Beispiel #1
   * Gets a DefDescriptor instance based on a name with additional checks for sources that supports
   * a default namespace
   * @param name The simple String representation of the instance requested ("foo:bar" or
   *     "java://foo.Bar")
   * @param clazz The Interface's Class for the DefDescriptor being requested.
   * @return An instance of a AuraDescriptor for the provided tag with updated ns for sources with
   *     default namespace support
  protected <E extends Definition> DefDescriptor<E> getDefDescriptor(String name, Class<E> clazz) {
    DefDescriptor<E> defDesc = DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance(name, clazz);

    if (("apex".equals(defDesc.getPrefix())
            || "markup"
                .equals(defDesc.getPrefix())) // only needed for apex && markup def descriptors
        && isDefaultNamespaceUsed(defDesc.getNamespace())) { // and default ns is used
      String qualifiedName =
              defDesc.getPrefix(), source.getDescriptor().getNamespace(), defDesc.getName());
      defDesc = DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance(qualifiedName, clazz);

    return defDesc;
 public ComponentDefRefHandler(
     RootTagHandler<P> parentHandler, XMLStreamReader xmlReader, Source<?> source) {
   super(parentHandler, xmlReader, source);
   builder.setDescriptor(DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance(getTagName(), ComponentDef.class));
   body = new ArrayList<>();
  * Test method for {@link JavascriptParser#parse(DefDescriptor, Source)}. This test case includes
  * these scenarios:
  * <ul>
  *   <li>A null source
  *   <li>A null Descriptor
  *   <li>Trying to create a Source for a Def type while no corresponding js file is present for
  *       the component
  * </ul>
 public void testNullCases() throws Exception {
   DefDescriptor<TestSuiteDef> descriptor =
       DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("js://test.testNoJSControllers", TestSuiteDef.class);
   Source<?> source = getJavascriptSourceLoader().getSource(descriptor);
   boolean failed = false;
   // Test case 1: Try to create a Source for a component which does not
   // have any javascript associated with it
   // getSource() call is looking for testNoJSControllersTest.js in the
   // component folder
   try {
     parser.parse(descriptor, source);
     failed = true;
   } catch (Exception e) { // Expect a file not found Exception
         "Exception must be " + AuraRuntimeException.class.getSimpleName(),
   assertFalse("Parser should have thrown and exception", failed);
   // Test case 2: Null source
   try {
     parser.parse(descriptor, null);
     fail("should not load null source");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     checkExceptionFull(e, NullPointerException.class, null);
   // Test Case 3: Null component descriptor
   try {
     parser.parse(null, source);
     fail("should not load null component descriptor");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     checkExceptionFull(e, NullPointerException.class, null);
 public DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> provide() {
   BaseComponent<?, ?> component =
   String num = (String) component.getAttributes().getExpression("implNumber");
   // Warning: test:test_Provider_providerImpl no longer exist
   return DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance(
       "test:test_Provider_providerImpl" + num, ComponentDef.class);
  /** confirm that we get an error if the override theme is specified but non existent */
  public void testAppThemeDefDoesntExist() throws QuickFixException {
    addNsTheme(theme().var("color", "red"));
    DefDescriptor<ThemeDef> override = DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("idont:exist", ThemeDef.class);

    try {
      setupOverride(override).getValue("color", null);
      fail("expected an exception");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      checkExceptionContains(e, DefinitionNotFoundException.class, "No THEME");
 /** Test method for {@link JavascriptParser#parse(DefDescriptor, Source)}. */
 public void testParse() throws Exception {
   DefDescriptor<TestSuiteDef> descriptor =
       DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("js://test.testJSTestSuite", TestSuiteDef.class);
   Source<?> source = getJavascriptSourceLoader().getSource(descriptor);
   // Step 1: Parse the source which refers to a simple component with a
   // reference to Javascript test suite
   Definition testSuite = parser.parse(descriptor, source);
   assertTrue(testSuite instanceof JavascriptTestSuiteDef);
   // Step 2: Gold file the Json output of the test suite object
   serializeAndGoldFile(testSuite, "_JSTestSuite");
  * Test method for {@link JavascriptParser#parse(DefDescriptor, Source)}. The DefDescriptor is
  * referring to a Controller but the Javascript should have had only functions. In this scenario
  * there is a variable declaration which is not expected in a controller file. The JSparser will
  * flag an exception for this.
  * @throws Exception
 public void testInvalidJSController() throws Exception {
   DefDescriptor<ControllerDef> descriptor =
       DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("js://test.testInvalidJSController", ControllerDef.class);
   Source<ControllerDef> source = getJavascriptSourceLoader().getSource(descriptor);
   ControllerDef cd = (ControllerDef) parser.parse(descriptor, source);
   try {
     fail("Javascript controller must only contain functions");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     this.checkExceptionContains(e, InvalidDefinitionException.class, "Expected ':'");
 // TODO: W-689596 is a broad bug that would cover this case.
 // Uncommnet the test once validation is added in
 // JavascriptRendererDefHandler.
 public void _testInvalidJSRenderer() throws Exception {
   DefDescriptor<RendererDef> descriptor =
       DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("js://test.testInvalidJSRenderer", RendererDef.class);
   Source<?> source = getJavascriptSourceLoader().getSource(descriptor);
   try {
     // Parse and create the RedererDef object for the component
     parser.parse(descriptor, source);
     fail("Javascript renderer should have only two actions : render & rerender");
   } catch (AuraRuntimeException expected) {
     // this test is disabled, update error msg when we enable the test
     checkExceptionStart(expected, AuraRuntimeException.class, null);
  protected ComponentDefRef createDefinition() {
    if (!body.isEmpty()) {

    // hacky. if there is an interface, grab that descriptor too
    DefDescriptor<InterfaceDef> id =
            builder.getDescriptor().getQualifiedName(), InterfaceDef.class);
    if (id.exists()) {

  public IncludeDefImpl getElement() throws XMLStreamException, QuickFixException {
    if (parentHandler.getDefDescriptor().getDefType() != DefType.LIBRARY) {
      error("aura:include may only be set in a library.");

    DefDescriptor<LibraryDef> parentDescriptor =
        (DefDescriptor<LibraryDef>) parentHandler.getDefDescriptor();

    String name = getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
    if (!AuraTextUtil.isNullEmptyOrWhitespace(name)) {
    } else {
      error("aura:include must specify a valid library name.");
    if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".js")) {
      name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3);
            String.format("js://%s.%s", parentDescriptor.getNamespace(), name),

    String imports = getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IMPORTS);
    if (!AuraTextUtil.isNullEmptyOrWhitespace(imports)) {

    String exports = getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_EXPORTS);
    if (!AuraTextUtil.isNullEmptyOrWhitespace(exports)) {


    int next =;
    if (next != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT || !TAG.equalsIgnoreCase(getTagName())) {
      error("expected end of %s tag", TAG);


   * Test method for {@link JavascriptParser#parse(DefDescriptor, Source)}. The DefDescriptor in
   * this case is referring to a simple Component with a Javascript test suite {@link
   * DefType#TESTSUITE}. One of the test cases has no function assigned to them, this should cause
   * an Exception
  public void testJSTestSuiteWithoutAttributes() throws Exception {
    DefDescriptor<TestSuiteDef> descriptor =
            "js://test.testJSTestSuiteWithoutAttributes", TestSuiteDef.class);
    Source<?> source = getJavascriptSourceLoader().getSource(descriptor);

    // Step 1: Parse the source which refers to a simple component with a
    // reference to Javascript test suite
    Definition testSuite = parser.parse(descriptor, source);
    assertTrue(testSuite instanceof JavascriptTestSuiteDef);

    // Step 2: Verify the properties of the JavascriptTestSuiteDef object
    // OBject that is to be verified, Qualified name,
        "unexpected qualifiedName of testSuite",
        ((JavascriptTestSuiteDef) testSuite).getDescriptor().getQualifiedName());
    // Step 3: Verify each testCaseDef objects in the test suite object
    List<TestCaseDef> testCases = ((JavascriptTestSuiteDef) testSuite).getTestCaseDefs();
    assertEquals(2, testCases.size());
    for (Object o : testCases.toArray()) {
      assertTrue(o instanceof JavascriptTestCaseDef);
      JavascriptTestCaseDef testCaseDef = (JavascriptTestCaseDef) o;
      Map<String, Object> attributes = testCaseDef.getAttributeValues();
      if (testCaseDef.getName().equals("testHelloWorld")) {
        assertTrue(attributes.size() == 1);
        assertEquals("2", attributes.get("num"));
        // OBject that is to be verified, Qualified name
            "unexpected qualifiedName of testHelloWorld",
            ((DefinitionImpl<?>) o).getDescriptor().getQualifiedName());
      } else if (testCaseDef.getName().equals("testHelloWorld3")) {
        // OBject that is to be verified, Qualified name
            "unexpected qualifiedName of testHelloWorld3",
            ((DefinitionImpl<?>) o).getDescriptor().getQualifiedName());
      } else {
        fail("There should be no other test cases created");
   * Test method for {@link JavascriptParser#parse(DefDescriptor, Source)}. The DefDescriptor in
   * this case is referring to a simple Component with a Javascript Rederer {@link
   * DefType#RENDERER}.
   * @newTestCase Verify the serialized format of Javascript RendererDef.
   * @hierarchy Aura.Unit Tests.Components.Renderer
   * @priority medium
   * @userStorySyncIdOrName a07B0000000Ekdr
  public void testJSRenderer() throws Exception {
    DefDescriptor<RendererDef> descriptor =
        DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("js://test.testJSRenderer", RendererDef.class);
    Source<?> source = getJavascriptSourceLoader().getSource(descriptor);
    // STEP 1:
    // Parse and create the RedererDef object for the component
    Definition renderer = parser.parse(descriptor, source);

    // STEP 2:Verify the RENDERERDEF object
    assertTrue(renderer instanceof JavascriptRendererDef);
    // Convert from a generic DEFINITION to a Javascript Renderer Definition
    JavascriptRendererDef obj = (JavascriptRendererDef) renderer;
    // Step 3: Gold file the JAvascriptRenderDef
    serializeAndGoldFile(renderer, "_JSRendererDef");
    // Step 4: Verify properties of JavascriptRenderDef Object
    // OBject that is to be verified, Qualified name,
        "unexpected qualifiedName of renderer",
  * Having duplicate controller methods What if there are two actions in the javascript controller
  * with the same name.
 public void testDuplicateJSController() throws Exception {
   DefDescriptor<ControllerDef> descriptor =
       DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("js://test.testDuplicateJSController", ControllerDef.class);
   Source<?> source = getJavascriptSourceLoader().getSource(descriptor);
   Definition controller = parser.parse(descriptor, source);
   assertTrue(controller instanceof JavascriptControllerDef);
   JavascriptControllerDef obj = (JavascriptControllerDef) controller;
   Map<String, JavascriptActionDef> controllerActions = obj.getActionDefs();
   // If we have more than one controller function with same name, the
   // later one will replace the previous one
   assertTrue(controllerActions.size() == 1);
   // Verify the only JavascriptAction Def we have
   JavascriptActionDef jsActionDef = null;
   jsActionDef = controllerActions.get("functionName");
   assertEquals(ActionType.CLIENT, jsActionDef.getActionType());
   String[] jsonres = (JsonEncoder.serialize(jsActionDef)).split("\"");
   // Verify the second function did replace the first one
       "second function didn't survive", ":function(component) {var v = 2;},", jsonres[10]);
   * Test method for {@link JavascriptParser#parse(DefDescriptor, Source)}. The DefDescriptor in
   * this case is referring to a Nested Component with a Javascript Controller {@link
   * DefType#CONTROLLER}.
  public void testNestedComponent() throws Exception {
    DefDescriptor<ControllerDef> descriptor =
        DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("js://test.testJSControllerParent", ControllerDef.class);
    Source<?> source = getJavascriptSourceLoader().getSource(descriptor);
    // STEP 1:
    // Parse and create the ControllerDef object for the component
    Definition controller = parser.parse(descriptor, source);
    // STEP 2:
    // 2.1:Verify the CONTROLLERDEF object
    assertTrue(controller instanceof JavascriptControllerDef);
    // Convert from a generic controller to a Javascript type controller
    JavascriptControllerDef obj = (JavascriptControllerDef) controller;
    // Get all the actions defined in the Javascript
    Map<String, JavascriptActionDef> controllerActions = obj.getActionDefs();

    // STEP 3:
    // 3.1: Verify the number of ACTIONDEF objects
    assertTrue(controllerActions.size() == 1);
    // 3.2: Verify the name of ActionDefs

    // 3.4: Verify each JavascriptAction Def
    JavascriptActionDef jsActionDef = null;
    // 3.4.1 Action Def 1
    jsActionDef = controllerActions.get("functionName1");
    assertEquals(ActionType.CLIENT, jsActionDef.getActionType());
    // 3.4.2: Verify the Serialized form of the objects
    serializeAndGoldFile(jsActionDef, "_actionDef_functionName1");

    // OBject that is to be verified, Qualified name
        "unexpected qualifiedName of functionName1",
  protected Map<DefDescriptor<AttributeDef>, AttributeDefRef> getAttributes()
      throws QuickFixException {
    // TODOJT: add varargs "validAttributeNames" to this and validate that
    // any attributes we find are in that list.
    // TODOJT: possibly those arguments are like *Param objects with
    // built-in value validation?
    Map<DefDescriptor<AttributeDef>, AttributeDefRef> attributes = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < xmlReader.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
      String attName = xmlReader.getAttributeLocalName(i);
      String prefix = xmlReader.getAttributePrefix(i);
      if (!XMLHandler.isSystemPrefixed(attName, prefix)) {
        // W-2316503: remove compatibility code for both SJSXP and Woodstox
        if (!AuraTextUtil.isNullEmptyOrWhitespace(prefix) && !attName.contains(":")) {
          attName = prefix + ":" + attName;
        DefDescriptor<AttributeDef> att =
            DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance(attName, AttributeDef.class);

        String attValue = xmlReader.getAttributeValue(i);
        if (attributes.containsKey(att)) {
          error("Duplicate values for attribute %s on tag %s", att, getTagName());
        TextTokenizer tt = TextTokenizer.tokenize(attValue, getLocation());
        Object value = tt.asValue(getParentHandler());

        AttributeDefRefImpl.Builder atBuilder = new AttributeDefRefImpl.Builder();

    return attributes;
   * Test method for {@link JavascriptParser#parse(DefDescriptor, Source)}. The DefDescriptor in
   * this case is referring to a simple Component with a Javascript Controller {@link
   * DefType#CONTROLLER}.
  public void testJSController() throws Exception {

    DefDescriptor<ControllerDef> descriptor =
        DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("js://test.testJSController", ControllerDef.class);
    Source<?> source = getJavascriptSourceLoader().getSource(descriptor);
    // STEP 1:
    // Parse and create the ControllerDef object for the component
    Definition controller = parser.parse(descriptor, source);

    // STEP 2:
    // 2.1:Verify the CONTROLLERDEF object
    assertTrue(controller instanceof JavascriptControllerDef);
    // Convert from a generic controller to a Javascript type controller
    JavascriptControllerDef obj = (JavascriptControllerDef) controller;
    // Step 4: Verify properties of JavascriptRenderDef Object
    // OBject that is to be verified: Qualified name,
        "unexpected qualifiedName of controller",

    serializeAndGoldFile(controller, "_JSControllerDef");

    // 2.2: Should be able to create an instance of the client action on
    // the server side, but it's a pseudo action
    try {
      obj.createAction("newAction", new HashMap<String, Object>());
      fail("Should not be able to create an instance of the client action on the server side");
    } catch (Exception e) { // Expect a definition not found Exception
          "No ACTION named js://test.testJSController/ACTION$newAction found");
    JavascriptPseudoAction action =
        (JavascriptPseudoAction) obj.createAction("functionName1", null);
    assertEquals(State.ERROR, action.getState());

    // 2.3 Extract the action defs and verify each of them in Step 3
    // Get all the actions defined in the Javascript
    Map<String, JavascriptActionDef> controllerActions = obj.getActionDefs();

    // STEP 3:
    // 3.1: Verify the number of ACTIONDEF objects is 2
    assertTrue(controllerActions.size() == 2);
    // 3.2: Verify the name of actiodefs

    // 3.3: Verify each JavascriptAction Def
    JavascriptActionDef jsActionDef = null;
    // 3.3.1 Action Def 1
    jsActionDef = controllerActions.get("functionName1");
    // Javascript Controllers are to be called on the Client side
    assertEquals(ActionType.CLIENT, jsActionDef.getActionType());
    // Javascript actions have no return type
    // Verify the Serialized form of the objects
    serializeAndGoldFile(controllerActions.get("functionName1"), "_actionDef_functionName1");

    // OBject that is to be verified, Qualified name
        "unexpected qualifiedName for functionName1",

    // 3.3.2 Action Def 2
    jsActionDef = controllerActions.get("functionName2");
    // Javascript Controllers are to be called on the Client side
    assertEquals(ActionType.CLIENT, jsActionDef.getActionType());
    // Javascript actions have no return type
    // Verify the Serialized form of the objects
    serializeAndGoldFile(controllerActions.get("functionName2"), "_actionDef_functionName2");
    // OBject that is to be verified, Qualified name
        "unexpected qualifiedName for functionName2",
  public IncludeDefRefImpl getElement() throws XMLStreamException, QuickFixException {
    DefDescriptor<LibraryDef> parentDescriptor =
        (DefDescriptor<LibraryDef>) parentHandler.getDefDescriptor();
    if (parentDescriptor.getDefType() != DefType.LIBRARY) {
      throw new InvalidDefinitionException(
          "aura:include may only be set in a library.", getLocation());



    String name = getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
    if (AuraTextUtil.isNullEmptyOrWhitespace(name)) {
      throw new InvalidDefinitionException(
          ("aura:include must specify a valid library name."), getLocation());
        SubDefDescriptorImpl.getInstance(name, parentDescriptor, IncludeDefRef.class));
            String.format("%s.%s", parentDescriptor.getNamespace(), name),

    String importNames = getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IMPORTS);
    if (!AuraTextUtil.isNullEmptyOrWhitespace(importNames)) {
      List<DefDescriptor<IncludeDef>> imports = Lists.newLinkedList();
      for (String importName : Arrays.asList(importNames.trim().split("\\s*\\,\\s*"))) {
        String[] parts = importName.split(":");
        if (parts.length == 1) { // local import
                  String.format("%s.%s", parentDescriptor.getNamespace(), importName),
        } else if (parts.length == 3) { // external import
          DefDescriptor<LibraryDef> externalLibrary =
                  String.format("%s:%s", parts[0], parts[1]), LibraryDef.class);
                  String.format("%s.%s", parts[0], parts[2]), IncludeDef.class, externalLibrary));
        } else { // invalid import name
          throw new InvalidDefinitionException(
              String.format("Invalid name in aura:include imports property: %s", importName),

    String export = getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_EXPORT);
    if (!AuraTextUtil.isNullEmptyOrWhitespace(export)) {


    int next =;
    if (next != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT || !TAG.equalsIgnoreCase(getTagName())) {
      error("expected end of %s tag", TAG);


Beispiel #18
 public DefDescriptor<TokensDef> provide() throws QuickFixException {
   return DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("tokenProviderTest:tokenComboTest", TokensDef.class);
 public DefDescriptor<ThemeDef> provide() throws QuickFixException {
   return DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance("themeProviderTest:tvp", ThemeDef.class);