Beispiel #1
      public void map(
          WritableComparable key,
          Writable value,
          OutputCollector<IntWritable, RecordStatsWritable> output,
          Reporter reporter)
          throws IOException {
        // Set up rawKey and rawValue on the first call to 'map'
        if (recordId == -1) {
          rawKey = createRaw(key.getClass());
          rawValue = createRaw(value.getClass());

        if (this.key == sortOutput) {
          // Check if keys are 'sorted' if this
          // record is from sort's output
          if (prevKey == null) {
            prevKey = key;
            keyClass = prevKey.getClass();
          } else {
            // Sanity check
            if (keyClass != key.getClass()) {
              throw new IOException(
                  "Type mismatch in key: expected "
                      + keyClass.getName()
                      + ", recieved "
                      + key.getClass().getName());

            // Check if they were sorted correctly
            if (prevKey.compareTo(key) > 0) {
              throw new IOException(
                  "The 'map-reduce' framework wrongly"
                      + " classifed ("
                      + prevKey
                      + ") > ("
                      + key
                      + ") "
                      + "for record# "
                      + recordId);
            prevKey = key;

          // Check if the sorted output is 'partitioned' right
          int keyPartition = partitioner.getPartition(key, value, noSortReducers);
          if (partition != keyPartition) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Partitions do not match for record# "
                    + recordId
                    + " ! - '"
                    + partition
                    + "' v/s '"
                    + keyPartition
                    + "'");

        // Construct the record-stats and output (this.key, record-stats)
        byte[] keyBytes = rawKey.getRawBytes(key);
        int keyBytesLen = rawKey.getRawBytesLength(key);
        byte[] valueBytes = rawValue.getRawBytes(value);
        int valueBytesLen = rawValue.getRawBytesLength(value);

        int keyValueChecksum =
            (WritableComparator.hashBytes(keyBytes, keyBytesLen)
                ^ WritableComparator.hashBytes(valueBytes, valueBytesLen));

            this.key, new RecordStatsWritable((keyBytesLen + valueBytesLen), 1, keyValueChecksum));