Beispiel #1
   * Creates a source using a local file.
   * <p>POST /andromeda/source?username=$BIGML_USERNAME;api_key=$BIGML_API_KEY; HTTP/1.1 Host:
   * Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
   * @param fileName file containing your data in csv format. It can be compressed, gzipped, or
   *     zipped. Required multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8
   * @param name the name you want to give to the new source. Optional
   * @param sourceParser set of parameters to parse the source. Optional
   * @param args set of parameters for the new model. Optional
  public JSONObject createLocalSource(
      final String fileName,
      final String name,
      final JSONObject sourceParser,
      final JSONObject args) {
    String resourceId = null;
    JSONObject resource = null;
    String location = "";

    JSONObject error = new JSONObject();
    JSONObject status = new JSONObject();
    status.put("code", code);
    status.put("message", "The resource couldn't be created");
    error.put("status", status);

    try {
      MultipartUtility multipartUtility = new MultipartUtility(SOURCE_URL + bigmlAuth, "UTF-8");

      multipartUtility.addFilePart("bin", new File(fileName));

      if (name != null) {
        multipartUtility.addFormField("name", name);

      // Source parser
      if (sourceParser != null) {
            "source_parser", Utils.unescapeJSONString(sourceParser.toJSONString()));

      if (args != null) {
        for (String key : (Set<String>) args.keySet()) {
              key, Utils.unescapeJSONString(String.valueOf(args.get(key))));

      HttpURLConnection connection = multipartUtility.finish();
      code = connection.getResponseCode();

      if (code == HTTP_CREATED) {
        location = connection.getHeaderField(location);
        resource =
                JSONValue.parse(Utils.inputStreamAsString(connection.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
        resourceId = (String) resource.get("resource");
        error = new JSONObject();
      } else {
        if (code == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
            || code == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED
            || code == HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED
            || code == HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
          error =
                  JSONValue.parse(Utils.inputStreamAsString(connection.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
        } else {
"Unexpected error (" + code + ")");

    } catch (Throwable e) {
      logger.error("Error creating source", e);

    // Cache the resource if the resource if ready
    if (cacheManager != null && resource != null && isResourceReady(resource)) {
      cacheManager.put(resourceId, null, resource);

    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
    result.put("code", code);
    result.put("resource", resourceId);
    result.put("location", location);
    result.put("object", resource);
    result.put("error", error);
    return result;