/** * Checks if specified query was rewritten for index access, and checks the query result. * * @param query query to be tested * @param result result or {@code null} for no comparison */ private static void check(final String query, final String result) { check( query, result, "exists(/descendant-or-self::*" + "[self::" + Util.className(ValueAccess.class) + "|self::" + Util.className(FTIndexAccess.class) + "])"); }
/** * Extracts entries from the archive. * * @param ctx query context * @return text entries * @throws QueryException query exception */ private TokenList extract(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64); TokenSet hs = null; if (expr.length > 1) { // filter result to specified entries hs = new TokenSet(); final Iter names = ctx.iter(expr[1]); for (Item en; (en = names.next()) != null; ) { hs.add(checkElmStr(en).string(info)); } } final TokenList tl = new TokenList(); final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info); try { while (in.more()) { final ZipEntry ze = in.entry(); if (ze.isDirectory()) continue; if (hs == null || hs.delete(token(ze.getName())) != 0) tl.add(in.read()); } } catch (final IOException ex) { Util.debug(ex); ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex); } finally { in.close(); } return tl; }
/** * Creates the error message from the specified text and extension array. * * @param text text message with optional placeholders * @param ext info extensions * @return argument */ private static String message(final String text, final Object[] ext) { final int es = ext.length; for (int e = 0; e < es; e++) { if (ext[e] instanceof ExprInfo) ext[e] = chop(((ExprInfo) ext[e]).toErrorString(), null); } return Util.info(text, ext); }
/** * Returns the entries of an archive. * * @param ctx query context * @return entries * @throws QueryException query exception */ private Iter entries(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64); final ValueBuilder vb = new ValueBuilder(); final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info); try { while (in.more()) { final ZipEntry ze = in.entry(); if (ze.isDirectory()) continue; final FElem e = new FElem(Q_ENTRY, NS); long s = ze.getSize(); if (s != -1) e.add(Q_SIZE, token(s)); s = ze.getTime(); if (s != -1) e.add(Q_LAST_MOD, new Dtm(s, info).string(info)); s = ze.getCompressedSize(); if (s != -1) e.add(Q_COMP_SIZE, token(s)); e.add(ze.getName()); vb.add(e); } return vb; } catch (final IOException ex) { Util.debug(ex); throw ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex); } finally { in.close(); } }
/** * Returns the options of an archive. * * @param ctx query context * @return entries * @throws QueryException query exception */ private FElem options(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64); String format = null; int level = -1; final ArchiveIn arch = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info); try { format = arch.format(); while (arch.more()) { final ZipEntry ze = arch.entry(); if (ze.isDirectory()) continue; level = ze.getMethod(); break; } } catch (final IOException ex) { Util.debug(ex); ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex); } finally { arch.close(); } // create result element final FElem e = new FElem(Q_OPTIONS, NS); if (format != null) e.add(new FElem(Q_FORMAT).add(Q_VALUE, format)); if (level >= 0) { final byte[] lvl = level == 8 ? DEFLATE : level == 0 ? STORED : UNKNOWN; e.add(new FElem(Q_ALGORITHM).add(Q_VALUE, lvl)); } return e; }
/** Constructor, registering statically available XQuery functions. */ private Functions() { for (final Function def : Function.values()) { final String dsc = def.desc; final byte[] ln = token(dsc.substring(0, dsc.indexOf(PAR1))); final int i = add(new QNm(ln, def.uri()).id()); if (i < 0) Util.notexpected("Function defined twice:" + def); funcs[i] = def; } }
/** * Returns a string representation of all found arguments. * * @param args array with arguments * @return string representation */ static String foundArgs(final Value[] args) { // compose found arguments final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Value v : args) { if (sb.length() != 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(v instanceof Jav ? Util.className(((Jav) v).toJava()) : v.seqType()); } return sb.toString(); }
/** * Adds parameters from the passed on request body. * * @param body request body * @param params map parameters */ private static void addParams(final String body, final Map<String, String[]> params) { for (final String nv : body.split("&")) { final String[] parts = nv.split("=", 2); if (parts.length < 2) continue; try { params.put(parts[0], new String[] {URLDecoder.decode(parts[1], Token.UTF8)}); } catch (final Exception ex) { Util.notexpected(ex); } } }
/** Test method. */ @Test public void foldLeft1Test() { query("hof:fold-left1(1 to 10, function($x, $y) { $x + $y })", "55"); error("hof:fold-left1((), function($x, $y) { $x + $y })", EMPTYFOUND); // should be unrolled and evaluated at compile time final int limit = FnForEach.UNROLL_LIMIT; check( "hof:fold-left1(1 to " + limit + ", function($a,$b) {$a+$b})", "55", "empty(//" + Util.className(HofFoldLeft1.class) + "[contains(@name, 'fold-left1')])", "exists(*/" + Util.className(Int.class) + ')'); // should be unrolled but not evaluated at compile time check( "hof:fold-left1(1 to " + limit + ", function($a,$b) {0*random:integer($a)+$b})", "10", "empty(//" + Util.className(HofFoldLeft1.class) + "[contains(@name, 'fold-left1')])", "empty(*/" + Util.className(Int.class) + ')', "count(//" + Util.className(Arith.class) + "[@op = '+']) eq 9"); // should not be unrolled check( "hof:fold-left1(1 to " + (limit + 1) + ", function($a,$b) {$a+$b})", "66", "exists(//" + Util.className(HofFoldLeft1.class) + "[contains(@name, 'fold-left1')])"); }
/** * Returns the color for the specified string or {@code null}. * * @param string string string * @return color */ static String color(final byte[] string) { for (final Object[] color : COLORS) { final int cl = color.length; for (int c = 1; c < cl; c++) { final Object o = color[c]; final byte[] col = o instanceof byte[] ? (byte[]) o : Token.token(o instanceof Class ? Util.className((Class<?>) o) : o.toString()); if (Token.eq(col, string)) return color[0].toString(); } } return null; }
/** * Creates a new archive. * * @param ctx query context * @return archive * @throws QueryException query exception */ private B64 create(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final Iter entr = ctx.iter(expr[0]); final Iter cont = ctx.iter(expr[1]); final Item opt = expr.length > 2 ? expr[2].item(ctx, info) : null; final TokenMap map = new FuncParams(Q_OPTIONS, info).parse(opt); final byte[] f = map.get(FORMAT); final String format = f != null ? string(lc(f)) : "zip"; final ArchiveOut out = ArchiveOut.get(format, info); // check algorithm final byte[] alg = map.get(ALGORITHM); int level = ZipEntry.DEFLATED; if (alg != null) { if (format.equals("zip") && !eq(alg, STORED, DEFLATE) || format.equals("gzip") && !eq(alg, DEFLATE)) { ARCH_SUPP.thrw(info, ALGORITHM, alg); } if (eq(alg, STORED)) level = ZipEntry.STORED; else if (eq(alg, DEFLATE)) level = ZipEntry.DEFLATED; } out.level(level); try { int e = 0; int c = 0; Item en, cn; while (true) { en = entr.next(); cn = cont.next(); if (en == null || cn == null) break; if (out instanceof GZIPOut && c > 0) ARCH_ONE.thrw(info, format.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); add(checkElmStr(en), cn, out, level); e++; c++; } // count remaining entries if (cn != null) do c++; while (cont.next() != null); if (en != null) do e++; while (entr.next() != null); if (e != c) throw ARCH_DIFF.thrw(info, e, c); } catch (final IOException ex) { Util.debug(ex); throw ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex); } finally { out.close(); } return new B64(out.toArray()); }
/** * Updates an archive. * * @param ctx query context * @return updated archive * @throws QueryException query exception */ private B64 update(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64); // entries to be updated final TokenObjMap<Item[]> hm = new TokenObjMap<Item[]>(); final Iter entr = ctx.iter(expr[1]); final Iter cont = ctx.iter(expr[2]); int e = 0; int c = 0; Item en, cn; while (true) { en = entr.next(); cn = cont.next(); if (en == null || cn == null) break; hm.add(checkElmStr(en).string(info), new Item[] {en, cn}); e++; c++; } // count remaining entries if (cn != null) do c++; while (cont.next() != null); if (en != null) do e++; while (entr.next() != null); if (e != c) ARCH_DIFF.thrw(info, e, c); final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info); final ArchiveOut out = ArchiveOut.get(in.format(), info); try { if (in instanceof GZIPIn) ARCH_MODIFY.thrw(info, in.format().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); // delete entries to be updated while (in.more()) if (!hm.contains(token(in.entry().getName()))) out.write(in); // add new and updated entries for (final byte[] h : hm) { if (h == null) continue; final Item[] it = hm.get(h); add(it[0], it[1], out, ZipEntry.DEFLATED); } } catch (final IOException ex) { Util.debug(ex); ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex); } finally { in.close(); out.close(); } return new B64(out.toArray()); }
/** * Deletes files from an archive. * * @param ctx query context * @return updated archive * @throws QueryException query exception */ private B64 delete(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException { final B64 archive = (B64) checkType(checkItem(expr[0], ctx), AtomType.B64); // entries to be deleted final TokenObjMap<Item[]> hm = new TokenObjMap<Item[]>(); final Iter names = ctx.iter(expr[1]); for (Item en; (en = names.next()) != null; ) { hm.add(checkElmStr(en).string(info), null); } final ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info); final ArchiveOut out = ArchiveOut.get(in.format(), info); try { if (in instanceof GZIPIn) ARCH_MODIFY.thrw(info, in.format().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); while (in.more()) if (!hm.contains(token(in.entry().getName()))) out.write(in); } catch (final IOException ex) { Util.debug(ex); ARCH_FAIL.thrw(info, ex); } finally { in.close(); out.close(); } return new B64(out.toArray()); }
/** * Constructor, specifying an exception or error. {@link QueryError#BASX_GENERIC_X} will be set as * error code. * * @param cause exception or error */ public QueryException(final Throwable cause) { this(Util.message(cause)); }
/** * Creates an exception with the specified message. * * @param msg message * @param ext error extension * @return exception * @throws QueryException query exception */ QueryException error(final String msg, final Object... ext) throws QueryException { throw new QueryException(function.info, Err.BASX_RESTXQ, Util.info(msg, ext)); }