Beispiel #1
  /** Initialize SecondaryNameNode. */
  private void initialize(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    // initiate Java VM metrics
    JvmMetrics.init("SecondaryNameNode", conf.get(""));

    // Create connection to the namenode.
    shouldRun = true;
    nameNodeAddr = NameNode.getAddress(conf);

    this.conf = conf;
    this.namenode =
                NamenodeProtocol.class, NamenodeProtocol.versionID, nameNodeAddr, conf);

    // initialize checkpoint directories
    fsName = getInfoServer();
    checkpointDirs = FSImage.getCheckpointDirs(conf, "/tmp/hadoop/dfs/namesecondary");
    checkpointEditsDirs = FSImage.getCheckpointEditsDirs(conf, "/tmp/hadoop/dfs/namesecondary");
    checkpointImage = new CheckpointStorage(conf);
    checkpointImage.recoverCreate(checkpointDirs, checkpointEditsDirs);

    // Initialize other scheduling parameters from the configuration
    checkpointPeriod = conf.getLong("fs.checkpoint.period", 3600);
    checkpointSize = conf.getLong("fs.checkpoint.size", 4194304);

    // initialize the webserver for uploading files.
    String infoAddr =
    InetSocketAddress infoSocAddr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(infoAddr);
    infoBindAddress = infoSocAddr.getHostName();
    int tmpInfoPort = infoSocAddr.getPort();
    infoServer = new HttpServer("secondary", infoBindAddress, tmpInfoPort, tmpInfoPort == 0, conf);
    infoServer.setAttribute("name.system.image", checkpointImage);
    this.infoServer.setAttribute("name.conf", conf);
    infoServer.addInternalServlet("getimage", "/getimage", GetImageServlet.class);

    // The web-server port can be ephemeral... ensure we have the correct info
    infoPort = infoServer.getPort();
    conf.set("dfs.secondary.http.address", infoBindAddress + ":" + infoPort);"Secondary Web-server up at: " + infoBindAddress + ":" + infoPort);
        "Checkpoint Period   :"
            + checkpointPeriod
            + " secs "
            + "("
            + checkpointPeriod / 60
            + " min)");
        "Log Size Trigger    :"
            + checkpointSize
            + " bytes "
            + "("
            + checkpointSize / 1024
            + " KB)");
   * Add an file path to the current set of classpath entries It adds the file to cache as well.
   * @param file Path of the file to be added
   * @param conf Configuration that contains the classpath setting
  public static void addFileToClassPath(Path file, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    String classpath = conf.get("mapred.job.classpath.files");
        classpath == null
            ? file.toString()
            : classpath + System.getProperty("path.separator") + file.toString());
    URI uri = file.makeQualified(file.getFileSystem(conf)).toUri();

    addCacheFile(uri, conf);
  private static URI addArchiveToClassPathHelper(Path archive, Configuration conf)
      throws IOException {

    String classpath = conf.get("mapred.job.classpath.archives");

    // the scheme/authority use ':' as separator. put the unqualified path in classpath
    String archivePath = archive.toUri().getPath();

        classpath == null
            ? archivePath
            : classpath + System.getProperty("path.separator") + archivePath);
    return archive.makeQualified(archive.getFileSystem(conf)).toUri();
  * Add a file to be localized to the conf
  * @param uri The uri of the cache to be localized
  * @param conf Configuration to add the cache to
 public static void addCacheFile(URI uri, Configuration conf) {
   String files = conf.get("mapred.cache.files");
   conf.set("mapred.cache.files", files == null ? uri.toString() : files + "," + uri.toString());
  * Add a archives to be localized to the conf
  * @param uri The uri of the cache to be localized
  * @param conf Configuration to add the cache to
 public static void addSharedCacheArchive(URI uri, Configuration conf) {
   String archives = conf.get("mapred.cache.shared.archives");
       archives == null ? uri.toString() : archives + "," + uri.toString());
  * Set the conf to contain the location for localized files
  * @param conf The conf to modify to contain the localized caches
  * @param str a comma separated list of local files
 public static void setLocalSharedFiles(Configuration conf, String str) {
   conf.set("mapred.cache.shared.localFiles", str);
  * Set the conf to contain the location for localized archives
  * @param conf The conf to modify to contain the localized caches
  * @param str a comma separated list of local archives
 public static void setLocalArchives(Configuration conf, String str) {
   conf.set("mapred.cache.localArchives", str);
 public static void setSharedFileLength(Configuration conf, String length) {
   conf.set("mapred.cache.shared.files.length", length);
  * This is to check the timestamp of the files to be localized
  * @param conf Configuration which stores the timestamp's
  * @param timestamps comma separated list of timestamps of files. The order should be the same as
  *     the order in which the files are added.
 public static void setFileTimestamps(Configuration conf, String timestamps) {
   conf.set("mapred.cache.files.timestamps", timestamps);
  * This is to check the timestamp of the archives to be localized
  * @param conf Configuration which stores the timestamp's
  * @param timestamps comma separated list of timestamps of archives. The order should be the same
  *     as the order in which the archives are added.
 public static void setArchiveTimestamps(Configuration conf, String timestamps) {
   conf.set("mapred.cache.archives.timestamps", timestamps);
  * Set the configuration with the given set of files
  * @param files The list of files that need to be localized
  * @param conf Configuration which will be changed
 public static void setCacheFiles(URI[] files, Configuration conf) {
   String sfiles = StringUtils.uriToString(files);
   conf.set("mapred.cache.files", sfiles);
  * Set the configuration with the given set of archives
  * @param archives The list of archives that need to be localized
  * @param conf Configuration which will be changed
 public static void setCacheArchives(URI[] archives, Configuration conf) {
   String sarchives = StringUtils.uriToString(archives);
   conf.set("mapred.cache.archives", sarchives);
  * This method allows you to create symlinks in the current working directory of the task to all
  * the cache files/archives
  * @param conf the jobconf
 public static void createSymlink(Configuration conf) {
   conf.set("mapred.create.symlink", "yes");