Beispiel #1
 protected void closeOp(boolean abort) throws HiveException {
   if (!abort) {
   out = null;
   if (isLogInfoEnabled) { + ": records written - " + numRows);
Beispiel #2
  public void process(Object row, int tag) throws HiveException {
    try {
      ObjectInspector rowInspector = inputObjInspectors[tag];
      if (firstRow) {
        firstRow = false;
        // TODO: this is fishy - we init object inspectors based on first tag. We
        //       should either init for each tag, or if rowInspector doesn't really
        //       matter, then we can create this in ctor and get rid of firstRow.
        if (conf.getWriteType() == AcidUtils.Operation.UPDATE
            || conf.getWriteType() == AcidUtils.Operation.DELETE) {
          assert rowInspector instanceof StructObjectInspector
              : "Exptected rowInspector to be instance of StructObjectInspector but it is a "
                  + rowInspector.getClass().getName();
          acidRowInspector = (StructObjectInspector) rowInspector;
          // The record identifier is always in the first column
          recIdField = acidRowInspector.getAllStructFieldRefs().get(0);
          recIdInspector = (StructObjectInspector) recIdField.getFieldObjectInspector();
          // The bucket field is in the second position
          bucketField = recIdInspector.getAllStructFieldRefs().get(1);
          bucketInspector = (IntObjectInspector) bucketField.getFieldObjectInspector();

        if (isLogInfoEnabled) {

              "keys are "
                  + conf.getOutputKeyColumnNames()
                  + " num distributions: "
                  + conf.getNumDistributionKeys());
        keyObjectInspector =
        valueObjectInspector =
                valueEval, conf.getOutputValueColumnNames(), rowInspector);
        partitionObjectInspectors = initEvaluators(partitionEval, rowInspector);
        if (bucketEval != null) {
          bucketObjectInspectors = initEvaluators(bucketEval, rowInspector);
        int numKeys = numDistinctExprs > 0 ? numDistinctExprs : 1;
        int keyLen = numDistinctExprs > 0 ? numDistributionKeys + 1 : numDistributionKeys;
        cachedKeys = new Object[numKeys][keyLen];
        cachedValues = new Object[valueEval.length];

      // Determine distKeyLength (w/o distincts), and then add the first if present.
      populateCachedDistributionKeys(row, 0);

      // replace bucketing columns with hashcode % numBuckets
      int bucketNumber = -1;
      if (bucketEval != null) {
        bucketNumber = computeBucketNumber(row, conf.getNumBuckets());
        cachedKeys[0][buckColIdxInKey] = new Text(String.valueOf(bucketNumber));
      } else if (conf.getWriteType() == AcidUtils.Operation.UPDATE
          || conf.getWriteType() == AcidUtils.Operation.DELETE) {
        // In the non-partitioned case we still want to compute the bucket number for updates and
        // deletes.
        bucketNumber = computeBucketNumber(row, conf.getNumBuckets());

      HiveKey firstKey = toHiveKey(cachedKeys[0], tag, null);
      int distKeyLength = firstKey.getDistKeyLength();
      if (numDistinctExprs > 0) {
        populateCachedDistinctKeys(row, 0);
        firstKey = toHiveKey(cachedKeys[0], tag, distKeyLength);

      final int hashCode;

      // distKeyLength doesn't include tag, but includes buckNum in cachedKeys[0]
      if (useUniformHash && partitionEval.length > 0) {
        hashCode = computeMurmurHash(firstKey);
      } else {
        hashCode = computeHashCode(row, bucketNumber);


       * in case of TopN for windowing, we need to distinguish between rows with
       * null partition keys and rows with value 0 for partition keys.
      boolean partKeyNull = conf.isPTFReduceSink() && partitionKeysAreNull(row);

      // Try to store the first key. If it's not excluded, we will proceed.
      int firstIndex = reducerHash.tryStoreKey(firstKey, partKeyNull);
      if (firstIndex == TopNHash.EXCLUDE) return; // Nothing to do.
      // Compute value and hashcode - we'd either store or forward them.
      BytesWritable value = makeValueWritable(row);

      if (firstIndex == TopNHash.FORWARD) {
        collect(firstKey, value);
      } else {
        assert firstIndex >= 0;
        reducerHash.storeValue(firstIndex, firstKey.hashCode(), value, false);

      // All other distinct keys will just be forwarded. This could be optimized...
      for (int i = 1; i < numDistinctExprs; i++) {
        System.arraycopy(cachedKeys[0], 0, cachedKeys[i], 0, numDistributionKeys);
        populateCachedDistinctKeys(row, i);
        HiveKey hiveKey = toHiveKey(cachedKeys[i], tag, distKeyLength);
        collect(hiveKey, value);
    } catch (HiveException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new HiveException(e);
Beispiel #3
  protected void initializeOp(Configuration hconf) throws HiveException {
    try {

      numRows = 0;
      cntr = 1;
      logEveryNRows = HiveConf.getLongVar(hconf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_LOG_N_RECORDS);

      statsMap.put(getCounterName(Counter.RECORDS_OUT_INTERMEDIATE, hconf), recordCounter);

      List<ExprNodeDesc> keys = conf.getKeyCols();

      if (isLogDebugEnabled) {
        LOG.debug("keys size is " + keys.size());
        for (ExprNodeDesc k : keys) {
          LOG.debug("Key exprNodeDesc " + k.getExprString());

      keyEval = new ExprNodeEvaluator[keys.size()];
      int i = 0;
      for (ExprNodeDesc e : keys) {
        keyEval[i++] = ExprNodeEvaluatorFactory.get(e);

      numDistributionKeys = conf.getNumDistributionKeys();
      distinctColIndices = conf.getDistinctColumnIndices();
      numDistinctExprs = distinctColIndices.size();

      valueEval = new ExprNodeEvaluator[conf.getValueCols().size()];
      i = 0;
      for (ExprNodeDesc e : conf.getValueCols()) {
        valueEval[i++] = ExprNodeEvaluatorFactory.get(e);

      partitionEval = new ExprNodeEvaluator[conf.getPartitionCols().size()];
      i = 0;
      for (ExprNodeDesc e : conf.getPartitionCols()) {
        int index = ExprNodeDescUtils.indexOf(e, keys);
        partitionEval[i++] = index < 0 ? ExprNodeEvaluatorFactory.get(e) : keyEval[index];

      if (conf.getBucketCols() != null && !conf.getBucketCols().isEmpty()) {
        bucketEval = new ExprNodeEvaluator[conf.getBucketCols().size()];

        i = 0;
        for (ExprNodeDesc e : conf.getBucketCols()) {
          int index = ExprNodeDescUtils.indexOf(e, keys);
          bucketEval[i++] = index < 0 ? ExprNodeEvaluatorFactory.get(e) : keyEval[index];

        buckColIdxInKey = conf.getPartitionCols().size();

      tag = conf.getTag();
      tagByte[0] = (byte) tag;
      skipTag = conf.getSkipTag();
      if (isLogInfoEnabled) {"Using tag = " + tag);

      TableDesc keyTableDesc = conf.getKeySerializeInfo();
      keySerializer = (Serializer) keyTableDesc.getDeserializerClass().newInstance();
      keySerializer.initialize(null, keyTableDesc.getProperties());
      keyIsText = keySerializer.getSerializedClass().equals(Text.class);

      TableDesc valueTableDesc = conf.getValueSerializeInfo();
      valueSerializer = (Serializer) valueTableDesc.getDeserializerClass().newInstance();
      valueSerializer.initialize(null, valueTableDesc.getProperties());

      int limit = conf.getTopN();
      float memUsage = conf.getTopNMemoryUsage();

      if (limit >= 0 && memUsage > 0) {
        reducerHash = conf.isPTFReduceSink() ? new PTFTopNHash() : reducerHash;
        reducerHash.initialize(limit, memUsage, conf.isMapGroupBy(), this);

      useUniformHash = conf.getReducerTraits().contains(UNIFORM);

      firstRow = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      String msg = "Error initializing ReduceSinkOperator: " + e.getMessage();
      LOG.error(msg, e);
      throw new RuntimeException(e);