  public void init(Map<String, INDArray> params, NeuralNetConfiguration conf) {
    Distribution dist = Distributions.createDistribution(conf.getDist());

    int nL = conf.getNOut(); // i.e., n neurons in this layer
    int nLast = conf.getNIn(); // i.e., n neurons in previous layer


        RECURRENT_WEIGHTS, WeightInitUtil.initWeights(nL, 4 * nL + 3, conf.getWeightInit(), dist));
        INPUT_WEIGHTS, WeightInitUtil.initWeights(nLast, 4 * nL, conf.getWeightInit(), dist));
    INDArray biases =
        Nd4j.zeros(1, 4 * nL); // Order: input, forget, output, input modulation, i.e., IFOG
        new NDArrayIndex[] {NDArrayIndex.interval(nL, 2 * nL), new NDArrayIndex(0)},
        Nd4j.ones(1, nL).muli(5));
    /*The above line initializes the forget gate biases to 5.
     * See Sutskever PhD thesis, pg19:
     * "it is important for [the forget gate activations] to be approximately 1 at the early stages of learning,
     *  which is accomplished by initializing [the forget gate biases] to a large value (such as 5). If it is
     *  not done, it will be harder to learn long range dependencies because the smaller values of the forget
     *  gates will create a vanishing gradients problem."
     *  http://www.cs.utoronto.ca/~ilya/pubs/ilya_sutskever_phd_thesis.pdf
    params.put(BIAS, biases);

 protected INDArray createWeightMatrix(NeuralNetConfiguration conf) {
    * Create a 4d weight matrix of: (number of kernels, num input channels, kernel height, kernel
    * width) Inputs to the convolution layer are: (batch size, num input feature maps, image
    * height, image width)
   Distribution dist = Distributions.createDistribution(conf.getDist());
   return WeightInitUtil.initWeights(
       Ints.concat(new int[] {conf.getNOut(), conf.getNIn()}, conf.getKernelSize()),
  private static void checkNinNoutForEachLayer(
      int[] expNin, int[] expNout, MultiLayerConfiguration conf, MultiLayerNetwork network) {

    // Check configuration
    for (int i = 0; i < expNin.length; i++) {
      NeuralNetConfiguration layerConf = conf.getConf(i);
      assertTrue(layerConf.getNIn() == expNin[i]);
      assertTrue(layerConf.getNOut() == expNout[i]);

    // Check Layer
    for (int i = 0; i < expNin.length; i++) {
      Layer layer = network.getLayers()[i];
      assertTrue(layer.conf().getNIn() == expNin[i]);
      assertTrue(layer.conf().getNOut() == expNout[i]);
      int[] weightShape = layer.getParam(DefaultParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY).shape();
      assertTrue(weightShape[0] == expNin[i]);
      assertTrue(weightShape[1] == expNout[i]);