   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
   * org.crosswire.jsword.book.install.Installer#isNewer(org.crosswire.jsword
   * .book.BookMetaData)
  public boolean isNewer(Book book) {
    File dldir = SwordBookPath.getSwordDownloadDir();

    SwordBookMetaData sbmd = (SwordBookMetaData) book.getBookMetaData();
    File conf = new File(dldir, sbmd.getConfPath());

    // The conf may not exist in our download dir.
    // In this case we say that it should not be downloaded again.
    if (!conf.exists()) {
      return false;

    URI configURI = NetUtil.getURI(conf);

    URI remote = toRemoteURI(book);
    return NetUtil.isNewer(remote, configURI, proxyHost, proxyPort);