public static DataSource getDatasource() throws SQLException {
    if (dataSource != null) {
      return dataSource;

    try {
      // Register basic JDBC driver
      Class driverClass = Class.forName(ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.driver"));
      Driver basicDriver = (Driver) driverClass.newInstance();

      // Read pool configuration parameter or use defaults
      // Note we check to see if property is null; getIntProperty returns
      // '0' if the property is not set OR if it is actually set to zero.
      // But 0 is a valid option...
      int maxConnections = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("db.maxconnections");

      if (ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.maxconnections") == null) {
        maxConnections = 30;

      int maxWait = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("db.maxwait");

      if (ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.maxwait") == null) {
        maxWait = 5000;

      int maxIdle = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("db.maxidle");

      if (ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.maxidle") == null) {
        maxIdle = -1;

      boolean useStatementPool = ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty("db.statementpool", true);

      // Create object pool
      ObjectPool connectionPool =
          new GenericObjectPool(
              null, // PoolableObjectFactory
              // - set below
              maxConnections, // max connections
              maxWait, // don't
              // block
              // more than 5
              // seconds
              maxIdle, // max idle connections (unlimited)
              true, // validate when we borrow connections from pool
              false // don't bother validation returned connections

      // ConnectionFactory the pool will use to create connections.
      ConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
          new DriverManagerConnectionFactory(

      // Now we'll create the PoolableConnectionFactory, which wraps
      // the "real" Connections created by the ConnectionFactory with
      // the classes that implement the pooling functionality.
      String validationQuery = "SELECT 1";

      // Oracle has a slightly different validation query
      if ("oracle".equals(ConfigurationManager.getProperty(""))) {
        validationQuery = "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL";

      GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory statementFactory = null;
      if (useStatementPool) {
        // The statement Pool is used to pool prepared statements.
        GenericKeyedObjectPool.Config statementFactoryConfig = new GenericKeyedObjectPool.Config();
        // Just grow the pool size when needed.
        // This means we will never block when attempting to
        // create a query. The problem is unclosed statements,
        // they can never be reused. So if we place a maximum
        // cap on them, then we might reach a condition where
        // a page can only be viewed X number of times. The
        // downside of GROW_WHEN_EXHAUSTED is that this may
        // allow a memory leak to exist. Both options are bad,
        // but I'd prefer a memory leak over a failure.
        // FIXME: Perhaps this decision should be derived from config parameters?
        statementFactoryConfig.whenExhaustedAction = GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW;

        statementFactory = new GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory(null, statementFactoryConfig);

      PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory =
          new PoolableConnectionFactory(
              validationQuery, // validation query
              false, // read only is not default for now
              false); // Autocommit defaults to none

      // Finally, we create the PoolingDataSource itself...
      PoolingDataSource poolingDataSource = new PoolingDataSource();

      // ...and register our pool with it.

      dataSource = poolingDataSource;
      return poolingDataSource;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Need to be able to catch other exceptions. Pretend they are
      // SQLExceptions, but do log
      log.warn("Exception initializing DB pool", e);
      throw new SQLException(e.toString(), e);