   * Get all workflow items for a particular collection.
   * @param context the context object
   * @param c the collection
   * @return array of the corresponding workflow items
  public static WorkflowItem[] findByCollection(Context context, Collection c) throws SQLException {
    List wsItems = new ArrayList();

    TableRowIterator tri =
            "SELECT workflowitem.* FROM workflowitem WHERE " + "workflowitem.collection_id= ? ",

    try {
      while (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow row = tri.next();

        // Check the cache
        WorkflowItem wi =
            (WorkflowItem) context.fromCache(WorkflowItem.class, row.getIntColumn("workflow_id"));

        // not in cache? turn row into workflowitem
        if (wi == null) {
          wi = new WorkflowItem(context, row);

    } finally {
      if (tri != null) tri.close();

    WorkflowItem[] wsArray = new WorkflowItem[wsItems.size()];
    wsArray = (WorkflowItem[]) wsItems.toArray(wsArray);

    return wsArray;
Beispiel #2
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAO#doValueQuery()
  public List<String[]> doValueQuery() throws BrowseException {
    String query = getQuery();

    Object[] params = getQueryParams();
    log.debug(LogManager.getHeader(context, "executing_value_query", "query=" + query));

    TableRowIterator tri = null;

    try {
      // now run the query
      tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, query, params);

      // go over the query results and process
      List<String[]> results = new ArrayList<String[]>();
      while (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow row = tri.next();
        String valueResult = row.getStringColumn("value");
        String authorityResult = row.getStringColumn("authority");
        if (enableBrowseFrequencies) {
          long frequency = row.getLongColumn("num");
          results.add(new String[] {valueResult, authorityResult, String.valueOf(frequency)});
        } else results.add(new String[] {valueResult, authorityResult, ""});

      return results;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new BrowseException(e);
    } finally {
      if (tri != null) {
  public void flagSpiders(Context context) throws SQLException {
    String sql = "select closed from stats.control where control_id=1";
    TableRow row = DatabaseManager.querySingle(context, sql);

    if (row != null) {
      Date closed = row.getDateColumn("closed");

      // mark spider events if the IP is in spiders
      // dont change events before closed date
      sql =
          "update "
              + table
              + " set spider=true "
              + "where date > ? and spider=false "
              + "and ip in (select ip from stats.ip_spider)";

      DatabaseManager.updateQuery(context, sql, new java.sql.Date(closed.getTime()));

      // unmark spider events if the IP isnt in spiders
      // dont change events before closed date
      sql =
          "update "
              + table
              + " set spider=false "
              + "where date > ? and spider=true "
              + "and ip not in (select ip from stats.ip_spider)";

      DatabaseManager.updateQuery(context, sql, new java.sql.Date(closed.getTime()));
Beispiel #4
   * Return a List of the policies for a group
   * @param c current context
   * @param g group to retrieve policies for
   * @return List of <code>ResourcePolicy</code> objects
  public static List<ResourcePolicy> getPoliciesForGroup(Context c, Group g) throws SQLException {
    TableRowIterator tri =
            "SELECT * FROM resourcepolicy WHERE epersongroup_id= ? ",

    List<ResourcePolicy> policies = new ArrayList<ResourcePolicy>();

    try {
      while (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow row = tri.next();

        // first check the cache (FIXME: is this right?)
        ResourcePolicy cachepolicy =
            (ResourcePolicy) c.fromCache(ResourcePolicy.class, row.getIntColumn("policy_id"));

        if (cachepolicy != null) {
        } else {
          policies.add(new ResourcePolicy(c, row));
    } finally {
      if (tri != null) {

    return policies;
Beispiel #5
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAO#doQuery()
  public List<BrowseItem> doQuery() throws BrowseException {
    String query = getQuery();
    Object[] params = getQueryParams();

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug(LogManager.getHeader(context, "executing_full_query", "query=" + query));

    TableRowIterator tri = null;
    try {
      // now run the query
      tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, query, params);

      // go over the query results and process
      List<BrowseItem> results = new ArrayList<BrowseItem>();
      while (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow row = tri.next();
        BrowseItem browseItem =
            new BrowseItem(context, row.getIntColumn("item_id"), itemsInArchive, itemsWithdrawn);

      return results;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new BrowseException("problem with query: " + query, e);
    } finally {
      if (tri != null) {
   * Utility method for reading in a group from a group ID in a column. If the column is null, null
   * is returned.
   * @param col the column name to read
   * @return the group referred to by that column, or null
   * @throws SQLException
  private Group groupFromColumn(TableRow row, String col) {
    if (row.isColumnNull(col)) {
      return null;

    return groupDAO.retrieve(row.getIntColumn(col));
   * Return the workflow item to the workspace of the submitter. The workflow item is removed, and a
   * workspace item created.
   * @param c Context
   * @param wfi WorkflowItem to be 'dismantled'
   * @return the workspace item
  private static WorkspaceItem returnToWorkspace(Context c, WorkflowItem wfi)
      throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException {
    Item myitem = wfi.getItem();
    Collection mycollection = wfi.getCollection();

    // FIXME: How should this interact with the workflow system?
    // FIXME: Remove license
    // FIXME: Provenance statement?
    // Create the new workspace item row
    TableRow row = DatabaseManager.create(c, "workspaceitem");
    row.setColumn("item_id", myitem.getID());
    row.setColumn("collection_id", mycollection.getID());
    DatabaseManager.update(c, row);

    int wsi_id = row.getIntColumn("workspace_item_id");
    WorkspaceItem wi = WorkspaceItem.find(c, wsi_id);

    // myitem.update();
            "workflow_item_id=" + wfi.getID() + "workspace_item_id=" + wi.getID()));

    // Now remove the workflow object manually from the database
    DatabaseManager.updateQuery(c, "DELETE FROM WorkflowItem WHERE workflow_id=" + wfi.getID());

    return wi;
   * Obtiene todas las revisiones finalizadas.
   * @param context DSpace context object
   * @return an iterator over the items in the archive.
   * @throws SQLException
  public static RevisionToken[] findAllRevisiones(Context context) throws SQLException {
    String myQuery = "SELECT * FROM revision_token WHERE tipo='R' and revision_id is not null";

    TableRowIterator rows = DatabaseManager.queryTable(context, "revision_token", myQuery);

    try {
      List<TableRow> revisionRows = rows.toList();

      RevisionToken[] revisionToken = new RevisionToken[revisionRows.size()];

      for (int i = 0; i < revisionRows.size(); i++) {
        TableRow row = (TableRow) revisionRows.get(i);

        // First check the cache
        RevisionToken fromCache =
                context.fromCache(RevisionToken.class, row.getIntColumn("revision_token_id"));

        if (fromCache != null) {
          revisionToken[i] = fromCache;
        } else {
          revisionToken[i] = new RevisionToken(row);

      return revisionToken;
    } finally {
      if (rows != null) {
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAO#doValueQuery()
  public List doValueQuery() throws BrowseException {
    String query = getQuery();
    Object[] params = getQueryParams();
    log.debug(LogManager.getHeader(context, "executing_value_query", "query=" + query));

    TableRowIterator tri = null;

    try {
      // now run the query
      tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, query, params);

      // go over the query results and process
      List results = new ArrayList();
      while (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow row = tri.next();
        String stringResult = row.getStringColumn("value");

      return results;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new BrowseException(e);
    } finally {
      if (tri != null) {
   * Update changes to the RDBMS. Note that if the update fails, the values in the row will NOT be
   * reverted.
   * @param context Current DSpace context
   * @param row The row to update
   * @return The number of rows affected (1 or 0)
   * @exception SQLException If a database error occurs
  public static int update(Context context, TableRow row) throws SQLException {
    String table = row.getTable();

    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder().append("update ").append(table).append(" set ");

    List<ColumnInfo> columns = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>();
    ColumnInfo pk = getPrimaryKeyColumnInfo(table);
    Collection<ColumnInfo> info = getColumnInfo(table);

    String separator = "";
    for (ColumnInfo col : info) {
      // Only update this column if it has changed
      if (!col.isPrimaryKey()) {
        if (row.hasColumnChanged(col.getName())) {
          sql.append(separator).append(col.getName()).append(" = ?");
          separator = ", ";

    // Only execute the update if there is anything to update
    if (columns.size() > 0) {
      sql.append(" where ").append(pk.getName()).append(" = ?");

      return executeUpdate(context.getDBConnection(), sql.toString(), columns, row);

    return 1;
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAO#doDistinctOffsetQuery(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
  public int doDistinctOffsetQuery(String column, String value) throws BrowseException {
    TableRowIterator tri = null;

    try {
      List paramsList = new ArrayList();
      StringBuffer queryBuf = new StringBuffer();

      queryBuf.append("COUNT(").append(column).append(") AS offset ");

      buildSelectStatementDistinct(queryBuf, paramsList);
      queryBuf.append(" WHERE ").append(column).append("<?");

      if (containerTable != null && tableMap != null) {
        queryBuf.append(" AND ").append("mappings.distinct_id=");

      tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, queryBuf.toString(), paramsList.toArray());

      TableRow row;
      if (tri.hasNext()) {
        row = tri.next();
        return (int) row.getLongColumn("offset");
      } else {
        return 0;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new BrowseException(e);
    } finally {
      if (tri != null) {
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAO#doCountQuery()
  public int doCountQuery() throws BrowseException {
    String query = getQuery();
    Object[] params = getQueryParams();

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug(LogManager.getHeader(context, "executing_count_query", "query=" + query));

    TableRowIterator tri = null;

    try {
      // now run the query
      tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, query, params);

      if (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow row = tri.next();
        return (int) row.getLongColumn("num");
      } else {
        return 0;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new BrowseException(e);
    } finally {
      if (tri != null) {
   * Perform a database query to obtain the string array of values corresponding to the passed
   * parameters. This is only really called from <code>
   * getMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, lang);
   * </code> which will obtain the value from cache if available first.
   * @param schema
   * @param element
   * @param qualifier
   * @param lang
  public List<DCValue> getMetadata(
      Item item, String schema, String element, String qualifier, String lang) {
    List<DCValue> metadata = new ArrayList<DCValue>();
    try {
      TableRowIterator tri;

      if (qualifier == null) {
        Object[] params = {item.getID(), element, schema};
        tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, getByMetadataElement, params);
      } else if (Item.ANY.equals(qualifier)) {
        Object[] params = {item.getID(), element, schema};
        tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, getByMetadataAnyQualifier, params);
      } else {
        Object[] params = {item.getID(), element, qualifier, schema};
        tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, getByMetadata, params);

      while (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow tr = tri.next();
        DCValue dcv = new DCValue();
        dcv.schema = schema;
        dcv.element = element;
        dcv.qualifier = qualifier;
        dcv.language = lang;
        dcv.value = tr.getStringColumn("text_value");
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new RuntimeException(sqle);
    return metadata;
Beispiel #14
   * Returns the total number of groups returned by a specific query, without the overhead of
   * creating the Group objects to store the results.
   * @param context DSpace context
   * @param query The search string
   * @return the number of groups matching the query
  public static int searchResultCount(Context context, String query) throws SQLException {
    String params = "%" + query.toLowerCase() + "%";
    String dbquery =
        "SELECT count(*) as gcount FROM epersongroup WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR eperson_group_id = ? ";

    // When checking against the eperson-id, make sure the query can be made into a number
    Integer int_param;
    try {
      int_param = Integer.valueOf(query);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      int_param = Integer.valueOf(-1);

    // Get all the epeople that match the query
    TableRow row = DatabaseManager.querySingle(context, dbquery, new Object[] {params, int_param});

    // use getIntColumn for Oracle count data
    Long count;
    if ("oracle".equals(ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.name"))) {
      count = Long.valueOf(row.getIntColumn("gcount"));
    } else // getLongColumn works for postgres
      count = Long.valueOf(row.getLongColumn("gcount"));

    return count.intValue();
Beispiel #15
  // load caches if necessary
  private static synchronized void initCache(Context context) throws SQLException {
    if (!isCacheInitialized()) {
      Map<Integer, MetadataField> new_id2field = new HashMap<Integer, MetadataField>();
      log.info("Loading MetadataField elements into cache.");

      // Grab rows from DB
      TableRowIterator tri =
              context, "MetadataFieldRegistry", "SELECT * from MetadataFieldRegistry");

      try {
        while (tri.hasNext()) {
          TableRow row = tri.next();
          int fieldID = row.getIntColumn("metadata_field_id");
          new_id2field.put(Integer.valueOf(fieldID), new MetadataField(row));
      } finally {
        // close the TableRowIterator to free up resources
        if (tri != null) {

      id2field = new_id2field;
Beispiel #16
   * A sanity check that ensures a given element and qualifier are unique within a given schema. The
   * check happens in code as we cannot use a database constraint.
   * @param context dspace context
   * @param schemaID
   * @param element
   * @param qualifier
   * @return true if unique
   * @throws AuthorizeException
   * @throws SQLException
   * @throws IOException
  private boolean unique(Context context, int schemaID, String element, String qualifier)
      throws IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException {
    int count = 0;
    Connection con = null;
    PreparedStatement statement = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;

    try {
      con = context.getDBConnection();
      TableRow reg = DatabaseManager.row("MetadataFieldRegistry");

      String qualifierClause = "";

      if (qualifier == null) {
        qualifierClause = "and qualifier is null";
      } else {
        qualifierClause = "and qualifier = ?";

      String query =
          "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "
              + reg.getTable()
              + " WHERE metadata_schema_id= ? "
              + " and metadata_field_id != ? "
              + " and element= ? "
              + qualifierClause;

      statement = con.prepareStatement(query);
      statement.setInt(1, schemaID);
      statement.setInt(2, fieldID);
      statement.setString(3, element);

      if (qualifier != null) {
        statement.setString(4, qualifier);

      rs = statement.executeQuery();

      if (rs.next()) {
        count = rs.getInt(1);
    } finally {
      if (rs != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {

      if (statement != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {

    return (count == 0);
Beispiel #17
  * Returns the ID of the item as opposed to the item itself when we are iterating over the
  * TableRow array.
  * @return the item id, or -1 if none
 private int nextByRowID() throws SQLException {
   if (itemRows.hasNext()) {
     TableRow row = itemRows.next();
     return row.getIntColumn("item_id");
   } else {
     return -1;
   * set owner of WorkflowItem
   * @param ep owner
  public void setOwner(EPerson ep) {
    owner = ep;

    if (ep == null) {
    } else {
      wfRow.setColumn("owner", ep.getID());
 public static boolean estaFinalizado(Context context, String token) throws SQLException {
   TableRow qResult =
           context, "SELECT revision_id FROM revision_token WHERE token = ?", token);
   if (qResult != null && qResult.getStringColumn("revision_id") != null) {
     return true;
   return false;
  public void flagAsAggregated(Context context) throws SQLException {
    String sql = "select today_date from stats.z_today_date";
    TableRow row = DatabaseManager.querySingle(context, sql);
    Date currentDate = row.getDateColumn("today_date");

    sql = "update " + table + " " + "set aggregated=true " + "where aggregated=false and date < ?";

    DatabaseManager.updateQuery(context, sql, new java.sql.Date(currentDate.getTime()));
  private void populateTableRowFromEPerson(EPerson eperson, TableRow row) {
    for (EPersonMetadataField f : EPersonMetadataField.values()) {
      row.setColumn(f.toString(), eperson.getMetadata(f));

    row.setColumn("can_log_in", eperson.canLogIn());
    row.setColumn("require_certificate", eperson.getRequireCertificate());
    row.setColumn("self_registered", eperson.getSelfRegistered());
Beispiel #22
  * Constructor to load the object from the database.
  * @param row database row from which to populate object.
 public MetadataField(TableRow row) {
   if (row != null) {
     this.fieldID = row.getIntColumn("metadata_field_id");
     this.schemaID = row.getIntColumn("metadata_schema_id");
     this.element = row.getStringColumn("element");
     this.qualifier = row.getStringColumn("qualifier");
     this.scopeNote = row.getStringColumn("scope_note");
     this.row = row;
  private List<Collection> returnAsList(TableRowIterator tri) throws SQLException {
    List<Collection> collections = new ArrayList<Collection>();

    for (TableRow row : tri.toList()) {
      int id = row.getIntColumn("collection_id");

    return collections;
  private List<Item> returnAsList(TableRowIterator tri) throws SQLException {
    List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();

    for (TableRow row : tri.toList()) {
      int id = row.getIntColumn("item_id");

    return items;
 // creates workflow tasklist entries for a workflow
 // for all the given EPeople
 private static void createTasks(Context c, WorkflowItem wi, EPerson[] epa) throws SQLException {
   // create a tasklist entry for each eperson
   for (int i = 0; i < epa.length; i++) {
     // can we get away without creating a tasklistitem class?
     // do we want to?
     TableRow tr = DatabaseManager.create(c, "tasklistitem");
     tr.setColumn("eperson_id", epa[i].getID());
     tr.setColumn("workflow_id", wi.getID());
     DatabaseManager.update(c, tr);
 public static void updateWorkspaceID(Context context, String token, String workspaceID)
     throws SQLException, AuthorizeException {
   TableRow qResult =
       DatabaseManager.querySingle(context, "SELECT * FROM revision_token WHERE token = ?", token);
   if (qResult != null) {
     RevisionToken rt = new RevisionToken(qResult);
Beispiel #27
  public static boolean IsInstitution(Context context, String ip) throws SQLException {
    String sql = "select ip_range from stats.ip_institution";

    TableRowIterator iterator = DatabaseManager.query(context, sql);
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      TableRow row = iterator.next();
      String range = row.getStringColumn("ip_range");
      if (ip.indexOf(range) == 0) return true;
    return false;
  private void populateEPersonFromTableRow(EPerson eperson, TableRow row) {
    UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(row.getStringColumn("uuid"));

    for (EPersonMetadataField f : EPersonMetadataField.values()) {
      eperson.setMetadata(f, row.getStringColumn(f.toString()));

    eperson.setIdentifier(new ObjectIdentifier(uuid));
   * Delete row from the RDBMS.
   * @param context Current DSpace context
   * @param row The row to delete
   * @return The number of rows affected (1 or 0)
   * @exception SQLException If a database error occurs
  public static int delete(Context context, TableRow row) throws SQLException {
    if (null == row.getTable()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Row not associated with a table");

    String pk = getPrimaryKeyColumn(row);

    if (row.isColumnNull(pk)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Primary key value is null");

    return delete(context, row.getTable(), row.getIntColumn(pk));
Beispiel #30
   * Finds all groups in the site
   * @param context DSpace context
   * @param sortField field to sort by -- Group.ID or Group.NAME
   * @return array of all groups in the site
  public static Group[] findAll(Context context, int sortField) throws SQLException {
    String s;

    switch (sortField) {
      case ID:
        s = "eperson_group_id";


      case NAME:
        s = "name";


        s = "name";

    // NOTE: The use of 's' in the order by clause can not cause an SQL
    // injection because the string is derived from constant values above.
    TableRowIterator rows =
            context, "epersongroup", "SELECT * FROM epersongroup ORDER BY " + s);

    try {
      List<TableRow> gRows = rows.toList();

      Group[] groups = new Group[gRows.size()];

      for (int i = 0; i < gRows.size(); i++) {
        TableRow row = gRows.get(i);

        // First check the cache
        Group fromCache =
            (Group) context.fromCache(Group.class, row.getIntColumn("eperson_group_id"));

        if (fromCache != null) {
          groups[i] = fromCache;
        } else {
          groups[i] = new Group(context, row);

      return groups;
    } finally {
      if (rows != null) {