private void testWithAddressingAnonymousReplies(boolean robust) throws Exception {
    setupGreeter("org/apache/cxf/systest/interceptor/addr.xml", false);


    // all interceptors pass

    // test failure in phases before Phase.PRE_LOGICAL
    FaultLocation location =
        new org.apache.cxf.greeter_control.types.ObjectFactory().createFaultLocation();

    // test failure occuring before and after logical addressing interceptor
    // won't get a fault in case of oneways non-robust for the latter (partial response already
    // sent)
    testInterceptorFail(inPhases, location, robust);
  private void testWithoutAddressing(boolean robust) throws Exception {

    setupGreeter("org/apache/cxf/systest/interceptor/no-addr.xml", false);


    // all interceptors pass

    // behaviour is identicial for all phases
    FaultLocation location =
        new org.apache.cxf.greeter_control.types.ObjectFactory().createFaultLocation();

    // test failure occuring before and after logical addressing interceptor
    // won't get a fault in case of oneways non-robust for the latter (partial response already
    // sent)
    testInterceptorFail(inPhases, location, robust);