Beispiel #1
  * Constructor.
  * @param dt date
  * @param ii input info
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 public Dtm(final byte[] dt, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {
   super(AtomType.DTM, dt, XDTM, ii);
   final int i = Token.indexOf(dt, 'T');
   if (i == -1) dateErr(dt, XDTM, ii);
   date(Token.substring(dt, 0, i), XDTM, ii);
   time(Token.substring(dt, i + 1), XDTM, ii);
Beispiel #2
   * Chooses files that match the specified pattern.
   * @param file file filter
   * @param content content filter
   * @param root root directory
   * @return sorted file paths
   * @throws InterruptedException interruption
  String[] filter(final String file, final String content, final IOFile root)
      throws InterruptedException {

    final long id = ++filterId;
    final TreeSet<String> results = new TreeSet<>();
    final int[] search = new TokenParser(;

    // glob pattern
    final ProjectCache pc = cache(root);
    if (file.contains("*") || file.contains("?")) {
      final Pattern pt = Pattern.compile(IOFile.regex(file));
      for (final String path : pc) {
        final int offset = offset(path, true);
        if (pt.matcher(path.substring(offset)).matches() && filterContent(path, search)) {
          if (results.size() >= MAXHITS) break;
        if (id != filterId) throw new InterruptedException();
    } else {
      // starts-with, contains, camel case
      final String pttrn = file.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replace('\\', '/');
      final HashSet<String> exclude = new HashSet<>();
      final boolean pathSearch = pttrn.indexOf('/') != -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < (pathSearch ? 2 : 3); i++) {
        filter(pttrn, search, i, results, exclude, pathSearch, pc, id);
    return results.toArray(new String[results.size()]);
Beispiel #3
   * Constructor, specifying the server host:port combination, login data and an output stream.
   * @param host server name
   * @param port server port
   * @param user user name
   * @param pass password
   * @param output client output; if set to {@code null}, results will be returned as strings.
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  public ClientSession(
      final String host,
      final int port,
      final String user,
      final String pass,
      final OutputStream output)
      throws IOException {

    ehost = host;
    socket = new Socket();
    try {
      // limit timeout to five seconds
      socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), 5000);
    } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
      throw new BaseXException(ex);
    sin = socket.getInputStream();

    // receive timestamp
    final BufferInput bi = new BufferInput(sin);
    final String ts = bi.readString();

    // send user name and hashed password/timestamp
    sout = PrintOutput.get(socket.getOutputStream());
    send(Token.md5(Token.md5(pass) + ts));

    // receive success flag
    if (!ok(bi)) throw new LoginException();
Beispiel #4
 public final void plan(final Serializer ser) throws IOException {
   ser.attribute(AXIS, Token.token(;
   ser.attribute(TEST, Token.token(test.toString()));
Beispiel #5
  public Iter iter(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    switch (def) {
      case ERROR:
        final int al = expr.length;
        if (al == 0) FUNERR1.thrw(input);

        String code = FUNERR1.code();
        String msg = FUNERR1.desc;

        final Item it = expr[0].item(ctx, input);
        if (it == null) {
          if (al == 1) XPEMPTY.thrw(input, desc());
        } else {
          code = Token.string(((QNm) checkType(it, AtomType.QNM)).ln());
        if (al > 1) msg = Token.string(checkEStr(expr[1], ctx));
        final Value val = al > 2 ? expr[2].value(ctx) : null;
        final QueryException ex = new QueryException(input, code, val, msg);
        throw ex;
      case TRACE:
        return new Iter() {
          final Iter ir = expr[0].iter(ctx);
          final byte[] s = checkEStr(expr[1], ctx);

          public Item next() throws QueryException {
            final Item i =;
            if (i != null) {
              final TokenBuilder tb = new TokenBuilder(s);
              if (s.length != 0) tb.add(": ");
              // if GUI is used, or if user is no admin, trace info is cached
              if (Prop.gui || !ctx.context.user.perm(User.ADMIN)) {
              } else {
            return i;
      case ENVARS:
        final ItemCache ic = new ItemCache();
        for (final Object k : System.getenv().keySet().toArray()) {
        return ic;
        return super.iter(ctx);
Beispiel #6
 int read(final TextInput ti) throws IOException {
   int ch = ti.readByte();
   if (ch < 0x80) return ch;
   if (ch < 0xC0) return invalid();
   cache[0] = (byte) ch;
   final int cl = ch);
   for (int c = 1; c < cl; ++c) {
     ch = ti.readByte();
     if (ch < 0x80) return invalid();
     cache[c] = (byte) ch;
   return Token.cp(cache, 0);
Beispiel #7
  * Returns the color for the specified string or {@code null}.
  * @param string string string
  * @return color
 static String color(final byte[] string) {
   for (final Object[] color : COLORS) {
     final int cl = color.length;
     for (int c = 1; c < cl; c++) {
       final Object o = color[c];
       final byte[] col =
           o instanceof byte[]
               ? (byte[]) o
               : Token.token(o instanceof Class ? Util.className((Class<?>) o) : o.toString());
       if (Token.eq(col, string)) return color[0].toString();
   return null;
Beispiel #8
  * Returns the combo box selections and the keys of the specified set.
  * @param key keys
  * @return key array
 private String[] entries(final byte[][] key) {
   final StringList sl = new StringList();
   sl.add(, key.length));
   for (final byte[] k : key) sl.add(Token.string(k));
   sl.sort(true, true, 1);
   return sl.toArray();
Beispiel #9
   * Test concurrent reader and writer (GH-458).
   * <p><b>Test case:</b>
   * <ol>
   *   <li/>start a long running reader;
   *   <li/>try to start a writer: it should time out;
   *   <li/>stop the reader;
   *   <li/>start the writer again: it should succeed.
   * </ol>
   * @throws Exception error during request execution
  @Ignore("There is no way to stop a query on the server!")
  public void testReaderWriter() throws Exception {
    final String readerQuery = "?query=(1%20to%20100000000000000)%5b.=1%5d";
    final String writerQuery = "/test.xml";
    final byte[] content = Token.token("<a/>");

    final Get readerAction = new Get(readerQuery);
    final Put writerAction = new Put(writerQuery, content);

    final ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);

    // start reader
    Performance.sleep(TIMEOUT); // delay in order to be sure that the reader has started
    // start writer
    Future<HTTPResponse> writer = exec.submit(writerAction);

    try {
      final HTTPResponse result = writer.get(TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

      if (result.status.isSuccess()) fail("Database modified while a reader is running");
      throw new Exception(result.toString());
    } catch (final TimeoutException e) {
      // writer is blocked by the reader: stop it
      writerAction.stop = true;

    // stop reader
    readerAction.stop = true;

    // start the writer again
    writer = exec.submit(writerAction);
    assertEquals(HTTPCode.CREATED, writer.get().status);
Beispiel #10
    public void execute(final GUI gui) {
      final DialogExport dialog = new DialogExport(gui);
      if (!dialog.ok()) return;

      final IOFile root = new IOFile(dialog.path());

      // check if existing files will be overwritten
      if (root.exists()) {
        IO file = null;
        boolean overwrite = false;
        final Data d =;
        final IntList il =;
        final int is = il.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < is; i++) {
          file = root.merge(Token.string(d.text(il.get(i), true)));
          if (file.exists()) {
            if (overwrite) {
              // more than one file will be overwritten; check remaining tests
              file = null;
            overwrite = true;
        if (overwrite) {
          // show message for overwriting files or directories
          final String msg = file == null ? FILES_REPLACE_X : FILE_EXISTS_X;
          if (file == null) file = root;
          if (!BaseXDialog.confirm(gui,, file))) return;
      DialogProgress.execute(gui, new Export(root.path()));
Beispiel #11
 public final int diff(final Item it, final Collation coll, final InputInfo ii)
     throws QueryException {
   return it.type.isUntyped()
       ? coll == null ? Token.diff(string(), it.string(ii)) :, it.string(ii))
       : -it.diff(this, coll, ii);
Beispiel #12
   * Searches a string in a file.
   * @param path file path
   * @param search codepoints of search string
   * @return success flag
  private static boolean filterContent(final String path, final int[] search) {
    final int cl = search.length;
    if (cl == 0) return true;

    try (final TextInput ti = new TextInput(new IOFile(path))) {
      final IntList il = new IntList(cl - 1);
      int c = 0;
      while (true) {
        if (!il.isEmpty()) {
          if (il.remove(0) == search[c++]) continue;
          c = 0;
        while (true) {
          final int cp =;
          if (cp == -1 || !XMLToken.valid(cp)) return false;
          final int lc =;
          if (c > 0) il.add(lc);
          if (lc == search[c]) {
            if (++c == cl) return true;
          } else {
            c = 0;
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      // file may not be accessible
      return false;
Beispiel #13
  * Notifies all views of a focus change.
  * @param pre focused pre value
  * @param vw the calling view
 public void focus(final int pre, final View vw) {
   if (gui.context.focused == pre) return;
   gui.context.focused = pre;
   for (final View v : view) if (v != vw && v.visible()) v.refreshFocus();
   if (pre != -1) {
     gui.status.setText(Token.string(ViewData.path(, pre)));
Beispiel #14
 public void execute(final GUI gui) {
   final int pre = gui.context.marked.pres[0];
   final byte[] txt = ViewData.path(, pre);
   // copy path to clipboard
   final Clipboard clip = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
   clip.setContents(new StringSelection(Token.string(txt)), null);
 public void startNonterminal(String name, int begin) {
   try {
     builder.openElem(Token.token(name), atts, nsp);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new RuntimeException(e);
Beispiel #16
  * Constructor.
  * @param value value
  * @param type item type
  * @param ii input info
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 private Dur(final byte[] value, final Type type, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {
   final String val = Token.string(value).trim();
   final Matcher mt = DUR.matcher(val);
   if (!mt.matches() || val.endsWith("P") || val.endsWith("T")) throw dateError(value, XDURR, ii);
   yearMonth(value, mt, ii);
   dayTime(value, mt, 6, ii);
Beispiel #17
 public String getItemAsString(final Properties props) throws XQException {
   try {
     return it.node() && it.type != NodeType.TXT ? serialize() : Token.string(it.atom(null));
   } catch (final QueryException e) {
     throw new XQException(e.getMessage(), e.code());
Beispiel #18
  * Adds the time to the specified token builder.
  * @param tb token builder
 final void time(final TokenBuilder tb) {
   if (sec.remainder(DAYSECONDS).signum() == 0) return;
   final long h = hou();
   if (h != 0) {
   final long m = min();
   if (m != 0) {
   final BigDecimal sc = sec();
   if (sc.signum() == 0) return;
Beispiel #19
  * Test client with different user.
  * @throws IOException I/O exception
 public void user() throws IOException {
   run("-cexit", "-cdrop user " + NAME);
       new String[] {"-U" + NAME, "-P" + NAME, "-q5"},
       new String[] {"-ccreate user " + NAME + ' ' + Token.md5(NAME)});
   run("-cexit", "-cdrop user " + NAME);
 private void characters(int begin, int end) {
   if (begin < end) {
     try {
       builder.text(Token.token(input.subSequence(begin, end).toString()));
     } catch (IOException e) {
       throw new RuntimeException(e);
Beispiel #21
 public void plan(final Serializer ser) throws IOException {
   try {
     ser.emptyElement(ITM, VAL, atom(null), TYP, Token.token(name()));
   } catch (final QueryException ex) {
     // only function items throw exceptions in atomization, and they should
     // override plan(Serializer) sensibly
Beispiel #22
 public final boolean eq(
     final Item it, final Collation coll, final StaticContext sc, final InputInfo ii)
     throws QueryException {
   return it.type.isUntyped()
       ? coll == null
           ? Token.eq(string(), it.string(ii))
           :, it.string(ii)) == 0
       : it.eq(this, coll, sc, ii);
Beispiel #23
 public Item item(final QueryContext ctx, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {
   switch (def) {
     case ENVAR:
       final String e = System.getenv(Token.string(checkEStr(expr[0], ctx)));
       return e != null ? Str.get(e) : null;
       return super.item(ctx, ii);
Beispiel #24
 public String getAtomicValue() throws XQException {
   if (it.node()) throw new BXQException(ATOM);
   try {
     return Token.string(it.atom(null));
   } catch (final QueryException e) {
     // function item
     throw new BXQException(ATOM);
Beispiel #25
 public URI getNodeUri() throws XQException {
   if (!it.node()) throw new BXQException(NODE);
   final ANode node = (ANode) it;
   try {
     return new URI(Token.string(node.base()));
   } catch (final URISyntaxException ex) {
     throw new BXQException(ex.toString());
Beispiel #26
  public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
    if (e != null) {
      final Object source = e.getSource();

      // find modified component
      int cp = 0;
      final int cs = panel.getComponentCount();
      for (int c = 0; c < cs; ++c) if (panel.getComponent(c) == source) cp = c;

      if ((cp & 1) == 0) {
        // combo box with tags/attributes
        final BaseXCombo combo = (BaseXCombo) source;
        panel.remove(cp + 1);

        final Data data =;
        final boolean selected = combo.getSelectedIndex() != 0;
        if (selected) {
          final String item = combo.getSelectedItem().toString();
          final boolean att = item.startsWith("@");
          final Names names = att ? data.atnindex : data.tagindex;
          final byte[] key = Token.token(att ? item.substring(1) : item);
          final StatsKey stat = names.stat(;
          switch (stat.kind) {
            case INT:
              addSlider(stat.min, stat.max, cp + 1, true);
            case DBL:
              addSlider(stat.min, stat.max, cp + 1, false);
            case CAT:
              addCombo(entries(stat.cats.keys()), cp + 1);
            case TEXT:
              addInput(cp + 1);
            case NONE:
              panel.add(new BaseXLabel(""), cp + 1);
        } else {
          panel.add(new BaseXLabel(""), cp + 1);
        while (cp + 2 < panel.getComponentCount()) {
          panel.remove(cp + 2);
          panel.remove(cp + 2);
        if (selected) addKeys(data);
Beispiel #27
  protected byte[] stem(final byte[] word) {
    int ln = 0;
    final int wl = word.length;
    final char[] s = new char[wl];
    for (int i = 0; i < wl; i +=, i)) {
      s[ln++] = (char) Token.cp(word, i);
    if (ln < 4) return word;

    final int olen = ln;
    // "short rules": if it hits one of these, it skips the "long list"
    int l = rule0(s, ln);
    l = rule1(s, l);
    l = rule2(s, l);
    l = rule3(s, l);
    l = rule4(s, l);
    l = rule5(s, l);
    l = rule6(s, l);
    l = rule7(s, l);
    l = rule8(s, l);
    l = rule9(s, l);
    l = rule10(s, l);
    l = rule11(s, l);
    l = rule12(s, l);
    l = rule13(s, l);
    l = rule14(s, l);
    l = rule15(s, l);
    l = rule16(s, l);
    l = rule17(s, l);
    l = rule18(s, l);
    l = rule19(s, l);
    l = rule20(s, l);
    if (l == olen) l = rule21(s, l);
    // "long list"
    l = rule22(s, l);

    final TokenBuilder tb = new TokenBuilder(l << 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) tb.add(s[i]);
    return tb.finish();
Beispiel #28
   * Calculates the text offset and writes the text value.
   * @param value value to be inlined
   * @param text text/attribute flag
   * @return inline value or text position
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  private long textOff(final byte[] value, final boolean text) throws IOException {
    // inline integer values...
    final long v = Token.toSimpleInt(value);
    if (v != Integer.MIN_VALUE) return v | IO.OFFNUM;

    // store text
    final DataOutput store = text ? xout : vout;
    final long off = store.size();
    final byte[] val = COMP.get().pack(value);
    return val == value ? off : off | IO.OFFCOMP;
Beispiel #29
 public Item item(final QueryContext qc, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {
   final byte[] s;
   if (exprs.length == 0) {
     final Item it = ctxValue(qc).item(qc, info);
     if (it instanceof FItem) throw FISTRING_X.get(ii, it.type);
     s = it == null ? Token.EMPTY : it.string(ii);
   } else {
     s = toEmptyToken(arg(0, qc), qc);
   return Int.get(Token.length(s));
Beispiel #30
   * Initializes the date format.
   * @param d input
   * @param e example format
   * @param ii input info
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  final void date(final byte[] d, final String e, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {
    final Matcher mt = DATE.matcher(Token.string(d).trim());
    if (!mt.matches()) throw dateError(d, e, ii);
    yea = toLong(, false, ii);
    // +1 is added to BC values to simplify computations
    if (yea < 0) yea++;
    mon = (byte) (Strings.toInt( - 1);
    day = (byte) (Strings.toInt( - 1);

    if (mon < 0 || mon >= 12 || day < 0 || day >= dpm(yea, mon)) throw dateError(d, e, ii);
    if (yea <= MIN_YEAR || yea > MAX_YEAR) throw DATERANGE_X_X.get(ii, type, chop(d, ii));
    zone(mt, 5, d, ii);