private void findNeighbors() {
    // find the nearest-neighbor for each point in the cloud
    nn.setPoints(usedNnData, listPointVector.toList());

    for (int i = 0; i < listPointVector.size; i++) {
      // find the nearest-neighbors

      double[] targetPt = usedNnData.get(i);
      // numNeighbors+1 since the target node will also be returned and is removed
      nn.findNearest(targetPt, maxDistanceNeighbor, numNeighbors + 1, resultsNN);

      PointVectorNN p = listPointVector.get(i);

      // save the results
      for (int j = 0; j < resultsNN.size; j++) {
        NnData<PointVectorNN> n = resultsNN.get(j);

        // don't add the point to its own list of neighbors list
        if (n.point != targetPt) {