  public int getPartition(PigNullableWritable wrappedKey, Writable value, int numPartitions) {
    // for streaming tables, return the partition index blindly
    if (wrappedKey instanceof NullablePartitionWritable
        && (((NullablePartitionWritable) wrappedKey).getPartition()) != -1) {
      return ((NullablePartitionWritable) wrappedKey).getPartition();

    // for partition table, compute the index based on the sampler output
    Pair<Integer, Integer> indexes;
    Integer curIndex = -1;
    Tuple keyTuple = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);

    // extract the key from nullablepartitionwritable
    PigNullableWritable key = ((NullablePartitionWritable) wrappedKey).getKey();

    try {
      keyTuple.set(0, key.getValueAsPigType());
    } catch (ExecException e) {
      return -1;

    // if the key is not null and key
    if (key instanceof NullableTuple && key.getValueAsPigType() != null) {
      keyTuple = (Tuple) key.getValueAsPigType();

    // if the partition file is empty, use numPartitions
    totalReducers = (totalReducers > 0) ? totalReducers : numPartitions;

    indexes = reducerMap.get(keyTuple);
    // if the reducerMap does not contain the key, do the default hash based partitioning
    if (indexes == null) {
      return (Math.abs(keyTuple.hashCode() % totalReducers));

    if (currentIndexMap.containsKey(keyTuple)) {
      curIndex = currentIndexMap.get(keyTuple);

    if (curIndex >= (indexes.first + indexes.second) || curIndex == -1) {
      curIndex = indexes.first;
    } else {

    // set it in the map
    currentIndexMap.put(keyTuple, curIndex);
    return (curIndex % totalReducers);