Beispiel #1
  /** Create a redirection URL */
  private URL createRedirectURL(
      String path,
      String encodedPath,
      HdfsFileStatus status,
      UserGroupInformation ugi,
      ClientProtocol nnproxy,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      String dt)
      throws IOException {
    String scheme = request.getScheme();
    final LocatedBlocks blks =
        nnproxy.getBlockLocations(status.getFullPath(new Path(path)).toUri().getPath(), 0, 1);
    final Configuration conf = NameNodeHttpServer.getConfFromContext(getServletContext());
    final DatanodeID host = pickSrcDatanode(blks, status, conf);
    final String hostname;
    if (host instanceof DatanodeInfo) {
      hostname = host.getHostName();
    } else {
      hostname = host.getIpAddr();

    int port = "https".equals(scheme) ? host.getInfoSecurePort() : host.getInfoPort();

    String dtParam = "";
    if (dt != null) {
      dtParam = JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(dt);

    // Add namenode address to the url params
    NameNode nn = NameNodeHttpServer.getNameNodeFromContext(getServletContext());
    String addr = nn.getNameNodeAddressHostPortString();
    String addrParam = JspHelper.getUrlParam(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS, addr);

    return new URL(
            + encodedPath
            + '?'
            + "ugi="
            + ServletUtil.encodeQueryValue(ugi.getShortUserName())
            + dtParam
            + addrParam);