  public void execute(BstEntry context) {
    Stack<Object> stack = vm.getStack();

    if (stack.size() < 3) {
      throw new VMException("Not enough operands on stack for operation format.name$");
    Object o1 = stack.pop();
    Object o2 = stack.pop();
    Object o3 = stack.pop();

    if (!(o1 instanceof String) && !(o2 instanceof Integer) && !(o3 instanceof String)) {
      // warning("A string is needed for change.case$");

    String format = (String) o1;
    Integer name = (Integer) o2;
    String names = (String) o3;

    if (names == null) {
    } else {
      AuthorList a = AuthorList.parse(names);
      if (name > a.getNumberOfAuthors()) {
        throw new VMException("Author Out of Bounds. Number " + name + " invalid for " + names);
      Author author = a.getAuthor(name - 1);

      stack.push(BibtexNameFormatter.formatName(author, format, vm));
Beispiel #2
 public void testGetAuthorList() {
   // Test caching in authorCache.
   AuthorList al = AuthorList.parse("John Smith");
   Assert.assertEquals(al, AuthorList.parse("John Smith"));
Beispiel #3
 public void testFixAuthorForAlphabetization() {
   Assert.assertEquals("Smith, J.", AuthorList.fixAuthorForAlphabetization("John Smith"));
   Assert.assertEquals("Neumann, J.", AuthorList.fixAuthorForAlphabetization("John von Neumann"));
   Assert.assertEquals("Neumann, J.", AuthorList.fixAuthorForAlphabetization("J. von Neumann"));
       "Neumann, J. and Smith, J. and Black Brown, Jr., P.",
           "John von Neumann and John Smith and de Black Brown, Jr., Peter"));
Beispiel #4
  public void testGetAuthorsLastOnly() {

    // No comma before and
    Assert.assertEquals("", AuthorList.parse("").getAsLastNames(false));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith", AuthorList.parse("John Smith").getAsLastNames(false));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith", AuthorList.parse("Smith, Jr, John").getAsLastNames(false));

        "von Neumann, Smith and Black Brown",
        AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter")
    // Oxford comma
    Assert.assertEquals("", AuthorList.parse("").getAsLastNames(true));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith", AuthorList.parse("John Smith").getAsLastNames(true));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith", AuthorList.parse("Smith, Jr, John").getAsLastNames(true));

        "von Neumann, Smith, and Black Brown",
        AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter")

        "von Neumann and Smith",
        AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith").getAsLastNames(false));
Beispiel #5
  private static int compareSingleField(String field, BibEntry one, BibEntry two) {
    String s1 = one.getField(field);
    String s2 = two.getField(field);
    if (s1 == null) {
      if (s2 == null) {
        return EMPTY_IN_BOTH;
      return EMPTY_IN_ONE;
    } else if (s2 == null) {
      return EMPTY_IN_TWO;

    if ("author".equals(field) || "editor".equals(field)) {
      // Specific for name fields.
      // Harmonise case:
      String auth1 =
          AuthorList.fixAuthor_lastNameOnlyCommas(s1, false).replace(" and ", " ").toLowerCase();
      String auth2 =
          AuthorList.fixAuthor_lastNameOnlyCommas(s2, false).replace(" and ", " ").toLowerCase();
      double similarity = DuplicateCheck.correlateByWords(auth1, auth2);
      if (similarity > 0.8) {
        return EQUAL;
      return NOT_EQUAL;
    } else if ("pages".equals(field)) {
      // Pages can be given with a variety of delimiters, "-", "--", " - ", " -- ".
      // We do a replace to harmonize these to a simple "-":
      // After this, a simple test for equality should be enough:
      s1 = s1.replaceAll("[- ]+", "-");
      s2 = s2.replaceAll("[- ]+", "-");
      if (s1.equals(s2)) {
        return EQUAL;
      return NOT_EQUAL;
    } else if ("journal".equals(field)) {
      // We do not attempt to harmonize abbreviation state of the journal names,
      // but we remove periods from the names in case they are abbreviated with
      // and without dots:
      s1 = s1.replace(".", "").toLowerCase();
      s2 = s2.replace(".", "").toLowerCase();
      double similarity = DuplicateCheck.correlateByWords(s1, s2);
      if (similarity > 0.8) {
        return EQUAL;
      return NOT_EQUAL;
    } else {
      s1 = s1.toLowerCase();
      s2 = s2.toLowerCase();
      double similarity = DuplicateCheck.correlateByWords(s1, s2);
      if (similarity > 0.8) {
        return EQUAL;
      return NOT_EQUAL;
Beispiel #6
 public void testGetAuthorsFirstFirstAnds() {
   Assert.assertEquals("John Smith", AuthorList.parse("John Smith").getAsFirstLastNamesWithAnd());
       "John Smith and Peter Black Brown",
       AuthorList.parse("John Smith and Black Brown, Peter").getAsFirstLastNamesWithAnd());
       "John von Neumann and John Smith and Peter Black Brown",
       AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter")
       "First von Last, Jr. III",
       AuthorList.parse("von Last, Jr. III, First").getAsFirstLastNamesWithAnd());
Beispiel #7
  public void testGetAuthorsLastFirstAnds() {
        "Smith, John", AuthorList.parse("John Smith").getAsLastFirstNamesWithAnd(false));
        "Smith, John and Black Brown, Peter",
        AuthorList.parse("John Smith and Black Brown, Peter").getAsLastFirstNamesWithAnd(false));
        "von Neumann, John and Smith, John and Black Brown, Peter",
        AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter")
        "von Last, Jr, First",
        AuthorList.parse("von Last, Jr ,First").getAsLastFirstNamesWithAnd(false));

        "Smith, J.", AuthorList.parse("John Smith").getAsLastFirstNamesWithAnd(true));
        "Smith, J. and Black Brown, P.",
        AuthorList.parse("John Smith and Black Brown, Peter").getAsLastFirstNamesWithAnd(true));
        "von Neumann, J. and Smith, J. and Black Brown, P.",
        AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter")
        "von Last, Jr, F.",
        AuthorList.parse("von Last, Jr ,First").getAsLastFirstNamesWithAnd(true));
Beispiel #8
  public void testFixAuthorFirstNameFirst() {
    Assert.assertEquals("John Smith", AuthorList.fixAuthorFirstNameFirst("John Smith"));

        "John Smith and Peter Black Brown",
        AuthorList.fixAuthorFirstNameFirst("John Smith and Black Brown, Peter"));

        "John von Neumann and John Smith and Peter Black Brown",
            "John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter"));

        "First von Last, Jr. III", AuthorList.fixAuthorFirstNameFirst("von Last, Jr. III, First"));

    // Check caching
        AuthorList.fixAuthorFirstNameFirst("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter")
                    "John von Neumann"
                        + (0 == 1 ? "" : " and ")
                        + "John Smith and Black Brown, Peter")));
Beispiel #9
  public void testGetAuthor() {

    Author author = AuthorList.parse("John Smith and von Neumann, Jr, John").getAuthor(0);
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.of("John"), author.getFirst());
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.of("J."), author.getFirstAbbr());
    Assert.assertEquals("John Smith", author.getFirstLast(false));
    Assert.assertEquals("J. Smith", author.getFirstLast(true));
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.empty(), author.getJr());
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.of("Smith"), author.getLast());
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, John", author.getLastFirst(false));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, J.", author.getLastFirst(true));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith", author.getLastOnly());
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, J.", author.getNameForAlphabetization());
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.empty(), author.getVon());

    author = AuthorList.parse("Peter Black Brown").getAuthor(0);
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.of("Peter Black"), author.getFirst());
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.of("P. B."), author.getFirstAbbr());
    Assert.assertEquals("Peter Black Brown", author.getFirstLast(false));
    Assert.assertEquals("P. B. Brown", author.getFirstLast(true));
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.empty(), author.getJr());
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.empty(), author.getVon());

    author = AuthorList.parse("John Smith and von Neumann, Jr, John").getAuthor(1);
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.of("John"), author.getFirst());
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.of("J."), author.getFirstAbbr());
    Assert.assertEquals("John von Neumann, Jr", author.getFirstLast(false));
    Assert.assertEquals("J. von Neumann, Jr", author.getFirstLast(true));
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.of("Jr"), author.getJr());
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.of("Neumann"), author.getLast());
    Assert.assertEquals("von Neumann, Jr, John", author.getLastFirst(false));
    Assert.assertEquals("von Neumann, Jr, J.", author.getLastFirst(true));
    Assert.assertEquals("von Neumann", author.getLastOnly());
    Assert.assertEquals("Neumann, Jr, J.", author.getNameForAlphabetization());
    Assert.assertEquals(Optional.of("von"), author.getVon());
Beispiel #10
 public void testRemoveStartAndEndBraces() {
   Assert.assertEquals("{A}bbb{c}", AuthorList.parse("{A}bbb{c}").getAsLastNames(false));
       "Vall{\\'e}e Poussin", AuthorList.parse("{Vall{\\'e}e Poussin}").getAsLastNames(false));
       "Poussin", AuthorList.parse("{Vall{\\'e}e} {Poussin}").getAsLastNames(false));
   Assert.assertEquals("Poussin", AuthorList.parse("Vall{\\'e}e Poussin").getAsLastNames(false));
   Assert.assertEquals("Lastname", AuthorList.parse("Firstname {Lastname}").getAsLastNames(false));
       "Firstname Lastname", AuthorList.parse("{Firstname Lastname}").getAsLastNames(false));
Beispiel #11
  public void testGetAuthorsNatbib() {
    Assert.assertEquals("", AuthorList.parse("").getAsNatbib());
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith", AuthorList.parse("John Smith").getAsNatbib());
        "Smith and Black Brown",
        AuthorList.parse("John Smith and Black Brown, Peter").getAsNatbib());
        "von Neumann et al.",
        AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter").getAsNatbib());

     * [ 1465610 ] (Double-)Names containing hyphen (-) not handled correctly
        "Last-Name et al.",
        AuthorList.parse("First Second Last-Name" + " and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter")

    // Test caching
    AuthorList al = AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter");
Beispiel #12
  public void testFixAuthorNatbib() {
    Assert.assertEquals("", AuthorList.fixAuthorNatbib(""));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith", AuthorList.fixAuthorNatbib("John Smith"));
        "Smith and Black Brown", AuthorList.fixAuthorNatbib("John Smith and Black Brown, Peter"));
        "von Neumann et al.",
        AuthorList.fixAuthorNatbib("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter"));

    // Is not cached!
        AuthorList.fixAuthorNatbib("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter")
                    "John von Neumann"
                        + (0 == 1 ? "" : " and ")
                        + "John Smith and Black Brown, Peter")));
  * This is a convenience method for getAuthorsLastFirst()
  * @see AuthorList#getAuthorsLastFirst
 public static String fixAuthor_lastNameFirstCommas(
     String authors, boolean abbr, boolean oxfordComma) {
   return AuthorList.getAuthorList(authors).getAuthorsLastFirst(abbr, oxfordComma);
  * This is a convenience method for getAuthorsFirstFirstAnds()
  * @see AuthorList#getAuthorsFirstFirstAnds
 public static String fixAuthor_firstNameFirst(String authors) {
   return AuthorList.getAuthorList(authors).getAuthorsFirstFirstAnds();
 public String format(String fieldText) {
   return AuthorList.fixAuthorLastNameFirstCommas(fieldText, false, false);
Beispiel #16
  public void testGetAuthorsLastFirstNoComma() {
    // No commas before and
    AuthorList al;

    al = AuthorList.parse("");
    Assert.assertEquals("", al.getAsLastFirstNames(true, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("", al.getAsLastFirstNames(false, false));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John Smith");
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, John", al.getAsLastFirstNames(false, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, J.", al.getAsLastFirstNames(true, false));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John Smith and Black Brown, Peter");
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, John and Black Brown, Peter", al.getAsLastFirstNames(false, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, J. and Black Brown, P.", al.getAsLastFirstNames(true, false));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter");
    // Method description is different than code -> additional comma
    // there
        "von Neumann, John, Smith, John and Black Brown, Peter",
        al.getAsLastFirstNames(false, false));
        "von Neumann, J., Smith, J. and Black Brown, P.", al.getAsLastFirstNames(true, false));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John Peter von Neumann");
    Assert.assertEquals("von Neumann, J. P.", al.getAsLastFirstNames(true, false));
  * This is a convenience method for getAuthorsNatbib()
  * @see AuthorList#getAuthorsNatbib
 public static String fixAuthor_Natbib(String authors) {
   return AuthorList.getAuthorList(authors).getAuthorsNatbib();
  * This is a convenience method for getAuthorsLastOnly()
  * @see AuthorList#getAuthorsLastOnly
 public static String fixAuthor_lastNameOnlyCommas(String authors, boolean oxfordComma) {
   return AuthorList.getAuthorList(authors).getAuthorsLastOnly(oxfordComma);
Beispiel #19
 public void parseNameWithHyphenInFirstName() throws Exception {
   Author expected = new Author("Tse-tung", "T.-t.", null, "Mao", null);
   Assert.assertEquals(new AuthorList(expected), AuthorList.parse("Tse-tung Mao"));
Beispiel #20
 public void parseNameWithBracesAroundFirstName() throws Exception {
   // TODO: Be more intelligent and abbreviate the first name correctly
   Author expected = new Author("Tse-tung", "{Tse-tung}.", null, "Mao", null);
   Assert.assertEquals(new AuthorList(expected), AuthorList.parse("{Tse-tung} Mao"));
Beispiel #21
 public void createCorrectInitials() {
       Optional.of("J. G."),
       AuthorList.parse("Hornberg, Johann Gottfried").getAuthor(0).getFirstAbbr());
Beispiel #22
  public void testGetAuthorsFirstFirst() {

    AuthorList al;

    al = AuthorList.parse("");
    Assert.assertEquals("", al.getAsFirstLastNames(true, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("", al.getAsFirstLastNames(false, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("", al.getAsFirstLastNames(true, true));
    Assert.assertEquals("", al.getAsFirstLastNames(false, true));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John Smith");
    Assert.assertEquals("John Smith", al.getAsFirstLastNames(false, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("J. Smith", al.getAsFirstLastNames(true, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("John Smith", al.getAsFirstLastNames(false, true));
    Assert.assertEquals("J. Smith", al.getAsFirstLastNames(true, true));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John Smith and Black Brown, Peter");
    Assert.assertEquals("John Smith and Peter Black Brown", al.getAsFirstLastNames(false, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("J. Smith and P. Black Brown", al.getAsFirstLastNames(true, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("John Smith and Peter Black Brown", al.getAsFirstLastNames(false, true));
    Assert.assertEquals("J. Smith and P. Black Brown", al.getAsFirstLastNames(true, true));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter");
        "John von Neumann, John Smith and Peter Black Brown", al.getAsFirstLastNames(false, false));
        "J. von Neumann, J. Smith and P. Black Brown", al.getAsFirstLastNames(true, false));
        "John von Neumann, John Smith, and Peter Black Brown", al.getAsFirstLastNames(false, true));
        "J. von Neumann, J. Smith, and P. Black Brown", al.getAsFirstLastNames(true, true));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John Peter von Neumann");
    Assert.assertEquals("John Peter von Neumann", al.getAsFirstLastNames(false, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("John Peter von Neumann", al.getAsFirstLastNames(false, true));
    Assert.assertEquals("J. P. von Neumann", al.getAsFirstLastNames(true, false));
    Assert.assertEquals("J. P. von Neumann", al.getAsFirstLastNames(true, true));
  * This is a convenience method for getAuthorsLastFirstAnds(true)
  * @see AuthorList#getAuthorsLastFirstAnds
 public static String fixAuthor_lastNameFirst(String authors) {
   return AuthorList.getAuthorList(authors).getAuthorsLastFirstAnds(false);
Beispiel #24
 public void parseNameWithHyphenInLastName() throws Exception {
   Author expected = new Author("Firstname", "F.", null, "Bailey-Jones", null);
   Assert.assertEquals(new AuthorList(expected), AuthorList.parse("Firstname Bailey-Jones"));
  * This is a convenience method for getAuthorsLastFirstAnds()
  * @see AuthorList#getAuthorsLastFirstAnds
 public static String fixAuthor_lastNameFirst(String authors, boolean abbreviate) {
   return AuthorList.getAuthorList(authors).getAuthorsLastFirstAnds(abbreviate);
Beispiel #26
 public void parseNameWithBraces() throws Exception {
   Author expected = new Author("H{e}lene", "H.", null, "Fiaux", null);
   Assert.assertEquals(new AuthorList(expected), AuthorList.parse("H{e}lene Fiaux"));
  * This is a convenience method for getAuthorsForAlphabetization()
  * @see AuthorList#getAuthorsForAlphabetization
 public static String fixAuthorForAlphabetization(String authors) {
   return AuthorList.getAuthorList(authors).getAuthorsForAlphabetization();
  /** Parse the entries in the source, and return a List of BibEntry objects. */
  public List<BibEntry> importEntries(InputStream stream, OutputPrinter status) throws IOException {
    ArrayList<BibEntry> bibitems = new ArrayList<>();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String str;
    try (BufferedReader in =
        new BufferedReader(ImportFormatReader.getReaderDefaultEncoding(stream))) {
      while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
        if (str.length() < 2) {
        if (str.indexOf("Record") == 0) {
        } else {
    String[] entries = sb.toString().split("__::__");
    String type = "";
    HashMap<String, String> h = new HashMap<>();
    for (String entry : entries) {
      if (entry.indexOf("Record") != 0) {

      String[] fields = entry.split("__NEWFIELD__");
      for (String s : fields) {
        // System.out.println(fields[j]);
        String f3 = s.substring(0, 2);
        String frest = s.substring(5);
        if ("TI".equals(f3)) {
          h.put("title", frest);
        } else if ("PY".equals(f3)) {
          h.put("year", frest);
        } else if ("AU".equals(f3)) {
              AuthorList.fixAuthor_lastNameFirst(frest.replace(",-", ", ").replace(";", " and ")));
        } else if ("AB".equals(f3)) {
          h.put("abstract", frest);
        } else if ("ID".equals(f3)) {
          h.put("keywords", frest);
        } else if ("SO".equals(f3)) {
          int m = frest.indexOf('.');
          if (m >= 0) {
            String jr = frest.substring(0, m);
            h.put("journal", jr.replace("-", " "));
            frest = frest.substring(m);
            m = frest.indexOf(';');
            if (m >= 5) {
              String yr = frest.substring(m - 5, m);
              h.put("year", yr);
              frest = frest.substring(m);
              m = frest.indexOf(':');
              if (m >= 0) {
                String pg = frest.substring(m + 1).trim();
                h.put("pages", pg);
                h.put("volume", frest.substring(1, m));

        } else if ("RT".equals(f3)) {
          frest = frest.trim();
          if ("Journal-Paper".equals(frest)) {
            type = "article";
          } else if ("Conference-Paper".equals(frest)
              || "Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper".equals(frest)) {
            type = "inproceedings";
          } else {
            type = frest.replace(" ", "");
      BibEntry b =
          new BibEntry(
              EntryTypes.getTypeOrDefault(type)); // id assumes an existing database so don't
      // create one here


    return bibitems;
Beispiel #29
 public void parseNameWithBracesAroundLastName() throws Exception {
   Author expected = new Author("Hans", "H.", null, "van den Bergen", null);
   Assert.assertEquals(new AuthorList(expected), AuthorList.parse("{van den Bergen}, Hans"));
Beispiel #30
  public void testGetAuthorsLastFirstOxfordComma() {
    // Oxford comma
    AuthorList al;

    al = AuthorList.parse("");
    Assert.assertEquals("", al.getAsLastFirstNames(true, true));
    Assert.assertEquals("", al.getAsLastFirstNames(false, true));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John Smith");
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, John", al.getAsLastFirstNames(false, true));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, J.", al.getAsLastFirstNames(true, true));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John Smith and Black Brown, Peter");
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, John and Black Brown, Peter", al.getAsLastFirstNames(false, true));
    Assert.assertEquals("Smith, J. and Black Brown, P.", al.getAsLastFirstNames(true, true));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter");
        "von Neumann, John, Smith, John, and Black Brown, Peter",
        al.getAsLastFirstNames(false, true));
        "von Neumann, J., Smith, J., and Black Brown, P.", al.getAsLastFirstNames(true, true));

    al = AuthorList.parse("John Peter von Neumann");
    Assert.assertEquals("von Neumann, J. P.", al.getAsLastFirstNames(true, true));