 protected void writePostOrPrefixMethod(
     int op, String method, Expression expression, Expression orig) {
   ClassNode type =
       getController().getTypeChooser().resolveType(orig, getController().getClassNode());
   int operationType = getOperandType(type);
   BinaryExpressionWriter bew = binExpWriter[operationType];
   if (bew.writePostOrPrefixMethod(op, true)) {
     OperandStack operandStack = getController().getOperandStack();
     // at this point the receiver will be already on the stack
     bew.writePostOrPrefixMethod(op, false);
   } else {
     super.writePostOrPrefixMethod(op, method, expression, orig);
  private void execMethodAndStoreForSubscriptOperator(
      int op,
      String method,
      Expression expression,
      VariableSlotLoader usesSubscript,
      Expression orig) {
    final OperandStack operandStack = controller.getOperandStack();
    writePostOrPrefixMethod(op, method, expression, orig);

    // we need special code for arrays to store the result (like for a[1]++)
    if (usesSubscript != null) {
      CompileStack compileStack = controller.getCompileStack();
      BinaryExpression be = (BinaryExpression) expression;

      ClassNode methodResultType = operandStack.getTopOperand();
      final int resultIdx =
          compileStack.defineTemporaryVariable("postfix_" + method, methodResultType, true);
      BytecodeExpression methodResultLoader =
          new VariableSlotLoader(methodResultType, resultIdx, operandStack);

      // execute the assignment, this will leave the right side
      // (here the method call result) on the stack
      assignToArray(be, be.getLeftExpression(), usesSubscript, methodResultLoader);

    // here we handle a.b++ and a++
    else if (expression instanceof VariableExpression
        || expression instanceof FieldExpression
        || expression instanceof PropertyExpression) {
    // other cases don't need storing, so nothing to be done for them