private Message prepareResponseMessage(Exchange exchange, MongoDbOperation operation) {
   Message answer = exchange.getOut();
   MessageHelper.copyHeaders(exchange.getIn(), answer, false);
   if (isWriteOperation(operation) && endpoint.isWriteResultAsHeader()) {
   return answer;
  private void processAndTransferWriteResult(WriteResult result, Exchange exchange) {
    // if invokeGetLastError is set, or a WriteConcern is set which implicitly calls getLastError,
    // then we have the chance to populate
    // the MONGODB_LAST_ERROR header, as well as setting an exception on the Exchange if one
    // occurred at the MongoDB server
    if (endpoint.isInvokeGetLastError()
        || (endpoint.getWriteConcern() != null
            ? endpoint.getWriteConcern().callGetLastError()
            : false)) {
      CommandResult cr =
          result.getCachedLastError() == null ? result.getLastError() : result.getCachedLastError();
      exchange.getOut().setHeader(MongoDbConstants.LAST_ERROR, cr);
      if (!cr.ok()) {

    // determine where to set the WriteResult: as the OUT body or as an IN message header
    if (endpoint.isWriteResultAsHeader()) {
      exchange.getOut().setHeader(MongoDbConstants.WRITERESULT, result);
    } else {