Beispiel #1
  public boolean forFriendship() {
    if (astName == null) return false;
    IASTNode node = astName.getParent();
    while (node instanceof IASTName) node = node.getParent();

    IASTDeclaration decl = null;
    IASTDeclarator dtor = null;
    if (node instanceof ICPPASTDeclSpecifier && node.getParent() instanceof IASTDeclaration) {
      decl = (IASTDeclaration) node.getParent();
    } else if (node instanceof IASTDeclarator) {
      dtor = (IASTDeclarator) node;
      while (dtor.getParent() instanceof IASTDeclarator) dtor = (IASTDeclarator) dtor.getParent();
      if (!(dtor.getParent() instanceof IASTDeclaration)) return false;
      decl = (IASTDeclaration) dtor.getParent();
    } else {
      return false;
    if (decl instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) {
      IASTSimpleDeclaration simple = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) decl;
      if (!((ICPPASTDeclSpecifier) simple.getDeclSpecifier()).isFriend()) return false;
      if (dtor != null) return true;
      return simple.getDeclarators().length == 0;
    } else if (decl instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition) {
      IASTFunctionDefinition fnDef = (IASTFunctionDefinition) decl;
      if (!((ICPPASTDeclSpecifier) fnDef.getDeclSpecifier()).isFriend()) return false;
      return (dtor != null);
    return false;
 public void replace(IASTNode child, IASTNode other) {
   if (child == declarator) {
     declarator = (IASTDeclarator) other;
Beispiel #3
 private void handleAppends(IASTNode node) {
   List<ASTModification> modifications = getModifications(node, ModificationKind.APPEND_CHILD);
   if (modifications.isEmpty()) return;
   ChangeGeneratorWriterVisitor writer =
       new ChangeGeneratorWriterVisitor(modificationStore, commentMap);
   ReplaceEdit anchor = getAppendAnchor(node);
   IASTNode precedingNode = getLastNodeBeforeAppendPoint(node);
   for (ASTModification modification : modifications) {
     IASTNode newNode = modification.getNewNode();
     if (precedingNode != null) {
       if (ASTWriter.requireBlankLineInBetween(precedingNode, newNode)) {
     } else if (node instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) {
     precedingNode = null;
   if (node instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) {
   String code = writer.toString();
   IFile file = FileHelper.getFileFromNode(node);
   MultiTextEdit parentEdit = getEdit(node, file);
   ReplaceEdit edit =
       new ReplaceEdit(anchor.getOffset(), anchor.getLength(), code + anchor.getText());
   IASTFileLocation fileLocation = node.getFileLocation();
   sourceOffsets.put(fileLocation.getFileName(), endOffset(fileLocation));
Beispiel #4
  private IASTNode getNextSiblingOrPreprocessorNode(IASTNode node) {
    int endOffset = endOffset(node);
    IASTTranslationUnit ast = node.getTranslationUnit();
    IASTPreprocessorStatement[] preprocessorStatements = ast.getAllPreprocessorStatements();
    int low = 0;
    int high = preprocessorStatements.length;
    while (low < high) {
      int mid = (low + high) / 2;
      IASTNode statement = preprocessorStatements[mid];
      if (statement.isPartOfTranslationUnitFile() && offset(statement) > endOffset) {
        high = mid;
      } else {
        low = mid + 1;
    if (high < preprocessorStatements.length) {
      IASTNode statement = preprocessorStatements[high];
      if (statement.isPartOfTranslationUnitFile()) {
        int offset = offset(statement);
        if (!doesRegionContainNode(ast, endOffset, offset - endOffset)) {
          return statement;

    return getNextSiblingNode(node);
 private IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier getCompositeTypeSpecifier(IASTName selectedName) {
   IASTNode node = selectedName;
   while (node != null && !(node instanceof IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier)) {
     node = node.getParent();
   return (IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) node;
Beispiel #6
 public void replace(IASTNode child, IASTNode other) {
   if (child == nested) {
     nested = (IASTDeclarator) other;
Beispiel #7
 public boolean isFunctionCall() {
   if (astName == null) return false;
   if (astName.getPropertyInParent() == CPPSemantics.STRING_LOOKUP_PROPERTY) return false;
   IASTNode p1 = astName.getParent();
   if (p1 instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) p1 = p1.getParent();
   return (p1 instanceof IASTIdExpression
       && p1.getPropertyInParent() == IASTFunctionCallExpression.FUNCTION_NAME);
 public void replace(IASTNode child, IASTNode other) {
   if (child == operand) {
     operand = (IASTExpression) other;
Beispiel #9
  private void handleReplace(IASTNode node) {
    List<ASTModification> modifications = getModifications(node, ModificationKind.REPLACE);
    String source = node.getTranslationUnit().getRawSignature();
    TextEdit edit;
    ChangeGeneratorWriterVisitor writer =
        new ChangeGeneratorWriterVisitor(modificationStore, commentMap);
    IASTFileLocation fileLocation = node.getFileLocation();
    Integer val = sourceOffsets.get(fileLocation.getFileName());
    int processedOffset = val != null ? val.intValue() : 0;
    if (modifications.size() == 1 && modifications.get(0).getNewNode() == null) {
      int offset = getOffsetIncludingComments(node);
      int endOffset = getEndOffsetIncludingComments(node);
      offset = Math.max(skipPrecedingBlankLines(source, offset), processedOffset);
      endOffset = skipTrailingBlankLines(source, endOffset);
      IASTNode[] siblingsList = getContainingNodeList(node);
      if (siblingsList != null) {
        if (siblingsList.length > 1) {
          if (node == siblingsList[0]) {
            endOffset = skipToTrailingDelimiter(source, ',', endOffset);
          } else {
            offset = skipToPrecedingDelimiter(source, ',', offset);
        } else if (node.getPropertyInParent() == ICPPASTFunctionDefinition.MEMBER_INITIALIZER) {
          offset = skipToPrecedingDelimiter(source, ':', offset);
      IASTNode prevNode = getPreviousSiblingOrPreprocessorNode(node);
      IASTNode nextNode = getNextSiblingOrPreprocessorNode(node);
      if (prevNode != null && nextNode != null) {
        if (ASTWriter.requireBlankLineInBetween(prevNode, nextNode)) {
      } else if (node.getParent() instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) {
      String code = writer.toString();
      edit = new ReplaceEdit(offset, endOffset - offset, code);
    } else {
      String code = writer.toString();
      int offset = fileLocation.getNodeOffset();
      int endOffset = offset + fileLocation.getNodeLength();
      if (node instanceof IASTStatement || node instanceof IASTDeclaration) {
        // Include trailing comments in the area to be replaced.
        endOffset = Math.max(endOffset, getEndOffsetIncludingTrailingComments(node));
      String lineSeparator = writer.getScribe().getLineSeparator();
      if (code.endsWith(lineSeparator)) {
        code = code.substring(0, code.length() - lineSeparator.length());
      edit = new ReplaceEdit(offset, endOffset - offset, code);
    IFile file = FileHelper.getFileFromNode(node);
    MultiTextEdit parentEdit = getEdit(node, file);

    sourceOffsets.put(fileLocation.getFileName(), edit.getExclusiveEnd());
Beispiel #10
  /** Returns whether the name belongs to a simple declaration or function definition. */
  public IASTDeclaration forDeclaration() {
    IASTNode node = getDeclarator();

    while (node instanceof IASTDeclarator) node = node.getParent();

    if (node instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration || node instanceof IASTFunctionDefinition)
      return (IASTDeclaration) node;

    return null;
Beispiel #11
  public boolean checkAssociatedScopes() {
    IASTName name = astName;
    if (name == null || name instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) return false;

    IASTNode parent = name.getParent();
    if (name.getPropertyInParent() == ICPPASTTemplateId.TEMPLATE_NAME) parent = parent.getParent();

    if (parent instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) {
      return false;
    return isFunctionCall();
 public int getAdditionalNameFlags(int standardFlags, IASTName name) {
   if ((standardFlags & PDOMName.IS_REFERENCE) == PDOMName.IS_REFERENCE) {
     IASTNode parent = name.getParent();
     if (parent instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) {
       // When taking the address of a method it will be called without suppressing
       // the virtual mechanism
       parent = parent.getParent();
       if (parent instanceof IASTIdExpression) {
         parent = parent.getParent();
         if (parent instanceof IASTUnaryExpression) {
           if (((IASTUnaryExpression) parent).getOperator() == IASTUnaryExpression.op_amper)
     } else if (parent instanceof ICPPASTFieldReference) {
       // The name is not qualified
       ICPPASTFieldReference fr = (ICPPASTFieldReference) parent;
       parent = parent.getParent();
       if (parent instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
         // v->member()
         if (fr.isPointerDereference()) {
         // v.member()
         IASTExpression fieldOwner = fr.getFieldOwner();
         if (fieldOwner.getValueCategory().isGLValue()) {
           while (fieldOwner instanceof IASTUnaryExpression
               && ((IASTUnaryExpression) fieldOwner).getOperator()
                   == IASTUnaryExpression.op_bracketedPrimary)
             fieldOwner = ((IASTUnaryExpression) fieldOwner).getOperand();
           if (fieldOwner instanceof IASTIdExpression) {
             IBinding b = ((IASTIdExpression) fieldOwner).getName().resolveBinding();
             if (b instanceof IVariable) {
               IType t = ((IVariable) b).getType();
               if (!(t instanceof ICPPReferenceType)) {
                 return 0;
     } else if (parent instanceof IASTIdExpression) {
       // Calling a member from within a member
       if (parent.getParent() instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression) {
   return 0;
  public boolean accept(ASTVisitor action) {
    N stack = null;
    ICPPASTIfStatement stmt = this;
    for (; ; ) {
      if (action.shouldVisitStatements) {
        switch (action.visit(stmt)) {
          case ASTVisitor.PROCESS_ABORT:
            return false;
          case ASTVisitor.PROCESS_SKIP:
            stmt = null;
            break loop;

      if (!((CPPASTIfStatement) stmt).acceptByAttributeSpecifiers(action)) return false;

      IASTNode child = stmt.getConditionExpression();
      if (child != null && !child.accept(action)) return false;
      child = stmt.getConditionDeclaration();
      if (child != null && !child.accept(action)) return false;
      child = stmt.getThenClause();
      if (child != null && !child.accept(action)) return false;
      child = stmt.getElseClause();
      if (child instanceof ICPPASTIfStatement) {
        if (action.shouldVisitStatements) {
          N n = new N(stmt);
          n.fNext = stack;
          stack = n;
        stmt = (ICPPASTIfStatement) child;
      } else {
        if (child != null && !child.accept(action)) return false;
        break loop;

    if (action.shouldVisitStatements) {
      if (stmt != null && action.leave(stmt) == ASTVisitor.PROCESS_ABORT) return false;
      while (stack != null) {
        if (action.leave(stack.fIfStatement) == ASTVisitor.PROCESS_ABORT) return false;
        stack = stack.fNext;
    return true;
Beispiel #14
  public boolean forUsingDeclaration() {
    if (astName == null) return false;
    if (astName.getPropertyInParent() == CPPSemantics.STRING_LOOKUP_PROPERTY) return false;
    IASTNode p1 = astName.getParent();
    if (p1 instanceof ICPPASTUsingDeclaration) return true;

    if (p1 instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) {
      IASTNode p2 = p1.getParent();
      if (p2 instanceof ICPPASTUsingDeclaration) {
        IASTName[] ns = ((ICPPASTQualifiedName) p1).getNames();
        return (ns[ns.length - 1] == astName);
    return false;
Beispiel #15
 public void generateChange(IASTNode rootNode, ASTVisitor pathProvider)
     throws ProblemRuntimeException {
   change = new CompositeChange(ChangeGeneratorMessages.ChangeGenerator_compositeChange);
   for (IFile currentFile : changes.keySet()) {
     MultiTextEdit edit = changes.get(currentFile);
     edit =
             edit, rootNode.getTranslationUnit().getRawSignature(), currentFile.getProject());
     TextFileChange subchange = ASTRewriteAnalyzer.createCTextFileChange(currentFile);
   * return null if the algorithm should stop (monitor was cancelled) return DOMASTNodeLeafContinue
   * if the algorithm should continue but no valid DOMASTNodeLeaf was added (i.e. node was null
   * return the DOMASTNodeLeaf added to the DOM AST View's model otherwise
   * @param node
   * @return
  private DOMASTNodeLeaf addRoot(IASTNode node) {
    if (monitor != null && monitor.isCanceled()) return null;
    if (node == null) return new DOMASTNodeLeafContinue(null);

    // only do length check for ASTNode (getNodeLocations on PreprocessorStatements is very
    // expensive)
    if (node instanceof ASTNode && ((ASTNode) node).getLength() <= 0)
      return new DOMASTNodeLeafContinue(null);

    DOMASTNodeParent parent = null;

    // if it's a preprocessor statement being merged then do a special search for parent (no search)
    if (node instanceof IASTPreprocessorStatement) {
      parent = root;
    } else {
      IASTNode tempParent = node.getParent();
      if (tempParent instanceof IASTPreprocessorStatement) {
        parent = root.findTreeParentForMergedNode(node);
      } else {
        parent = root.findTreeParentForNode(node);

    if (parent == null) parent = root;

    return createNode(parent, node);
Beispiel #17
  private boolean isNodeRemoved(IASTNode node) {
    do {
      if (getReplacementNode(node) == null) return true;
    } while ((node = node.getParent()) != null);

    return false;
  public IASTName[] getSelectedNames(IASTTranslationUnit ast, int start, int length) {
    IASTNode selectedNode = ast.getNodeSelector(null).findNode(start, length);

    if (selectedNode == null) return new IASTName[0];

    if (selectedNode instanceof IASTName) return new IASTName[] {(IASTName) selectedNode};

    if (selectedNode instanceof IASTPreprocessorMacroExpansion) {
      return new IASTName[] {((IASTPreprocessorMacroExpansion) selectedNode).getMacroReference()};

    NameCollector collector = new NameCollector();
    return collector.getNames();
 private void addDefinition(
     ModificationCollector collector,
     List<IASTFunctionDefinition> definitions,
     IProgressMonitor pm)
     throws CoreException {
   IASTNode parent = definitionInsertLocation.getParentOfNodeToInsertBefore();
   IASTTranslationUnit ast = parent.getTranslationUnit();
   ASTRewrite rewrite = collector.rewriterForTranslationUnit(ast);
   IASTNode nodeToInsertBefore = definitionInsertLocation.getNodeToInsertBefore();
   ContainerNode cont = new ContainerNode();
   for (IASTFunctionDefinition functionDefinition : definitions) {
   rewrite = rewrite.insertBefore(parent, nodeToInsertBefore, cont, null);
Beispiel #20
  private void handleAppends(IASTTranslationUnit tu) {
    List<ASTModification> modifications = getModifications(tu, ModificationKind.APPEND_CHILD);
    if (modifications.isEmpty()) return;

    IASTNode prevNode = null;
    IASTDeclaration[] declarations = tu.getDeclarations();
    if (declarations.length != 0) {
      prevNode = declarations[declarations.length - 1];
    } else {
      IASTPreprocessorStatement[] preprocessorStatements = tu.getAllPreprocessorStatements();
      if (preprocessorStatements.length != 0) {
        prevNode = preprocessorStatements[preprocessorStatements.length - 1];
    int offset = prevNode != null ? getEndOffsetIncludingComments(prevNode) : 0;
    String source = tu.getRawSignature();
    int endOffset = skipTrailingBlankLines(source, offset);

    ChangeGeneratorWriterVisitor writer =
        new ChangeGeneratorWriterVisitor(modificationStore, commentMap);
    IASTNode newNode = null;
    for (ASTModification modification : modifications) {
      boolean first = newNode == null;
      newNode = modification.getNewNode();
      if (first) {
        if (prevNode != null) {
          if (ASTWriter.requireBlankLineInBetween(prevNode, newNode)) {
    if (prevNode != null) {
      IASTNode nextNode = getNextSiblingOrPreprocessorNode(prevNode);
      if (nextNode != null && ASTWriter.requireBlankLineInBetween(newNode, nextNode)) {

    String code = writer.toString();
    IFile file = FileHelper.getFileFromNode(tu);
    MultiTextEdit parentEdit = getEdit(tu, file);
    parentEdit.addChild(new ReplaceEdit(offset, endOffset - offset, code));
Beispiel #21
  public IASTDeclarator getDeclarator() {
    IASTName name = astName;
    if (name == null || name.getPropertyInParent() == CPPSemantics.STRING_LOOKUP_PROPERTY)
      return null;

    if (name.getParent() instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId) name = (IASTName) name.getParent();

    IASTNode node = name.getParent();
    if (node instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) {
      if (((ICPPASTQualifiedName) node).getLastName() != name) return null;
      node = node.getParent();

    if (node instanceof IASTDeclarator) return (IASTDeclarator) node;

    return null;
 protected int rwAnyNode(IASTNode node, int indirection) {
   final IASTNode parent = node.getParent();
   if (parent instanceof ICPPASTConstructorInitializer) {
     return rwInCtorInitializer(node, indirection, (ICPPASTConstructorInitializer) parent);
   return super.rwAnyNode(node, indirection);
Beispiel #23
 private void checkBelongsToAST(IASTNode node) {
   while (node != null) {
     node = node.getParent();
     if (node == fRoot) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Beispiel #24
 private void handleInserts(IASTNode anchorNode) {
   List<ASTModification> modifications =
       getModifications(anchorNode, ModificationKind.INSERT_BEFORE);
   if (modifications.isEmpty()) return;
   ChangeGeneratorWriterVisitor writer =
       new ChangeGeneratorWriterVisitor(modificationStore, commentMap);
   IASTNode newNode = null;
   for (ASTModification modification : modifications) {
     boolean first = newNode == null;
     newNode = modification.getNewNode();
     if (first) {
       IASTNode prevNode = getPreviousSiblingOrPreprocessorNode(anchorNode);
       if (prevNode != null) {
         if (ASTWriter.requireBlankLineInBetween(prevNode, newNode)) {
       } else if (anchorNode.getParent() instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition) {
     if (getContainingNodeList(anchorNode) != null) {
       writer.getScribe().print(", "); // $NON-NLS-1$
   if (ASTWriter.requireBlankLineInBetween(newNode, anchorNode)) {
   int insertPos = getOffsetIncludingComments(anchorNode);
   int length = 0;
   if (writer.getScribe().isAtBeginningOfLine()) {
     String tuCode = anchorNode.getTranslationUnit().getRawSignature();
     insertPos = skipPrecedingWhitespace(tuCode, insertPos);
     length = insertPos;
     insertPos = skipPrecedingBlankLines(tuCode, insertPos);
     length -= insertPos;
   String code = writer.toString();
   ReplaceEdit edit = new ReplaceEdit(insertPos, length, code);
   IFile file = FileHelper.getFileFromNode(anchorNode);
   MultiTextEdit parentEdit = getEdit(anchorNode, file);
   sourceOffsets.put(file.getName(), edit.getOffset());
Beispiel #25
  public boolean qualified() {
    if (forceQualified) return true;

    IASTName n = astName;
    if (n == null || n.getPropertyInParent() == CPPSemantics.STRING_LOOKUP_PROPERTY) return false;

    IASTNode p = n.getParent();
    if (p instanceof ICPPASTTemplateId) {
      n = (IASTName) p;
      p = p.getParent();
    if (p instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) {
      final ICPPASTQualifiedName qname = (ICPPASTQualifiedName) p;
      if (qname.isFullyQualified()) return true;
      final IASTName[] qnames = qname.getNames();
      if (qnames.length > 0 && qnames[0] != n) return true;
    return p instanceof ICPPASTFieldReference;
Beispiel #26
  * Returns a replace edit whose offset is the position where child appended nodes should be
  * inserted at. The text contains the content of the code region that will be disturbed by the
  * insertion.
  * @param node The node to append children to.
  * @return a ReplaceEdit object, or <code>null</code> if the node does not support appending
  *     children to it.
 private ReplaceEdit getAppendAnchor(IASTNode node) {
   if (!(node instanceof IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier
       || node instanceof IASTCompoundStatement
       || node instanceof ICPPASTNamespaceDefinition)) {
     return null;
   String code = node.getRawSignature();
   IASTFileLocation location = node.getFileLocation();
   int pos = location.getNodeOffset() + location.getNodeLength();
   int len = code.endsWith("}") ? 1 : 0; // $NON-NLS-1$
   int insertPos = code.length() - len;
   int startOfLine = skipPrecedingBlankLines(code, insertPos);
   if (startOfLine == insertPos) {
     // Include the closing brace in the region that will be reformatted.
     return new ReplaceEdit(pos - len, len, code.substring(insertPos));
   return new ReplaceEdit(
       location.getNodeOffset() + startOfLine, insertPos - startOfLine, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$
 public PDOMFile getFileForASTNode(int linkageID, IASTNode node) throws CoreException {
   if (fPathResolver != null && node != null) {
     IASTFileLocation loc = node.getFileLocation();
     if (loc != null) {
       IASTPreprocessorIncludeStatement owner = loc.getContextInclusionStatement();
       ISignificantMacros sigMacros =
           owner != null ? owner.getSignificantMacros() : ISignificantMacros.NONE;
       if (sigMacros != null) {
         IIndexFileLocation location = fPathResolver.resolveASTPath(loc.getFileName());
         if (uncommittedKey != null
             && uncommittedKey.equals(new FileContentKey(linkageID, location, sigMacros)))
           return fileBeingUpdated != null ? fileBeingUpdated : uncommittedFile;
         return getBestFile(
             linkageID, location, node.getTranslationUnit().getOriginatingTranslationUnit());
   return null;
  * Compute the end offset of give AST node.
  * @param node
  * @return
 private int getEndOffset(IASTNode node) {
   IASTFileLocation fileLocation = getMaxFileLocation(node.getNodeLocations());
   if (fileLocation != null) {
     return fileLocation.getNodeOffset() + fileLocation.getNodeLength();
   // fallback: use container range end
   DocumentRangeNode container = getCurrentContainer();
   Position containerRange = container.getRange();
   return containerRange.getOffset() + containerRange.getLength();
Beispiel #29
   * Returns the list of nodes the given node is part of, for example function parameters if the
   * node is a parameter.
   * @param node the node possibly belonging to a list.
   * @return the list of nodes containing the given node, or <code>null</code> if the node does not
   *     belong to a list
  private IASTNode[] getContainingNodeList(IASTNode node) {
    if (node.getPropertyInParent() == IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator.FUNCTION_PARAMETER) {
      return ((IASTStandardFunctionDeclarator) node.getParent()).getParameters();
    } else if (node.getPropertyInParent() == IASTExpressionList.NESTED_EXPRESSION) {
      return ((IASTExpressionList) node.getParent()).getExpressions();
    } else if (node.getPropertyInParent() == ICPPASTFunctionDefinition.MEMBER_INITIALIZER) {
      return ((ICPPASTFunctionDefinition) node.getParent()).getMemberInitializers();
    } else if (node.getPropertyInParent() == ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator.EXCEPTION_TYPEID) {
      return ((ICPPASTFunctionDeclarator) node.getParent()).getExceptionSpecification();

    return null;
Beispiel #30
 private int getEndOffsetIncludingTrailingComments(IASTNode node) {
   int endOffset = 0;
   while (true) {
     IASTFileLocation fileLocation = node.getFileLocation();
     if (fileLocation != null) endOffset = Math.max(endOffset, endOffset(fileLocation));
     List<IASTComment> comments = commentMap.getTrailingCommentsForNode(node);
     if (!comments.isEmpty()) {
       for (IASTComment comment : comments) {
         int commentEndOffset = endOffset(comment);
         if (commentEndOffset >= endOffset) {
           endOffset = commentEndOffset;
     IASTNode[] children = node.getChildren();
     if (children.length == 0) break;
     node = children[children.length - 1];
   return endOffset;