@Override protected void doHadoopWork() throws BuildException { Tuple tuple = ContextManager.getCurrentTuple(); if (tuple == null) { throw new BuildException( this.getTaskName() + " should be put inside task container which provides tuple to execution context"); } try { if (tuple.getType(fieldNumber) != DataType.TUPLE || !(tuple.get(fieldNumber) instanceof Tuple)) { throw new BuildException("Tuple field " + fieldNumber + " doesn't represent a Tuple"); } ContextManager.setCurrentTupleContext((Tuple) tuple.get(fieldNumber)); try { for (Task task : tasks) { task.perform(); } } finally { ContextManager.resetCurrentTupleContext(); } } catch (ExecException e) { throw new BuildException("Failed to check type of tuple field " + fieldNumber, e); } }
/** * Fired when a task finishes building, this adds the time taken and any error stacktrace to the * appropriate task element in the log. * * @param event An event with any relevant extra information. Will not be <code>null</code>. */ public void taskFinished(BuildEvent event) { Task task = event.getTask(); TimedElement taskElement = (TimedElement) tasks.get(task); if (taskElement != null) { long totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - taskElement.startTime; // taskElement.element.setAttribute(TIME_ATTR, // DefaultLogger.formatTime(totalTime)); Target target = task.getOwningTarget(); TimedElement targetElement = null; if (target != null) { targetElement = (TimedElement) targets.get(target); } if (targetElement == null) { buildElement.element.appendChild(taskElement.element); } else { targetElement.element.appendChild(taskElement.element); } Stack threadStack = getStack(); if (!threadStack.empty()) { TimedElement poppedStack = (TimedElement) threadStack.pop(); if (poppedStack != taskElement) { throw new RuntimeException( "Mismatch - popped element = " + poppedStack + " finished task element = " + taskElement); } } tasks.remove(task); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown task " + task + " not in " + tasks); } }
public void execute() throws BuildException { int size = itsTasks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Task aTask = ((Task) itsTasks.get(i)); aTask.perform(); } }
/** * check for invalid options * * @throws BuildException if something goes wrong. */ protected void checkOptions() throws BuildException { // set the destination directory relative from the project if needed. if (toDir == null) { toDir = task.getProject().resolveFile("."); } else if (!toDir.isAbsolute()) { toDir = task.getProject().resolveFile(toDir.getPath()); } }
void handleExit(Task task, int sc, String message) { if (errorProperty != null) { task.getProject().setNewProperty(errorProperty, "true"); } if (failOnError) { throw new BuildException(message, task.getLocation()); } else { task.log(message, Project.MSG_ERR); } }
protected List<File> getSrc() { if (this.src == null) { return Collections.singletonList(task.getProject().resolveFile("source")); } String[] paths = this.src.list(); ArrayList<File> result = new ArrayList<File>(paths.length); for (String path : paths) { result.add(task.getProject().resolveFile(path)); } return result; }
/** * transformation * * @throws BuildException exception if something goes wrong with the transformation. */ public void transform() throws BuildException { checkOptions(); Project project = task.getProject(); TempFile tempFileTask = new TempFile(); tempFileTask.bindToOwner(task); XSLTProcess xsltTask = new XSLTProcess(); xsltTask.bindToOwner(task); xsltTask.setXslResource(getStylesheet()); // acrobatic cast. xsltTask.setIn(((XMLResultAggregator) task).getDestinationFile()); File outputFile = null; if (format.equals(FRAMES)) { String tempFileProperty = getClass().getName() + String.valueOf(counter++); File tmp = FILE_UTILS.resolveFile(project.getBaseDir(), project.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")); tempFileTask.setDestDir(tmp); tempFileTask.setProperty(tempFileProperty); tempFileTask.execute(); outputFile = new File(project.getProperty(tempFileProperty)); } else { outputFile = new File(toDir, "junit-noframes.html"); } xsltTask.setOut(outputFile); for (Iterator i = params.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { XSLTProcess.Param param = (XSLTProcess.Param) i.next(); XSLTProcess.Param newParam = xsltTask.createParam(); newParam.setProject(task.getProject()); newParam.setName(param.getName()); newParam.setExpression(param.getExpression()); } XSLTProcess.Param paramx = xsltTask.createParam(); paramx.setProject(task.getProject()); paramx.setName("output.dir"); paramx.setExpression(toDir.getAbsolutePath()); final long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { xsltTask.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BuildException("Errors while applying transformations: " + e.getMessage(), e); } final long dt = System.currentTimeMillis() - t0; task.log("Transform time: " + dt + "ms"); if (format.equals(FRAMES)) { Delete delete = new Delete(); delete.bindToOwner(task); delete.setFile(outputFile); delete.execute(); } }
/** * @throws BuildException * @see Task#execute() */ @Override public void execute() throws BuildException { super.execute(); if ((null == configurationFileName) || "".equals(configurationFileName)) { throw new IllegalStateException("set configurationFileName property"); } /** 1. load configuration */ final ConfigurationFactory configurationFactory = new DigesterConfigurationFactory(configurationFileName); this.configuration.getRules().addAll(configurationFactory.getRules()); this.configuration.getSources().addAll(configurationFactory.getSources()); this.configuration.setDoCyclicDependencyTest(configurationFactory.doCyclicDependencyTest()); this.configuration.setThrowExceptionWhenNoPackages( configurationFactory.throwExceptionWhenNoPackages()); /** 2. assert configuration rules */ Configuration configuration = new UnmodifiableConfiguration(this.configuration); final RulesService rulesService = new RulesServiceImpl(configuration); rulesService.performRulesTest(); /** 3. check for cyclic dependency, if requested */ if (this.configuration.shouldDoCyclicDependencyTest()) { configuration = new UnmodifiableConfiguration(this.configuration); final CyclicRedundancyService redundancyService = new CyclicRedundancyServiceImpl(configuration); redundancyService.performCyclicRedundancyCheck(); } }
public void log(String message) { if (task == null) { // System.out.println(message); } else { task.log(message, Project.MSG_DEBUG); } }
/** * Pass output sent to System.err to the new project. * * @param output The error output to log. Should not be <code>null</code>. * @since Ant 1.6.2 */ public void handleErrorFlush(String output) { if (ant != null) { ant.handleErrorFlush(output); } else { super.handleErrorFlush(output); } }
protected void handleErrorOutput(String line) { if (callee != null) { callee.handleErrorOutput(line); } else { super.handleErrorOutput(line); } }
public void log(String msg, int level) { if (task != null) { task.log(msg, level); } else if (debug) { project.log(msg, level); } }
/** * Pass output sent to System.err to the new project and flush stream. * * @since Ant 1.5.2 */ public void handleErrorFlush(String output) { if (callee != null) { callee.handleErrorFlush(output); } else { super.handleErrorFlush(output); } }
/** * Pass output sent to System.out to the new project. * * @since Ant 1.5 */ public void handleOutput(String output) { if (callee != null) { callee.handleOutput(output); } else { super.handleOutput(output); } }
public <InfoType> void processExisting(Task task, InfoType[] existing) { if (operation == null) { if (key != null) { InfoType found = null; if (existing != null) { for (InfoType info : existing) { try { Method getKey = info.getClass().getMethod("getKey"); Object infoKey = getKey.invoke(info); if (key.equals(infoKey)) { found = info; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error getting key from info object", ex); } } } operation = found == null ? ArrayUpdateOperation.add : ArrayUpdateOperation.edit; } else { operation = ArrayUpdateOperation.add; } task.log( "Auto set " + operation + " array operation for " + spec.getClass().getSimpleName() + " key " + key); spec.setOperation(operation); } }
/** * Pass output sent to System.out to the new project. * * @param output a line of output * @since Ant 1.6.2 */ public void handleOutput(String output) { if (ant != null) { ant.handleOutput(output); } else { super.handleOutput(output); } }
@Override public void doWork() throws BuildException { Object[] array = (Object[]) this.getReference(arrayRef); for (Object obj : array) { if (property != null) { this.setPropertyThreadSafe(property, obj == null ? null : obj.toString()); } if (reference != null) { this.setReference(reference, obj); } for (Task task : tasks) { task.perform(); } } }
@Override public void init() throws BuildException { super.init(); /* * Configure the logger. */ Logger.getLogger("").setLevel(Level.OFF); }
/** * Initializes this task. * * <p> */ public void init() { super.init(); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { // noop } }
/** * Initializes the task ready to process a WADL file. * * @throws org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException if an error occurs during initialization. */ public void init() throws BuildException { super.init(); pkg = null; autoPackage = false; target = null; desc = null; producedFileSets = new ArrayList<FileSet>(); consumedFileSets = new ArrayList<FileSet>(); customizationFileSets = new ArrayList<FileSet>(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final void execute() throws BuildException { try { super.execute(); EMFTVMBuildListener.attachBuildListener(getProject()); innerExecute(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new BuildException(e); } }
@Override public void doWork() throws BuildException { DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest request = new DescribeVpnGatewaysRequest(); if (gatewayIds != null) { request.setVpnGatewayIds(CollectionsHelper.asList(gatewayIds)); } if (filters != null) { request.setFilters(filters); } DescribeVpnGatewaysResult result = getEc2Client().describeVpnGateways(request); for (VpnGateway gateway : result.getVpnGateways()) { this.setPropertyThreadSafe(property, gateway.toString()); for (Task task : tasks) { task.perform(); } } }
public void execute() throws BuildException { super.execute(); final Environment env = apb.getEnvironment(); env.setNonRecursive(!recurse); if (module == null) { throw new BuildException("You must specify a module name"); } try { final File dir = defdir == null ? null : new File(defdir); apb.build(dir, module, command); } catch (Throwable throwable) { throw new BuildException(throwable); } }
public Model loadModel( Task task, File pomFile, boolean local, RemoteRepositories remoteRepositories) { RepositorySystemSession session = getSession(task, null); remoteRepositories = remoteRepositories == null ? AetherUtils.getDefaultRepositories(project) : remoteRepositories; List<org.sonatype.aether.repository.RemoteRepository> repositories = ConverterUtils.toRepositories( task.getProject(), session, remoteRepositories, getRemoteRepoMan()); ModelResolver modelResolver = new AntModelResolver(session, "project", getSystem(), getRemoteRepoMan(), repositories); Settings settings = getSettings(); try { DefaultModelBuildingRequest request = new DefaultModelBuildingRequest(); request.setLocationTracking(true); request.setProcessPlugins(false); if (local) { request.setPomFile(pomFile); request.setValidationLevel(ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_STRICT); } else { request.setModelSource(new FileModelSource(pomFile)); request.setValidationLevel(ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL); } request.setSystemProperties(getSystemProperties()); request.setUserProperties(getUserProperties()); request.setProfiles(SettingsUtils.convert(settings.getProfiles())); request.setActiveProfileIds(settings.getActiveProfiles()); request.setModelResolver(modelResolver); return modelBuilder.build(request).getEffectiveModel(); } catch (ModelBuildingException e) { throw new BuildException("Could not load POM " + pomFile + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * set the extension of the output files * * @param ext extension. */ public void setExtension(String ext) { task.log("extension is not used anymore", Project.MSG_WARN); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.mybatis.generator.internal.NullProgressCallback#startTask(java.lang.String) */ @Override public void startTask(String subTaskName) { if (verbose) { task.log(subTaskName, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } }
/** * Log a message with <code>MSG_DEBUG</code> priority * * @param message the message to log */ public void debug(final String message) { task.log(message, Project.MSG_DEBUG); }
/** * Log a message with <code>MSG_VERBOSE</code> priority * * @param message the message to log */ public void verbose(final String message) { task.log(message, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); }
/** * Log a message with <code>MSG_WARN</code> priority * * @param message the message to log */ public void warning(final String message) { task.log(message, Project.MSG_WARN); }
/** * Log a message with <code>MSG_ERR</code> priority * * @param message the message to log */ public void error(final String message) { task.log(message, Project.MSG_ERR); }