Beispiel #1
   * Draws the specified string.
   * @param g graphics reference
   * @param s text
   * @param x x coordinate
   * @param y y coordinate
   * @param w width
   * @param fs font size
  public static void chopString(
      final Graphics g, final byte[] s, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int fs) {

    if (w < 12) return;
    final int[] cw = fontWidths(g.getFont());

    int j = s.length;
    try {
      int l = 0;
      int fw = 0;
      for (int k = 0; k < j; k += l) {
        final int ww = width(g, cw, cp(s, k));
        if (fw + ww >= w - 4) {
          j = Math.max(1, k - l);
          if (k > 1) fw -= width(g, cw, cp(s, k - 1));
          g.drawString("..", x + fw, y + fs);
        fw += ww;
        l = cl(s, k);
    } catch (final Exception ex) {
    g.drawString(string(s, 0, j), x, y + fs);
Beispiel #2
  * Draws a visualization tooltip.
  * @param g graphics reference
  * @param tt tooltip label
  * @param x horizontal position
  * @param y vertical position
  * @param w width
  * @param c color color depth
 public static void drawTooltip(
     final Graphics g, final String tt, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int c) {
   final int tw = width(g, tt);
   final int th = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
   final int xx = Math.min(w - tw - 8, x);
   g.fillRect(xx - 1, y - th, tw + 4, th);
   g.drawString(tt, xx, y - 4);
Beispiel #3
  * Returns the width of the specified text. Cached font widths are used to speed up calculation.
  * @param g graphics reference
  * @param s string to be evaluated
  * @return string width
 public static int width(final Graphics g, final byte[] s) {
   final int[] cw = fontWidths(g.getFont());
   final int l = s.length;
   int fw = 0;
   try {
     // ignore faulty character sets
     for (int k = 0; k < l; k += cl(s, k)) fw += width(g, cw, cp(s, k));
   } catch (final Exception ex) {
   return fw;
Beispiel #4
   * Draws a colored cell.
   * @param g graphics reference
   * @param xs horizontal start position
   * @param xe horizontal end position
   * @param ys vertical start position
   * @param ye vertical end position
   * @param focus highlighting flag
  public static void drawCell(
      final Graphics g,
      final int xs,
      final int xe,
      final int ys,
      final int ye,
      final boolean focus) {

    g.drawRect(xs, ys, xe - xs - 1, ye - ys - 1);
    g.drawRect(xs + 1, ys + 1, xe - xs - 3, ye - ys - 3);
    g.setColor(focus ? lgray : BACK);
    g.fillRect(xs + 1, ys + 1, xe - xs - 2, ye - ys - 2);
Beispiel #5
  public void paintComponent(final Graphics g) {

    final Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    final long max = rt.maxMemory();
    final long total = rt.totalMemory();
    final long used = total - rt.freeMemory();
    final int ww = getWidth();
    final int hh = getHeight();

    // draw memory box
    g.fillRect(0, 0, ww - 3, hh - 3);
    g.drawLine(0, 0, ww - 4, 0);
    g.drawLine(0, 0, 0, hh - 4);
    g.drawLine(ww - 3, 0, ww - 3, hh - 3);
    g.drawLine(0, hh - 3, ww - 3, hh - 3);

    // show total memory usage
    g.fillRect(2, 2, Math.max(1, (int) (total * (ww - 6) / max)), hh - 6);

    // show current memory usage
    final boolean full = used * 6 / 5 > max;
    g.setColor(full ? colormark4 : color3);
    g.fillRect(2, 2, Math.max(1, (int) (used * (ww - 6) / max)), hh - 6);

    // print current memory usage
    final FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
    final String mem = Performance.format(used, true);
    final int fw = (ww - fm.stringWidth(mem)) / 2;
    final int h = fm.getHeight() - 3;
    g.setColor(full ? colormark3 : DGRAY);
    g.drawString(mem, fw, h);
Beispiel #6
  * Returns the character width of the specified character.
  * @param g graphics reference
  * @param cw array with character widths
  * @param c character
  * @return character width
 public static int width(final Graphics g, final int[] cw, final int c) {
   return c >= cw.length ? g.getFontMetrics().charWidth(c) : cw[c];
Beispiel #7
  * Returns the width of the specified text.
  * @param g graphics reference
  * @param s string to be evaluated
  * @return string width
 public static int width(final Graphics g, final String s) {
   return g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(s);
Beispiel #8
  * Draws a centered string to the panel.
  * @param g graphics reference
  * @param text text to be painted
  * @param w panel width
  * @param y vertical position
 public static void drawCenter(final Graphics g, final String text, final int w, final int y) {
   g.drawString(text, (w - width(g, text)) / 2, y);