  public <E> void processRow(Object key, Iterator<E> values) throws IOException {
    if (reducer.getDone()) {

    try {
      BytesWritable keyWritable = (BytesWritable) key;
      byte tag = 0;
      if (isTagged) {
        // remove the tag from key coming out of reducer
        // and store it in separate variable.
        int size = keyWritable.getSize() - 1;
        tag = keyWritable.get()[size];

      if (!keyWritable.equals(groupKey)) {
        // If a operator wants to do some work at the beginning of a group
        if (groupKey == null) { // the first group
          groupKey = new BytesWritable();
        } else {
          // If a operator wants to do some work at the end of a group
          LOG.trace("End Group");

        try {
          keyObject = inputKeyDeserializer.deserialize(keyWritable);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new HiveException(
              "Hive Runtime Error: Unable to deserialize reduce input key from "
                  + Utilities.formatBinaryString(keyWritable.get(), 0, keyWritable.getSize())
                  + " with properties "
                  + keyTableDesc.getProperties(),

        groupKey.set(keyWritable.get(), 0, keyWritable.getSize());
        LOG.trace("Start Group");
      /* this.keyObject passed via reference */
      if (vectorized) {
        processVectors(values, tag);
      } else {
        processKeyValues(values, tag);

    } catch (Throwable e) {
      abort = true;
      Utilities.setReduceWork(jc, null);
      if (e instanceof OutOfMemoryError) {
        // Don't create a new object if we are already out of memory
        throw (OutOfMemoryError) e;
      } else {
        String msg = "Fatal error: " + e;
        LOG.fatal(msg, e);
        throw new RuntimeException(e);