Beispiel #1
  public void testCleanupWithNewToken()
      throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, UnknownHostException {

    Keyspace keyspace =;
    ColumnFamilyStore cfs = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(CF2);

    List<Row> rows;

    // insert data and verify we get it back w/ range query
    fillCF(cfs, LOOPS);

    rows = Util.getRangeSlice(cfs);

    assertEquals(LOOPS, rows.size());
    TokenMetadata tmd = StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata();

    byte[] tk1 = new byte[1], tk2 = new byte[1];
    tk1[0] = 2;
    tk2[0] = 1;
    tmd.updateNormalToken(new BytesToken(tk1), InetAddress.getByName(""));
    tmd.updateNormalToken(new BytesToken(tk2), InetAddress.getByName(""));

    rows = Util.getRangeSlice(cfs);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());
   * Create a copy of TokenMetadata with tokenToEndpointMap reflecting situation after all current
   * leave, move, and relocate operations have finished.
   * @return new token metadata
  public TokenMetadata cloneAfterAllSettled() {

    try {
      TokenMetadata metadata = cloneOnlyTokenMap();

      for (InetAddress endpoint : leavingEndpoints) metadata.removeEndpoint(endpoint);

      for (Pair<Token, InetAddress> pair : movingEndpoints)
        metadata.updateNormalToken(pair.left, pair.right);

      for (Map.Entry<Token, InetAddress> relocating : relocatingTokens.entrySet())
        metadata.updateNormalToken(relocating.getKey(), relocating.getValue());

      return metadata;
    } finally {
Beispiel #3
  public void testCleanupWithIndexes()
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    Keyspace keyspace =;
    ColumnFamilyStore cfs = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(CF1);

    List<Row> rows;

    // insert data and verify we get it back w/ range query
    fillCF(cfs, LOOPS);
    rows = Util.getRangeSlice(cfs);
    assertEquals(LOOPS, rows.size());

    SecondaryIndex index = cfs.indexManager.getIndexForColumn(COLUMN);
    long start = System.nanoTime();
    while (!index.isIndexBuilt(COLUMN) && System.nanoTime() - start < TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(10))

    // verify we get it back w/ index query too
    IndexExpression expr = new IndexExpression(COLUMN, IndexExpression.Operator.EQ, VALUE);
    List<IndexExpression> clause = Arrays.asList(expr);
    IDiskAtomFilter filter = new IdentityQueryFilter();
    IPartitioner p = StorageService.getPartitioner();
    Range<RowPosition> range = Util.range("", "");
    rows = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(CF1).search(range, clause, filter, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    assertEquals(LOOPS, rows.size());

    // we don't allow cleanup when the local host has no range to avoid wipping up all data when a
    // node has not join the ring.
    // So to make sure cleanup erase everything here, we give the localhost the tiniest possible
    // range.
    TokenMetadata tmd = StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata();
    byte[] tk1 = new byte[1], tk2 = new byte[1];
    tk1[0] = 2;
    tk2[0] = 1;
    tmd.updateNormalToken(new BytesToken(tk1), InetAddress.getByName(""));
    tmd.updateNormalToken(new BytesToken(tk2), InetAddress.getByName(""));

    CompactionManager.instance.performCleanup(cfs, new CounterId.OneShotRenewer());

    // row data should be gone
    rows = Util.getRangeSlice(cfs);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());

    // not only should it be gone but there should be no data on disk, not even tombstones
    assert cfs.getSSTables().isEmpty();

    // 2ary indexes should result in no results, too (although tombstones won't be gone until
    // compacted)
    rows =, clause, filter, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    assertEquals(0, rows.size());
  public void testRowCacheCleanup() throws Exception {
    rowCacheLoad(100, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1000);

    ColumnFamilyStore store =;
    assertEquals(CacheService.instance.rowCache.size(), 100);
    assertEquals(CacheService.instance.rowCache.size(), 100);
    TokenMetadata tmd = StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata();
    byte[] tk1, tk2;
    tk1 = "key1000".getBytes();
    tk2 = "key1050".getBytes();
    tmd.updateNormalToken(new BytesToken(tk1), InetAddress.getByName(""));
    tmd.updateNormalToken(new BytesToken(tk2), InetAddress.getByName(""));
    assertEquals(50, CacheService.instance.rowCache.size());