Beispiel #1
  public void process(FilterBank filterBank) throws AACException {
    final Profile profile = config.getProfile();
    final SampleFrequency sf = config.getSampleFrequency();
    // final ChannelConfiguration channels = config.getChannelConfiguration();

    int chs = config.getChannelConfiguration().getChannelCount();
    if (chs == 1 && psPresent) chs++;
    final int mult = sbrPresent ? 2 : 1;
    // only reallocate if needed
    if (data == null || chs != data.length || (mult * config.getFrameLength()) != data[0].length)
      data = new float[chs][mult * config.getFrameLength()];

    int channel = 0;
    Element e;
    SCE_LFE scelfe;
    CPE cpe;
    for (int i = 0; i < elements.length && channel < chs; i++) {
      e = elements[i];
      if (e == null) continue;
      if (e instanceof SCE_LFE) {
        scelfe = (SCE_LFE) e;
        channel += processSingle(scelfe, filterBank, channel, profile, sf);
      } else if (e instanceof CPE) {
        cpe = (CPE) e;
        processPair(cpe, filterBank, channel, profile, sf);
        channel += 2;
      } else if (e instanceof CCE) {
        // applies invquant and save the result in the CCE
        ((CCE) e).process();