Beispiel #1
  public Iter iter(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final Iter iter = ctx.iter(expr);
    final Item it =;
    if (it == null) {
      if (type.mayBeZero()) return Empty.ITER;
      throw XPEMPTY.thrw(input, desc());
    if (type.zeroOrOne()) {
      if ( != null) NOTREATS.thrw(input, desc(), type);
      if (!it.type.instance(type.type)) NOTREAT.thrw(input, desc(), type, it.type);
      return it.iter();

    return new Iter() {
      Item i = it;

      public Item next() throws QueryException {
        if (i == null) return null;
        if (!i.type.instance(type.type)) NOTREAT.thrw(input, desc(), type, i.type);
        final Item ii = i;
        i =;
        return ii;
Beispiel #2
  * Checks if the items can be compared. Items are comparable
  * @param b second item
  * @return result of check
 public final boolean comparable(final Item b) {
   return type == b.type
       || num() && b.num()
       || (unt() || str()) && (b.str() || b.unt())
       || dur() && b.dur()
       || func();
Beispiel #3
   * Extracts connection options.
   * @param arg argument with options
   * @param root expected root element
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return options
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  private TokenObjMap<Object> options(final int arg, final QNm root, final QueryContext ctx)
      throws QueryException {
    // initialize token map
    final TokenObjMap<Object> tm = new TokenObjMap<Object>();
    // argument does not exist...
    if (arg >= expr.length) return tm;

    // empty sequence...
    final Item it = expr[arg].item(ctx, input);
    if (it == null) return tm;

    // XQuery map: convert to internal map
    if (it instanceof Map) return ((Map) it).tokenJavaMap(input);
    // no element: convert XQuery map to internal map
    if (!it.type().eq(SeqType.ELM)) throw NODFUNTYPE.thrw(input, this, it.type);

    // parse nodes
    ANode node = (ANode) it;
    if (!node.qname().eq(root)) PARWHICH.thrw(input, node.qname());

    // interpret query parameters
    final AxisIter ai = node.children();
    while ((node = != null) {
      final QNm qn = node.qname();
      if (!qn.uri().eq(Uri.uri(SQLURI))) PARWHICH.thrw(input, qn);
      tm.add(qn.ln(), node.children().next());
    return tm;
Beispiel #4
  public NodeIter iter(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
    final Value v = checkCtx(ctx);
    if (!v.type.isNode()) NODESPATH.thrw(input, AxisStep.this, v.type);
    final AxisIter ai = axis.iter((ANode) v);

    final NodeCache nc = new NodeCache();
    for (ANode n; (n = != null; ) if (test.eval(n)) nc.add(n.finish());

    // evaluate predicates
    for (final Expr p : preds) {
      ctx.size = nc.size();
      ctx.pos = 1;
      int c = 0;
      for (int n = 0; n < nc.size(); ++n) {
        ctx.value = nc.get(n);
        final Item i = p.test(ctx, input);
        if (i != null) {
          // assign score value
          nc.item[c++] = nc.get(n);
    return nc;
Beispiel #5
 public String getItemAsString(final Properties props) throws XQException {
   try {
     return it.node() && it.type != NodeType.TXT ? serialize() : Token.string(it.atom(null));
   } catch (final QueryException e) {
     throw new XQException(e.getMessage(), e.code());
Beispiel #6
  * Casts the current item.
  * @param type expected type
  * @return cast item
  * @throws XQException xquery exception
 private long castItr(final Type type) throws XQException {
   try {
     final double d = it.dbl(null);
     if (!it.num() || d != (long) d) throw new BXQException(NUM, d);
     return type.e(it, ctx.ctx, null).itr(null);
   } catch (final QueryException ex) {
     throw new BXQException(ex);
Beispiel #7
    public Item ev(final InputInfo ii, final Item a, final Item b) throws QueryException {

      checkNum(ii, a, b);
      final double d1 = a.dbl(ii);
      final double d2 = b.dbl(ii);
      if (d2 == 0) DIVZERO.thrw(ii, a);
      final double d = d1 / d2;
      if (Double.isNaN(d) || Double.isInfinite(d)) DIVFLOW.thrw(ii, d1, d2);
      return Int.get(type(a.type, b.type) == ITR ? a.itr(ii) / b.itr(ii) : (long) d);
Beispiel #8
 public String getAtomicValue() throws XQException {
   if (it.node()) throw new BXQException(ATOM);
   try {
     return Token.string(it.atom(null));
   } catch (final QueryException e) {
     // function item
     throw new BXQException(ATOM);
Beispiel #9
   * Checks if the predicates are successful for the specified item.
   * @param it item to be checked
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return result of check
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public boolean preds(final Item it, final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {

    // set context item and position
    ctx.value = it;
    for (final Expr p : pred) {
      final Item i = p.test(ctx, input);
      if (i == null) return false;
      // item accepted.. adopt last scoring value
    return true;
Beispiel #10
  public final Item ebv(final QueryContext ctx, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {

    Item it = null;
    if (type().zeroOrOne()) {
      it = item(ctx, input);
    } else {
      final Iter ir = iter(ctx);
      it =;
      if (it != null && !it.node() && != null) CONDTYPE.thrw(input, this);
    return it == null ? Bln.FALSE : it;
Beispiel #11
    public Item ev(final InputInfo ii, final Item a, final Item b) throws QueryException {

      final Type ta = a.type, tb = b.type;
      final boolean t1 = ta.isNumber() || ta.isUntyped();
      final boolean t2 = tb.isNumber() || tb.isUntyped();
      if (t1 ^ t2) errNum(ii, !t1 ? a : b);
      if (t1 && t2) {
        final Type t = type(ta, tb);
        if (t == ITR) {
          final long l1 = a.itr(ii);
          final long l2 = b.itr(ii);
          checkRange(ii, l1 - (double) l2);
          return Int.get(l1 - l2);
        if (t == DBL) return Dbl.get(a.dbl(ii) - b.dbl(ii));
        if (t == FLT) return Flt.get(a.flt(ii) - b.flt(ii));
        return Dec.get(a.dec(ii).subtract(b.dec(ii)));

      if (ta == tb) {
        if (ta == DTM || ta == DAT || ta == TIM) return new DTd((Date) a, (Date) b);
        if (ta == YMD) return new YMd((YMd) a, (YMd) b, false);
        if (ta == DTD) return new DTd((DTd) a, (DTd) b, false);
        errNum(ii, !t1 ? a : b);
      if (ta == DTM) return new Dtm((Date) a, checkDur(ii, b), false, ii);
      if (ta == DAT) return new Dat((Date) a, checkDur(ii, b), false, ii);
      if (ta == TIM) {
        if (tb != DTD) errType(ii, DTD, b);
        return new Tim((Tim) a, (DTd) b, false, ii);
      errType(ii, ta, b);
      return null;
Beispiel #12
  public void prepare() throws QueryException {
    // build data with all documents, to prevent dirty reads
    md = new MemData(data);
    for (final Item d : docs) {
      final MemData docData;
      if (d.node()) {
        // adding a document node
        final ANode doc = (ANode) d;
        if (doc.ndType() != NodeType.DOC) UPDOCTYPE.thrw(input, doc);
        docData = new MemData(data);
        new DataBuilder(docData).build(doc);
      } else if (d.str()) {
        // adding file(s) from a path
        final String docpath = string(d.atom(input));
        final String nm = ctx.mprop.random(;
        final DirParser p = new DirParser(IO.get(docpath), ctx.prop);
        final MemBuilder b = new MemBuilder(nm, p, ctx.prop);
        try {
          docData =;
        } catch (final IOException e) {
          throw DOCERR.thrw(input, docpath);
      } else {
        throw STRNODTYPE.thrw(input, this, d.type);
      md.insert(md.meta.size, -1, docData);

    // set new names, if needed
    final IntList pres = md.doc();
    if (pres.size() == 1 && name != null) {
      // name is specified and a single document is added: set the name
      final byte[] nm = path == null ? name : concat(path, SLASH, name);
      md.update(pres.get(0), Data.DOC, nm);
    } else if (path != null) {
      // path is specified: replace the path of each new document
      for (int i = 0, is = pres.size(); i < is; i++) {
        final int d = pres.get(i);
        final byte[] old = md.text(d, true);
        final int p = lastIndexOf(old, '/');
        final byte[] nm = p < 0 ? old : subtoken(old, p + 1);
        md.update(d, Data.DOC, concat(path, SLASH, nm));
Beispiel #13
  * Sends an event to the registered sessions.
  * @param ctx query context
  * @return event result
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 private Item event(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
   final byte[] name = checkStr(expr[0], ctx);
   final ArrayOutput ao = new ArrayOutput();
   try {
     // run serialization
     final Serializer ser = Serializer.get(ao, ctx.serProp(true));
     final ValueIter ir = ctx.value(expr[1]).iter();
     for (Item it; (it = != null; ) it.serialize(ser);
   } catch (final SerializerException ex) {
     throw ex.getCause(input);
   } catch (final IOException ex) {
     SERANY.thrw(input, ex);
   // throw exception if event is unknown
   if (!, name, ao.toArray())) {
     NOEVENT.thrw(input, name);
   return null;
Beispiel #14
 public URI getNodeUri() throws XQException {
   if (!it.node()) throw new BXQException(NODE);
   final ANode node = (ANode) it;
   try {
     return new URI(Token.string(node.base()));
   } catch (final URISyntaxException ex) {
     throw new BXQException(ex.toString());
Beispiel #15
    public Item ev(final InputInfo ii, final Item a, final Item b) throws QueryException {

      checkNum(ii, a, b);
      final Type t = type(a.type, b.type);
      if (t == DBL) return Dbl.get(a.dbl(ii) % b.dbl(ii));
      if (t == FLT) return Flt.get(a.flt(ii) % b.flt(ii));
      if (t == ITR) {
        final long b1 = a.itr(ii);
        final long b2 = b.itr(ii);
        if (b2 == 0) DIVZERO.thrw(ii, a);
        return Int.get(b1 % b2);

      final BigDecimal b1 = a.dec(ii);
      final BigDecimal b2 = b.dec(ii);
      if (b2.signum() == 0) DIVZERO.thrw(ii, a);
      final BigDecimal q = b1.divide(b2, 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
      return Dec.get(b1.subtract(q.multiply(b2)));
Beispiel #16
    public Item ev(final InputInfo ii, final Item a, final Item b) throws QueryException {

      final Type ta = a.type, tb = b.type;
      if (ta == tb) {
        if (ta == YMD) {
          final BigDecimal bd = BigDecimal.valueOf(((YMd) b).ymd());
          if (bd.equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)) DATEZERO.thrw(ii, info());
          return Dec.get(
              BigDecimal.valueOf(((YMd) a).ymd()).divide(bd, 20, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN));
        if (ta == DTD) {
          final BigDecimal bd = ((DTd) b).dtd();
          if (bd.equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)) DATEZERO.thrw(ii, info());
          return Dec.get(((DTd) a).dtd().divide(bd, 20, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN));
      if (ta == YMD) {
        if (!tb.isNumber()) errNum(ii, b);
        return new YMd((Dur) a, b.dbl(ii), false, ii);
      if (ta == DTD) {
        if (!tb.isNumber()) errNum(ii, b);
        return new DTd((Dur) a, b.dbl(ii), false, ii);

      checkNum(ii, a, b);
      final Type t = type(ta, tb);
      if (t == DBL) return Dbl.get(a.dbl(ii) / b.dbl(ii));
      if (t == FLT) return Flt.get(a.flt(ii) / b.flt(ii));

      final BigDecimal b1 = a.dec(ii);
      final BigDecimal b2 = b.dec(ii);
      if (b2.signum() == 0) DIVZERO.thrw(ii, a);
      final int s = Math.max(18, Math.max(b1.scale(), b2.scale()));
      return Dec.get(b1.divide(b2, s, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN));
Beispiel #17
  * Checks if the specified expression yields a string. Returns a token representation or an
  * exception.
  * @param e expression to be evaluated
  * @param ctx query context
  * @return item
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 public final byte[] checkStr(final Expr e, final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
   final Item it = checkItem(e, ctx);
   if (!it.str() && !it.unt()) Err.type(this, AtomType.STR, it);
   return it.atom(input);
Beispiel #18
 public Object getObject() throws XQException {
   return it.toJava();
Beispiel #19
 public final boolean eq(final InputInfo ii, final Item it) throws QueryException {
   return !it.unt() ? it.eq(ii, this) : Token.eq(atom(), it.atom(ii));
Beispiel #20
 public Node getNode() throws XQException {
   if (!it.node()) throw new BXQException(WRONG, NodeType.NOD, it.type);
   return ((ANode) it).toJava();
Beispiel #21
 public final int diff(final InputInfo ii, final Item it) throws QueryException {
   return !it.unt() ? -it.diff(ii, this) : Token.diff(atom(), it.atom(ii));
Beispiel #22
   * Parses the specified test case.
   * @param root root node
   * @throws Exception exception
   * @return true if the query, specified by {@link #single}, was evaluated
  private boolean parse(final Nodes root) throws Exception {
    final String pth = text("@FilePath", root);
    final String outname = text("@name", root);
    if (single != null && !outname.startsWith(single)) return true;

    final Performance perf = new Performance();
    if (verbose) Util.out("- " + outname);

    boolean inspect = false;
    boolean correct = true;

    final Nodes nodes = states(root);
    for (int n = 0; n < nodes.size(); ++n) {
      final Nodes state = new Nodes(nodes.list[n],;

      final String inname = text("*:query/@name", state);
      context.query = new IOFile(queries + pth + inname + IO.XQSUFFIX);
      final String in = read(context.query);
      String er = null;
      ItemCache iter = null;
      boolean doc = true;

      final Nodes cont = nodes("*:contextItem", state);
      Nodes curr = null;
      if (cont.size() != 0) {
        final Data d = Check.check(context, srcs.get(string(data.atom(cont.list[0]))));
        curr = new Nodes(d.doc(), d);
        curr.root = true;

      context.prop.set(Prop.QUERYINFO, compile);
      final QueryProcessor xq = new QueryProcessor(in, curr, context);
      context.prop.set(Prop.QUERYINFO, false);

      // limit result sizes to 1MB
      final ArrayOutput ao = new ArrayOutput();
      final TokenBuilder files = new TokenBuilder();

      try {
            file(nodes("*:input-file", state), nodes("*:input-file/@variable", state), xq, n == 0));
        files.add(file(nodes("*:defaultCollection", state), null, xq, n == 0));

        var(nodes("*:input-URI", state), nodes("*:input-URI/@variable", state), xq);
        eval(nodes("*:input-query/@name", state), nodes("*:input-query/@variable", state), pth, xq);

        parse(xq, state);

        for (final int p : nodes("*:module", root).list) {
          final String uri = text("@namespace", new Nodes(p, data));
          final String file = mods.get(string(data.atom(p))) + IO.XQSUFFIX;
          xq.module(file, uri);

        // evaluate and serialize query
        final SerializerProp sp = new SerializerProp();
        sp.set(SerializerProp.S_INDENT, ? DataText.YES : DataText.NO);
        final XMLSerializer xml = new XMLSerializer(ao, sp);

        iter = xq.value().cache();
        for (Item it; (it = != null; ) {
          doc &= it.type == NodeType.DOC;
      } catch (final Exception ex) {
        if (!(ex instanceof QueryException || ex instanceof IOException)) {
          System.err.println("\n*** " + outname + " ***");
          System.err.println(in + "\n");
        er = ex.getMessage();
        if (er.startsWith(STOPPED)) er = er.substring(er.indexOf('\n') + 1);
        if (er.startsWith("[")) er = er.replaceAll("\\[(.*?)\\] (.*)", "$1 $2");
        // unexpected error - dump stack trace

      // print compilation steps
      if (compile) {

      final Nodes expOut = nodes("*:output-file/text()", state);
      final TokenList result = new TokenList();
      for (int o = 0; o < expOut.size(); ++o) {
        final String resFile = string(data.atom(expOut.list[o]));
        final IOFile exp = new IOFile(expected + pth + resFile);

      final Nodes cmpFiles = nodes("*:output-file/@compare", state);
      boolean xml = false;
      boolean frag = false;
      boolean ignore = false;
      for (int o = 0; o < cmpFiles.size(); ++o) {
        final byte[] type = data.atom(cmpFiles.list[o]);
        xml |= eq(type, XML);
        frag |= eq(type, FRAGMENT);
        ignore |= eq(type, IGNORE);

      String expError = text("*:expected-error/text()", state);

      final StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(pth + inname + IO.XQSUFFIX);
      if (files.size() != 0) {
        log.append(" [");

      /** Remove comments. */
      final String logStr = log.toString();
      // skip queries with variable results
      final boolean print = currTime || !logStr.contains("current-");

      boolean correctError = false;
      if (er != null && (expOut.size() == 0 || !expError.isEmpty())) {
        expError = error(pth + outname, expError);
        final String code = er.substring(0, Math.min(8, er.length()));
        for (final String e : SLASH.split(expError)) {
          if (code.equals(e)) {
            correctError = true;

      if (correctError) {
        if (print) {
          logOK.append("[Right] ");
          addLog(pth, outname + ".log", er);
      } else if (er == null) {
        int s = -1;
        final int rs = result.size();

        while (!ignore && ++s < rs) {
          inspect |= s < cmpFiles.list.length && eq(data.atom(cmpFiles.list[s]), INSPECT);

          final byte[] res = result.get(s), actual = ao.toArray();
          if (res.length == ao.size() && eq(res, actual)) break;

          if (xml || frag) {

            try {
              final ItemCache ic =
                  toIter(string(res).replaceAll("^<\\?xml.*?\\?>", "").trim(), frag);
              if (FNSimple.deep(null, iter, ic)) break;

              final ItemCache ia = toIter(string(actual), frag);
              if (FNSimple.deep(null, ia, ic)) break;
            } catch (final Throwable ex) {
              System.err.println("\n" + outname + ":");
        if ((rs > 0 || !expError.isEmpty()) && s == rs && !inspect) {
          if (print) {
            if (expOut.size() == 0) result.add(error(pth + outname, expError));
            logErr.append("[" + testid + " ] ");
            logErr.append("[Wrong] ");
            addLog(pth, outname + (xml ? IO.XMLSUFFIX : ".txt"), ao.toString());
          correct = false;
        } else {
          if (print) {
            logOK.append("[Right] ");
            addLog(pth, outname + (xml ? IO.XMLSUFFIX : ".txt"), ao.toString());
      } else {
        if (expOut.size() == 0 || !expError.isEmpty()) {
          if (print) {
            logOK2.append("[" + testid + " ] ");
            logOK2.append("[Rght?] ");
            addLog(pth, outname + ".log", er);
        } else {
          if (print) {
            logErr2.append("[" + testid + " ] ");
            logErr2.append("[Wrong] ");
            addLog(pth, outname + ".log", er);
          correct = false;
      if (curr != null) Close.close(, context);

    if (reporting) {
      logReport.append("    <test-case name=\"");
      logReport.append("\" result='");
      logReport.append(correct ? "pass" : "fail");
      if (inspect) logReport.append("' todo='inspect");

    // print verbose/timing information
    final long nano = perf.getTime();
    final boolean slow = nano / 1000000 > timer;
    if (verbose) {
      if (slow) Util.out(": " + Performance.getTimer(nano, 1));
    } else if (slow) {
      Util.out(NL + "- " + outname + ": " + Performance.getTimer(nano, 1));

    return single == null || !outname.equals(single);
Beispiel #23
   * Checks if the specified expression yields a boolean. Returns the boolean or throws an
   * exception.
   * @param e expression to be checked
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return boolean
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public final boolean checkBln(final Expr e, final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {

    final Item it = checkNoEmpty(e.item(ctx, input), AtomType.BLN);
    if (!it.unt() && it.type != AtomType.BLN) Err.type(this, AtomType.BLN, it);
    return it.bool(input);
Beispiel #24
   * Checks if the specified expression yields a double. Returns the double or throws an exception.
   * @param e expression to be checked
   * @param ctx query context
   * @return double
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public final double checkDbl(final Expr e, final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {

    final Item it = checkNoEmpty(e.item(ctx, input), AtomType.DBL);
    if (!it.unt() && !it.num()) Err.number(this, it);
    return it.dbl(input);
Beispiel #25
  * Checks if the specified item is a number. Returns a token representation or an exception.
  * @param it item to be checked
  * @return item
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 public final long checkItr(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   if (!it.unt() && !it.type.instance(AtomType.ITR)) Err.type(this, AtomType.ITR, it);
   return it.itr(input);
Beispiel #26
  public final Item test(final QueryContext ctx, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {

    final Item it = ebv(ctx, input);
    return (it.num() ? it.dbl(input) == ctx.pos : it.bool(input)) ? it : null;
Beispiel #27
  * Checks if the specified expression is a node. Returns the node or an exception.
  * @param it item to be checked
  * @return item
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 public final ANode checkNode(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   if (!it.node()) Err.type(this, NodeType.NOD, it);
   return (ANode) it;
Beispiel #28
 public Iter iter(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
   final Item it = item(ctx, input);
   return it != null ? it.iter() : Empty.ITER;
Beispiel #29
   * Checks the items for equivalence.
   * @param ii input info
   * @param it item to be compared
   * @return result of check
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public final boolean equiv(final InputInfo ii, final Item it) throws QueryException {

    // check if both values are NaN, or if values are equal..
    return (this == Dbl.NAN || this == Flt.NAN) && it.num() && Double.isNaN(it.dbl(ii))
        || comparable(it) && eq(ii, it);
Beispiel #30
  * Checks if the specified item is a string or an empty sequence. Returns a token representation
  * or an exception.
  * @param it item to be checked
  * @return item
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 public final byte[] checkEStr(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   if (it == null) return EMPTY;
   if (!it.str() && !it.unt()) Err.type(this, AtomType.STR, it);
   return it.atom(input);