public static boolean checkCMD(Player player, String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) { Collection<Report> reports = WorldReport.reports.values(); if (reports.isEmpty()) { player.sendMessage(GREEN + "There are no unresolved reports."); } else { player.sendMessage(GOLD + "--- Reports ---"); for (Report report : reports) { player.sendMessage(report.printLine(player.getName())); } } } else if (args.length >= 1) { int id; try { id = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { player.sendMessage(RED + "That value is not an ID number."); return true; } Report report = WorldReport.reports.get(id); if (report == null) { player.sendMessage(RED + "Specified report doesn't exist."); } else { player.sendMessage(report.printDetails()); } } else { player.sendMessage( RED + "Wrong command syntaxis, check <report id> or none to show a list of reports"); } return true; }
public static boolean statusCMD(Player player, String[] args) { if (args.length > 1) { int id; try { id = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { player.sendMessage(RED + "That value is not an ID number."); return true; } Report report = WorldReport.reports.get(id); if (report == null) { player.sendMessage(RED + "Specified report doesn't exist."); } else { String status = WorldReport.join(Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length), " "); if (status.equalsIgnoreCase(WorldReport.RESOLVED)) { report.SQLDelete(); player.sendMessage( WorldReport.colorString( "&6The report &4" + id + "&6 has been marked as resolved and has been deleted.")); } else { report.setStatus(status); player.sendMessage( WorldReport.colorString( "&6The report &4" + id + "&6 status has been set to &e" + status)); } } } else { player.sendMessage(RED + "Wrong command syntaxis, status <report id> <new status>"); } return true; }
public static boolean goCMD(Player player, String[] args) { if (args.length == 1) { int id; try { id = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { player.sendMessage(RED + "That value is not an ID number."); return true; } Report report = WorldReport.reports.get(id); if (report == null) { player.sendMessage(RED + "Specified report doesn't exist."); } else { player.teleport(report.getLocation()); if (player.getLocation().equals(report.getLocation())) { player.sendMessage( WorldReport.colorString( "&eYou have been teleported to the report number &6" + id + "&e location.")); } } } else { player.sendMessage(RED + "Wrong command syntaxis, go <report id>"); } return true; }
public static boolean reportCMD(Player player, String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) { player.sendMessage(RED + "Please, write the report."); } else { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Location location = player.getLocation(); String summary = WorldReport.join(args, " "); String user = player.getName(); Report report = new Report(now, location, user, "Unchecked", WorldReport.UNASSIGNED, summary); report.SQLCreate(); player.sendMessage(DARK_AQUA + "Your report has been succesfully sended."); for (Player jugador : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { if (jugador.hasPermission(WorldReport.OP_PERMISSION)) { jugador.sendMessage(GOLD + "A new report has been sent."); } } } return true; }
public static boolean deleteCMD(Player player, String[] args) { if (args.length == 1) { int id; try { id = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { player.sendMessage(RED + "That value is not an ID number."); return true; } Report report = WorldReport.reports.get(id); if (report == null) { player.sendMessage(RED + "Specified report doesn't exist."); } else { report.SQLDelete(); player.sendMessage( WorldReport.colorString("&6The report &4" + id + "&6 has been deleted.")); } } else { player.sendMessage(RED + "Wrong command syntaxis, delete <report id>"); } return true; }
public static boolean assignCMD(Player player, String[] args) { if (args.length == 2) { int id; try { id = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { player.sendMessage(RED + "That value is not an ID number."); return true; } Report report = WorldReport.reports.get(id); if (report == null) { player.sendMessage(RED + "Specified report doesn't exist."); } else { String name = args[1]; report.setAssigned(name); player.sendMessage( WorldReport.colorString("&6The report &4" + id + "&6 has been assigned to &4" + name)); } } else { player.sendMessage(RED + "Wrong command syntaxis, assign <report id> <new assigned>"); } return true; }