public void doDeleteByQuery(DeleteUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
    // even in non zk mode, tests simulate updates from a leader
    if (!zkEnabled) {
      isLeader = getNonZkLeaderAssumption(req);
    } else {

    // NONE: we are the first to receive this deleteByQuery
    //       - it must be forwarded to the leader of every shard
    // TO:   we are a leader receiving a forwarded deleteByQuery... we must:
    //       - block all updates (use VersionInfo)
    //       - flush *all* updates going to our replicas
    //       - forward the DBQ to our replicas and wait for the response
    //       - log + execute the local DBQ
    // FROM: we are a replica receiving a DBQ from our leader
    //       - log + execute the local DBQ
    DistribPhase phase = DistribPhase.parseParam(req.getParams().get(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM));

    if (zkEnabled && DistribPhase.NONE == phase) {
      boolean leaderForAnyShard = false; // start off by assuming we are not a leader for any shard

      Map<String, Slice> slices = zkController.getClusterState().getSlices(collection);
      if (slices == null) {
        throw new SolrException(
            "Cannot find collection:"
                + collection
                + " in "
                + zkController.getClusterState().getCollections());

      ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
      params.set(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM, DistribPhase.TOLEADER.toString());

      List<Node> leaders = new ArrayList<Node>(slices.size());
      for (Map.Entry<String, Slice> sliceEntry : slices.entrySet()) {
        String sliceName = sliceEntry.getKey();
        ZkNodeProps leaderProps;
        try {
          leaderProps = zkController.getZkStateReader().getLeaderProps(collection, sliceName);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          throw new SolrException(
              ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Exception finding leader for shard " + sliceName, e);

        // TODO: What if leaders changed in the meantime?
        // should we send out slice-at-a-time and if a node returns "hey, I'm not a leader" (or we
        // get an error because it went down) then look up the new leader?

        // Am I the leader for this slice?
        ZkCoreNodeProps coreLeaderProps = new ZkCoreNodeProps(leaderProps);
        String leaderNodeName = coreLeaderProps.getCoreNodeName();
        String coreName = req.getCore().getName();
        String coreNodeName = zkController.getNodeName() + "_" + coreName;
        isLeader = coreNodeName.equals(leaderNodeName);

        if (isLeader) {
          // don't forward to ourself
          leaderForAnyShard = true;
        } else {
          leaders.add(new StdNode(coreLeaderProps));

      params.remove("commit"); // this will be distributed from the local commit
      cmdDistrib.distribDelete(cmd, leaders, params);

      if (!leaderForAnyShard) {

      // change the phase to TOLEADER so we look up and forward to our own replicas (if any)
      phase = DistribPhase.TOLEADER;

    List<Node> replicas = null;

    if (zkEnabled && DistribPhase.TOLEADER == phase) {
      // This core should be a leader
      isLeader = true;
      replicas = setupRequest();
    } else if (DistribPhase.FROMLEADER == phase) {
      isLeader = false;

    if (vinfo == null) {

    // at this point, there is an update we need to try and apply.
    // we may or may not be the leader.

    // Find the version
    long versionOnUpdate = cmd.getVersion();
    if (versionOnUpdate == 0) {
      String versionOnUpdateS = req.getParams().get(VERSION_FIELD);
      versionOnUpdate = versionOnUpdateS == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(versionOnUpdateS);
    versionOnUpdate = Math.abs(versionOnUpdate); // normalize to positive version

    boolean isReplay = (cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) != 0;
    boolean leaderLogic = isLeader && !isReplay;

    if (!leaderLogic && versionOnUpdate == 0) {
      throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "missing _version_ on update from leader");

    try {

      if (versionsStored) {
        if (leaderLogic) {
          long version = vinfo.getNewClock();
          // TODO update versions in all buckets


        } else {

          if (ulog.getState() != UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE
              && (cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) == 0) {
            // we're not in an active state, and this update isn't from a replay, so buffer it.
            cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.BUFFERING);


      // since we don't know which documents were deleted, the easiest thing to do is to invalidate
      // all real-time caches (i.e. UpdateLog) which involves also getting a new version of the
      // IndexReader
      // (so cache misses will see up-to-date data)

    } finally {

    // forward to all replicas
    if (leaderLogic && replicas != null) {
      ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
      params.set(VERSION_FIELD, Long.toString(cmd.getVersion()));
      params.set(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM, DistribPhase.FROMLEADER.toString());
          ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
      cmdDistrib.distribDelete(cmd, replicas, params);

    if (returnVersions && rsp != null) {
      if (deleteByQueryResponse == null) {
        deleteByQueryResponse = new NamedList<String>();
        rsp.add("deleteByQuery", deleteByQueryResponse);
      deleteByQueryResponse.add(cmd.getQuery(), cmd.getVersion());
  private boolean versionDelete(DeleteUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {

    BytesRef idBytes = cmd.getIndexedId();

    if (vinfo == null || idBytes == null) {
      return false;

    // This is only the hash for the bucket, and must be based only on the uniqueKey (i.e. do not
    // use a pluggable hash here)
    int bucketHash = Hash.murmurhash3_x86_32(idBytes.bytes, idBytes.offset, idBytes.length, 0);

    // at this point, there is an update we need to try and apply.
    // we may or may not be the leader.

    // Find the version
    long versionOnUpdate = cmd.getVersion();
    if (versionOnUpdate == 0) {
      String versionOnUpdateS = req.getParams().get(VERSION_FIELD);
      versionOnUpdate = versionOnUpdateS == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(versionOnUpdateS);
    long signedVersionOnUpdate = versionOnUpdate;
    versionOnUpdate = Math.abs(versionOnUpdate); // normalize to positive version

    boolean isReplay = (cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) != 0;
    boolean leaderLogic = isLeader && !isReplay;

    if (!leaderLogic && versionOnUpdate == 0) {
      throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "missing _version_ on update from leader");

    VersionBucket bucket = vinfo.bucket(bucketHash);

    try {

      synchronized (bucket) {
        if (versionsStored) {
          long bucketVersion = bucket.highest;

          if (leaderLogic) {

            if (signedVersionOnUpdate != 0) {
              Long lastVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
              long foundVersion = lastVersion == null ? -1 : lastVersion;
              if ((signedVersionOnUpdate == foundVersion)
                  || (signedVersionOnUpdate < 0 && foundVersion < 0)
                  || (signedVersionOnUpdate == 1 && foundVersion > 0)) {
                // we're ok if versions match, or if both are negative (all missing docs are equal),
                // or if cmd
                // specified it must exist (versionOnUpdate==1) and it does.
              } else {
                throw new SolrException(
                    "version conflict for "
                        + cmd.getId()
                        + " expected="
                        + signedVersionOnUpdate
                        + " actual="
                        + foundVersion);

            long version = vinfo.getNewClock();
          } else {

            if (ulog.getState() != UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE
                && (cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) == 0) {
              // we're not in an active state, and this update isn't from a replay, so buffer it.
              cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.BUFFERING);
              return true;

            // if we aren't the leader, then we need to check that updates were not re-ordered
            if (bucketVersion != 0 && bucketVersion < versionOnUpdate) {
              // we're OK... this update has a version higher than anything we've seen
              // in this bucket so far, so we know that no reordering has yet occured.
            } else {
              // there have been updates higher than the current update.  we need to check
              // the specific version for this id.
              Long lastVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
              if (lastVersion != null && Math.abs(lastVersion) >= versionOnUpdate) {
                // This update is a repeat, or was reordered.  We need to drop this update.
                return true;

        return false;
      } // end synchronized (bucket)

    } finally {
   * @return whether or not to drop this cmd
   * @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
  private boolean versionAdd(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
    BytesRef idBytes = cmd.getIndexedId();

    if (vinfo == null || idBytes == null) {
      return false;

    // This is only the hash for the bucket, and must be based only on the uniqueKey (i.e. do not
    // use a pluggable hash here)
    int bucketHash = Hash.murmurhash3_x86_32(idBytes.bytes, idBytes.offset, idBytes.length, 0);

    // at this point, there is an update we need to try and apply.
    // we may or may not be the leader.

    // Find any existing version in the document
    // TODO: don't reuse update commands any more!
    long versionOnUpdate = cmd.getVersion();

    if (versionOnUpdate == 0) {
      SolrInputField versionField = cmd.getSolrInputDocument().getField(VersionInfo.VERSION_FIELD);
      if (versionField != null) {
        Object o = versionField.getValue();
        versionOnUpdate =
            o instanceof Number ? ((Number) o).longValue() : Long.parseLong(o.toString());
      } else {
        // Find the version
        String versionOnUpdateS = req.getParams().get(VERSION_FIELD);
        versionOnUpdate = versionOnUpdateS == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(versionOnUpdateS);

    boolean isReplay = (cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) != 0;
    boolean leaderLogic = isLeader && !isReplay;

    VersionBucket bucket = vinfo.bucket(bucketHash);

    try {
      synchronized (bucket) {
        // we obtain the version when synchronized and then do the add so we can ensure that
        // if version1 < version2 then version1 is actually added before version2.

        // even if we don't store the version field, synchronizing on the bucket
        // will enable us to know what version happened first, and thus enable
        // realtime-get to work reliably.
        // TODO: if versions aren't stored, do we need to set on the cmd anyway for some reason?
        // there may be other reasons in the future for a version on the commands

        boolean checkDeleteByQueries = false;

        if (versionsStored) {

          long bucketVersion = bucket.highest;

          if (leaderLogic) {

            boolean updated = getUpdatedDocument(cmd, versionOnUpdate);

            if (versionOnUpdate != 0) {
              Long lastVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
              long foundVersion = lastVersion == null ? -1 : lastVersion;
              if (versionOnUpdate == foundVersion
                  || (versionOnUpdate < 0 && foundVersion < 0)
                  || (versionOnUpdate == 1 && foundVersion > 0)) {
                // we're ok if versions match, or if both are negative (all missing docs are equal),
                // or if cmd
                // specified it must exist (versionOnUpdate==1) and it does.
              } else {
                throw new SolrException(
                    "version conflict for "
                        + cmd.getPrintableId()
                        + " expected="
                        + versionOnUpdate
                        + " actual="
                        + foundVersion);

            long version = vinfo.getNewClock();
            cmd.getSolrInputDocument().setField(VersionInfo.VERSION_FIELD, version);
          } else {
            // The leader forwarded us this update.

            if (ulog.getState() != UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE
                && (cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) == 0) {
              // we're not in an active state, and this update isn't from a replay, so buffer it.
              cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.BUFFERING);
              return true;

            // if we aren't the leader, then we need to check that updates were not re-ordered
            if (bucketVersion != 0 && bucketVersion < versionOnUpdate) {
              // we're OK... this update has a version higher than anything we've seen
              // in this bucket so far, so we know that no reordering has yet occurred.
            } else {
              // there have been updates higher than the current update.  we need to check
              // the specific version for this id.
              Long lastVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
              if (lastVersion != null && Math.abs(lastVersion) >= versionOnUpdate) {
                // This update is a repeat, or was reordered.  We need to drop this update.
                return true;

              // also need to re-apply newer deleteByQuery commands
              checkDeleteByQueries = true;

        boolean willDistrib = isLeader && nodes != null && nodes.size() > 0;

        SolrInputDocument clonedDoc = null;
        if (willDistrib) {
          clonedDoc = cmd.solrDoc.deepCopy();

        // TODO: possibly set checkDeleteByQueries as a flag on the command?

        if (willDistrib) {
          cmd.solrDoc = clonedDoc;
      } // end synchronized (bucket)
    } finally {
    return false;