/** Let fw get the list of default values for the columns to be used when creating a new row */
  public String[] getDefaultValues(ColumnDisplayDefinition[] colDefs) {

    // we return something valid even if there is a DB error
    final String[] defaultValues = new String[colDefs.length];

    // if we could not identify which table to edit, just return
    if (ti == null) {
      return defaultValues;

    final ISession session = _session;
    final ISQLConnection conn = session.getSQLConnection();

    try {
      SQLDatabaseMetaData md = conn.getSQLMetaData();
      TableColumnInfo[] infos = md.getColumnInfo(ti);

      // read the DB MetaData info and fill in the value, if any
      // Note that the ResultSet info and the colDefs should be
      // in the same order, but we cannot guarantee that.
      int expectedColDefIndex = 0;

      for (int idx = 0; idx < infos.length; idx++) {
        String colName = infos[idx].getColumnName();
        String defValue = infos[idx].getDefaultValue();

        // if value was null, we do not need to do
        // anything else with this column.
        // Also assume that a value of "" is equivilent to null
        if (defValue != null && defValue.length() > 0) {
          // find the entry in colDefs matching this column
          if (colDefs[expectedColDefIndex].getColumnName().equals(colName)) {
            // DB cols are in same order as colDefs
            defaultValues[expectedColDefIndex] = defValue;
          } else {
            // colDefs not in same order as DB, so search for
            // matching colDef entry
            // Note: linear search here will NORMALLY be not too bad
            // because most tables do not have huge numbers of columns.
            for (int i = 0; i < colDefs.length; i++) {
              if (colDefs[i].getColumnName().equals(colName)) {
                defaultValues[i] = defValue;

        // assuming that the columns in table match colDefs,
        // bump the index to point to the next colDef entry
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      // i18n[DataSetUpdateableTableModelImpl.error.retrievingdefaultvalues=Error retrieving default
      // column values]

    return defaultValues;