(
      INodePath treePath, String pathType, int preAscend, TreeNodeOperation operation, int column)
      throws StepExecutionException {


    TreeTableOperationContext context = getContext();
    TreeItem<?> startNode = (TreeItem<?>) getStartNode(pathType, preAscend, context);

    AbstractTreeNodeTraverser traverser =
        new PathBasedTraverser(context, treePath, new TreeNodeOperationConstraint());
    traverser.traversePath(operation, startNode);