public void assertMessages(final String msg, final int size, final String methodName) {
   final ListAppender appender = ctx.getListAppender("ClassAndMethod");
   assertEquals(msg + ".size", size, appender.getMessages().size());
   for (final String message : appender.getMessages()) {
         msg + " has incorrect caller info",
         this.getClass().getName() + '.' + methodName,
  public void test() throws Exception {

    // To ensure our custom plugin is NOT included in the log4j plugin metadata file,
    // we make sure the class does not exist until after the build is finished.
    // So we don't create the custom plugin class until this test is run.
    final File orig = new File("target/test-classes/customplugin/");
    final File f = new File(orig.getParentFile(), "");
    assertTrue("renamed source file OK", orig.renameTo(f));
    assertTrue("reverted source file OK", f.renameTo(orig));

    // load the compiled class

    // now that the custom plugin class exists, we load the config
    // with the packages element pointing to our custom plugin
    ctx = Configurator.initialize("Test1", "customplugin/log4j2-741.xml");
    config = ctx.getConfiguration();
    listAppender = (ListAppender) config.getAppender("List");

    final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(PluginManagerPackagesTest.class);"this message is ignored");

    final List<String> messages = listAppender.getMessages();
    assertEquals(messages.toString(), 1, messages.size());
    assertEquals("abc123XYZ", messages.get(0));
 public void testLogWithCallingClass() throws Exception {
   final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Test.CallerClass");
   log.config("Calling from LoggerTest");
   final List<String> messages = stringAppender.getMessages();
   assertThat(messages, hasSize(1));
   final String message = messages.get(0);
   assertEquals(AbstractLoggerTest.class.getName(), message);
  public void testReplacement() {
    // See org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiRenderer
    logger.error("@|red,bold Warning!|@ Pants on @|red fire!|@");

    final List<String> msgs = app.getMessages();
    assertEquals("Incorrect number of messages. Should be 1 is " + msgs.size(), 1, msgs.size());
        "Replacement failed - expected ending " + EXPECTED + ", actual " + msgs.get(0),