Beispiel #1
   * @param xpath XPATH expression to be read.
   * @param elt OMElement to be used for the search.
   * @return List matching OMNode list
  public List<OMNode> getMatchingNodes(final String xpath, final OMElement elt) {

    AXIOMXPath axiomXpath;
    List<OMNode> nodeList = null;
    try {
      axiomXpath = new AXIOMXPath(xpath);
      nodeList = axiomXpath.selectNodes(elt);
    } catch (JaxenException e) {
      String msg = "Error occurred while reading the Xpath (" + xpath + ")";
      log.error(msg, e);
      throw new CloudControllerException(msg, e);

    return nodeList;
  * This method is used to capture the lifecycle attribute from the configuration.
  * expected configuration elements are
  * <field type="options">
          <name label="Lifecycle Name" >Lifecycle Name</name>
          <values class="org.wso2.carbon.governance.generic.ui.utils.LifecycleListPopulator"/>
  * or
  *  <field type="options">
          <name label="Lifecycle Name" >Lifecycle Name</name>
          <values class="" isLifecycle="true"/>
  *  */
  private static String BuilLifecycleAttribute(
      GovernanceArtifactConfiguration configuration,
      String defaultLifecycleGeneratorClass,
      String lifecycleAttribute) {
    try {
      //            This part checks whether the user has given a lifecycle populates.
      //            If not, then we check whether there is an attribute called, "isLifecycle"
      //            This attribute will identify the lifecycle attribute from the configuration.
      OMElement configurationElement = configuration.getContentDefinition();
      String xpathExpression = "//@class";

      AXIOMXPath xpath = new AXIOMXPath(xpathExpression);
      List resultNodes = xpath.selectNodes(configurationElement);

      if (resultNodes != null && resultNodes.size() > 0) {
        String lifecycleParentName = null;
        String lifecycleName = null;

        for (Object resultNode : resultNodes) {
          OMElement parentElement = ((OMAttribute) resultNode).getOwner();
          if (parentElement
              .getAttributeValue(new QName("class"))
              .equals(defaultLifecycleGeneratorClass)) {
            Iterator childrenIterator = parentElement.getParent().getChildrenWithLocalName("name");
            while (childrenIterator.hasNext()) {
              OMElement next = (OMElement);
              lifecycleName = next.getAttributeValue(new QName("label"));
            OMElement rootElement = (OMElement) ((OMElement) parentElement.getParent()).getParent();
            lifecycleParentName = rootElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("name"));
          } else if (parentElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("isLifecycle")) != null
              && parentElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("isLifecycle")).equals("true")) {
            Iterator childrenIterator = parentElement.getParent().getChildrenWithLocalName("name");
            while (childrenIterator.hasNext()) {
              OMElement next = (OMElement);
              lifecycleName = next.getAttributeValue(new QName("label"));
            OMElement rootElement = (OMElement) ((OMElement) parentElement.getParent()).getParent();
            lifecycleParentName = rootElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("name"));
        if (lifecycleParentName != null && lifecycleName != null) {
          return convertName(lifecycleParentName.split(" "))
              + "_"
              + convertName(lifecycleName.split(" "));

    } catch (OMException e) {
          "Governance artifact configuration of configuration key:"
              + configuration.getKey()
              + " is invalid",
    } catch (JaxenException e) {
      log.error("Error in getting the lifecycle attribute", e);
    return null;