public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { DBUtils util = new DBUtils( "root", "root", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/fkcloud?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8"); util.setNameconvert( new NameConvert(NameConvert.UNDERLINE_TO_UPPERCASE, NameConvert.IGNORE_UNDERLINE)); TpDbquery query = new TpDbquery( "mysql", "select TABLE_NAME,TABLE_COMMENT from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' and TABLE_NAME like ? and TABLE_SCHEMA = ?", "select COLUMN_NAME,COLUMN_COMMENT,DATA_TYPE,case when CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH is null then NUMERIC_PRECISION else CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH end,EXTRA,IS_NULLABLE,COLUMN_DEFAULT from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME=? and TABLE_SCHEMA=?", "select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where COLUMN_KEY = 'PRI' and TABLE_NAME=? and TABLE_SCHEMA=?", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "", "", "fkcloud", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); util.setDbquery(query); util.setDbschema("fkcloud"); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<TableInfo> tableList = util.findTableList("%"); for (TableInfo table : tableList) { map.put("table", table); String javaString = new Generate().generate("com/feng/vm/hibernate/model.vm", map); FileUtil.writeAsString(new File("d:\\" + table.getModelname() + ".java"), javaString); } }
private void saveModel(File f) { if (debugTest) System.out.println("Saving model into " + f.getAbsolutePath()); File modelFile = new File(modelFilename); try { FileUtil.copyFile(modelFile, f); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); fail("Couldn't copy file to " + f.toString()); } }
/** * If destDir exists and property CLEAN is set, this cleans out the dest dir of any .class files, * and returns true to signal a recursive call. * * @return true if destDir was cleaned. */ private boolean afterCleaningDirs() { String clean = javac.getProject().getProperty(CLEAN); if (null == clean) { return false; } File destDir = javac.getDestdir(); if (null == destDir) { javac.log(CLEAN + " specified, but no dest dir to clean", Project.MSG_WARN); return false; } javac.log(CLEAN + " cleaning .class files from " + destDir, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); FileUtil.deleteContents(destDir, FileUtil.DIRS_AND_WRITABLE_CLASSES, true); return true; }
/** * Tests that the UnwovenClassFiles corresponding to classes on the inpath have the correct class * name when there is no output directory (ultimately tests * AjState.createUnwovenClassFile(BinarySourceFile) and ensures the unwovenClassFile has the * correct name. Makes a change to a class file on the inpath to ensure we enter this method * (there is a check that says are we the first build)) */ public void testPathResolutionAfterChangeInClassOnInpath() throws Exception { String inpathDir = inpathTestingDir + File.separator + "injarBin" + File.separator + "pkg"; addInpathEntry(inpathDir); build("inpathTesting"); // build again so that we enter // AjState.createUnwovenClassFile(BinarySourceFile) File from = new File( testdataSrcDir + File.separatorChar + "inpathTesting" + File.separatorChar + "newInpathClass" + File.separatorChar + "InpathClass.class"); File destination = new File(inpathDir + File.separatorChar + "InpathClass.class"); FileUtil.copyFile(from, destination); // get hold of the state for this project - expect to find one AjState state = getState(); AjBuildConfig buildConfig = state.getBuildConfig(); state.prepareForNextBuild(buildConfig); Map binarySources = state.getBinaryFilesToCompile(true); assertFalse( "expected there to be binary sources from the inpath setting but didn't find any", binarySources.isEmpty()); List unwovenClassFiles = (List) binarySources.get(inpathDir + File.separator + "InpathClass.class"); List fileNames = new ArrayList(); // the unwovenClassFiles should have filenames that point to the output dir // (which in this case is the sandbox dir) and not where they came from. for (Iterator iterator = unwovenClassFiles.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { UnwovenClassFile ucf = (UnwovenClassFile); if (ucf.getFilename().indexOf(expectedOutputDir) == -1) { fileNames.add(ucf.getFilename()); } } assertTrue( "expected to find UnwovenClassFile from directory\n" + expectedOutputDir + ", \n but found files " + fileNames, fileNames.isEmpty()); }