Beispiel #1
   * Notifies all views of a context change.
   * @param nodes new context set (may be {@code null} if root nodes are addressed)
   * @param quick quick switch
   * @param vw the calling view
  public void context(final Nodes nodes, final boolean quick, final View vw) {
    final Context ctx = gui.context;

    // add new entry if current node set has not been cached yet
    final Nodes newn = nodes.checkRoot();
    final Nodes empty = new Nodes(new int[0],, ctx.marked.ftpos);
    final Nodes curr = quick ? ctx.current() : null;
    final Nodes cmp = quick ? curr : ctx.marked;
    if (cont[hist] == null ? cmp != null : cmp == null || !cont[hist].sameAs(cmp)) {
      if (quick) {
        // store history entry
        queries[hist] = "";
        marked[hist] = new Nodes(;
        // add current entry
        cont[++hist] = curr;
      } else {
        // store history entry
        final String in = gui.input.getText();
        queries[hist] = in;
        marked[hist] = ctx.marked;
        // add current entry
        cont[++hist] = newn;
        queries[hist] = in;
        marked[hist] = empty;
      histsize = hist;
    ctx.set(newn, empty);

    for (final View v : view) if (v != vw && v.visible()) v.refreshContext(true, quick);
Beispiel #2
    public void execute(final GUI gui) {
      final boolean rt = gui.gprop.invert(GUIProp.FILTERRT);
      // refresh buttons in input bar
      // refresh editor buttons

      final Context ctx = gui.context;
      final boolean root = ctx.root();
      final Data data =;
      if (!rt) {
        if (!root) {
          gui.notify.context(new Nodes(0, data), true, null);
          gui.notify.mark(ctx.current(), null);
      } else {
        if (root) {
          gui.notify.mark(new Nodes(data), null);
        } else {
          final Nodes mark = ctx.marked;
          ctx.marked = new Nodes(data);
          gui.notify.context(mark, true, null);
Beispiel #3
  * Notifies all views of a selection change.
  * @param mark marked nodes
  * @param vw the calling view
 public void mark(final Nodes mark, final View vw) {
   final Context ctx = gui.context;
   ctx.marked = mark;
   for (final View v : view) if (v != vw && v.visible()) v.refreshMark();
   gui.filter.setEnabled(mark.size() != 0);
Beispiel #4
 public void execute(final GUI gui) {
   // skip operation for root context
   final Context ctx = gui.context;
   if (ctx.root()) return;
   // jump to database root
   gui.notify.context(ctx.current(), false, null);
Beispiel #5
 public void execute(final GUI gui) {
   final Context ctx = gui.context;
   Nodes marked = ctx.marked;
   if (marked.size() == 0) {
     final int pre = gui.context.focused;
     if (pre == -1) return;
     marked = new Nodes(pre,;
   gui.notify.context(marked, false, null);
Beispiel #6
   * Notifies all views of a selection change. The mode flag determines what happens:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>0: set currently focused node as marked node
   *   <li>1: add currently focused node
   *   <li>2: toggle currently focused node
   * </ul>
   * @param mode mark mode
   * @param vw the calling view
  public void mark(final int mode, final View vw) {
    final int f = gui.context.focused;
    if (f == -1) return;

    final Context ctx = gui.context;
    Nodes nodes = ctx.marked;
    if (mode == 0) {
      nodes = new Nodes(f,;
    } else if (mode == 1) {
      nodes.union(new int[] {f});
    } else {
    mark(nodes, vw);
Beispiel #7
   * Moves around in the internal history and notifies all views of a context change.
   * @param forward move forward or backward
  public void hist(final boolean forward) {
    final Context ctx = gui.context;
    final String query;
    if (forward) {
      if (hist == histsize) return;
      query = queries[++hist];
    } else {
      if (hist == 0) return;
      marked[hist] = ctx.marked;
      query = queries[--hist];
    ctx.set(cont[hist], marked[hist]);

    for (final View v : view) if (v.visible()) v.refreshContext(forward, false);
Beispiel #8
   * Executes the command, prints the result to the specified output stream and returns a success
   * flag.
   * @param ctx database context
   * @param os output stream
   * @return success flag. The {@link #info()} method returns information on a potential exception
  private boolean exec(final Context ctx, final OutputStream os) {
    // check if data reference is available
    final Data dt =;
    if (dt == null && data) return error(NO_DB_OPENED);

    // check permissions
    if (!ctx.perm(perm, dt != null ? dt.meta : null)) return error(PERM_REQUIRED_X, perm);

    // set updating flag
    updating = updating(ctx);

    try {
      // register process
      // run command and return success flag
      return run(ctx, os);
    } finally {
      // guarantee that process will be unregistered
Beispiel #9
   * Removes existing history entries and sets an initial entry.
   * @param ctx database context
   * @return {@link Data} reference, or {@code null}
  private Data initHistory(final Context ctx) {
    for (int h = 0; h < histsize; h++) {
      marked[h] = null;
      cont[h] = null;
      queries[h] = null;
    hist = 0;
    histsize = 0;

    final Data data =;
    if (data != null) {
      // new database opened
      marked[0] = new Nodes(data);
      queries[0] = "";
    return data;
Beispiel #10
  * Opens the specified database.
  * @param name name of database
  * @param ctx database context
  * @return data reference
  * @throws IOException I/O exception
 public static Data open(final String name, final Context ctx) throws IOException {
   synchronized (ctx.dbs) {
     Data data =;
     if (data == null) {
       // check if database exists
       if (!ctx.globalopts.dbexists(name)) throw new BaseXException(dbnf(name));
       data = new DiskData(name, ctx);
     // check permissions
     if (!ctx.perm(Perm.READ, data.meta)) {
       Close.close(data, ctx);
       throw new BaseXException(PERM_REQUIRED_X, Perm.READ);
     return data;
Beispiel #11
   * Creates an XQuery representation for the specified query.
   * @param query query
   * @param ctx database context
   * @param root start from root node
   * @return query
  public static String find(final String query, final Context ctx, final boolean root) {
    // treat input as XQuery
    if (query.startsWith("/")) return query;

    final boolean r = root || ctx.root();
    if (query.isEmpty()) return r ? "/" : ".";

    // parse user input
    final String qu = query.replaceAll(" \\+", " ");
    final String[] terms = split(qu);

    String pre = "";
    String preds = "";
    final String tag = "*";
    for (String term : terms) {
      if (term.startsWith("@=")) {
        preds += "[@* = \"" + term.substring(2) + "\"]";
      } else if (term.startsWith("=")) {
        preds += "[text() = \"" + term.substring(1) + "\"]";
      } else if (term.startsWith("~")) {
        preds += "[text() contains text \"" + term.substring(1) + "\" using fuzzy]";
      } else if (term.startsWith("@")) {
        if (term.length() == 1) continue;
        preds += "[@* contains text \"" + term.substring(1) + "\"]";
        term = term.substring(1);
        // add valid name tests
        if (XMLToken.isName(token(term))) {
          pre += (r ? "" : ".") + "//@" + term + " | ";
      } else {
        preds += "[text() contains text \"" + term + "\"]";
        // add valid name tests
        if (XMLToken.isName(token(term))) {
          pre += (r ? "/" : "") + Axis.DESC + "::*:" + term + " | ";
    if (pre.isEmpty() && preds.isEmpty()) return root ? "/" : ".";

    // create final string
    final TokenBuilder tb = new TokenBuilder();
    tb.add(pre + (r ? "/" : "") + Axis.DESCORSELF + "::" + tag + preds);
    return tb.toString();
Beispiel #12
 public void execute(final GUI gui) {
   // skip operation for root context
   final Context ctx = gui.context;
   if (ctx.root()) return;
   // check if all nodes are document nodes
   boolean doc = true;
   final Data data =;
   for (final int pre : ctx.current().pres) doc &= data.kind(pre) == Data.DOC;
   if (doc) {
     // if yes, jump to database root
     gui.notify.context(ctx.current(), false, null);
   } else {
     // otherwise, jump to parent nodes
     gui.execute(new Cs(".."));
Beispiel #13
 public void execute(final GUI gui) {
   final Context ctx = gui.context;
   final Nodes n = ctx.marked;
   ctx.copied = new Nodes(n.pres,;
Beispiel #14
  * Closes the specified database if it is currently opened and only pinned once.
  * @param ctx database context
  * @param db database to be closed
  * @return closed flag
 protected static boolean close(final Context ctx, final String db) {
   final boolean close = != null && db.equals( && ctx.dbs.pins(db) == 1;
   return close && new Close().run(ctx);