/** * Show a project * * @param function the action being taken * @param p the project * @param parentId the parent project id * @throws Exception */ private void showProject(Action function, Project p, Integer parentId) throws Exception { // set the link panel to show this project's links linkPanel.setOwner(p); // show all possible parent projects parentProjectComboBox.removeAllItems(); parentProjectComboBox.addItem(""); Collection<Project> projects = TaskModel.getReference().getProjects(); if (projects != null) { for (Project project : projects) { // add open projects that are not the current one if ((p == null || p.getKey() != project.getKey()) && project.getStatus().equals(Resource.getResourceString("OPEN"))) parentProjectComboBox.addItem(getProjectString(project)); } } // if we are showing an existing project - fill in the gui fields for it if (p != null) { // task number projectIdText.setText(Integer.toString(p.getKey())); projectIdText.setEditable(false); // window title - "Item N" windowTitle = Resource.getResourceString("Item_") + " " + p.getKey(); // due date GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(); Date dd = p.getDueDate(); if (dd != null) { gc.setTime(dd); dueDateChooser.setCalendar(gc); } GregorianCalendar gc2 = new GregorianCalendar(); dd = p.getStartDate(); if (dd != null) gc2.setTime(dd); startDateChooser.setCalendar(gc2); int daysleft = DateUtil.daysLeft(p.getDueDate()); daysLeftText.setText(Integer.toString(daysleft)); String cat = p.getCategory(); if (cat != null && !cat.equals("")) { categoryBox.setSelectedItem(cat); } else { categoryBox.setSelectedIndex(0); } description.setText(p.getDescription()); statusComboBox.setEditable(false); Collection<Task> ptasks = TaskModel.getReference().getTasks(p.getKey()); totalTaskCount.setText(Integer.toString(ptasks.size())); int openTasks = 0; for (Task pt : ptasks) { if (!TaskModel.isClosed(pt)) { openTasks++; } } openTaskCount.setText(Integer.toString(openTasks)); // set parent project Integer pid = p.getParent(); if (pid != null) { Project par = TaskModel.getReference().getProject(pid.intValue()); if (TaskModel.isClosed(par)) { // if parent closed - would not have been added before parentProjectComboBox.addItem(getProjectString(par)); } parentProjectComboBox.setSelectedItem(getProjectString(par)); } // add the task list if (taskPanel == null) { taskPanel = new TaskListPanel(TaskView.getProjectString(p)); taskPanel.addClosedTaskFilter(); taskBorder.add( taskPanel, GridBagConstraintsFactory.create(0, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, 1.0, 1.0)); } } else { // set fields for a new project projectIdText.setText("NEW"); projectIdText.setEditable(false); // title windowTitle = Resource.getResourceString("NEW_Item"); statusComboBox.addItem(Resource.getResourceString("OPEN")); statusComboBox.setEnabled(false); categoryBox.setSelectedIndex(0); description.setText(""); // desc totalTaskCount.setText(""); openTaskCount.setText(""); // parent id may have been passed in if (parentId != null) { Project par = TaskModel.getReference().getProject(parentId.intValue()); if (TaskModel.isClosed(par)) { parentProjectComboBox.addItem(getProjectString(par)); } parentProjectComboBox.setSelectedItem(getProjectString(par)); String cat = par.getCategory(); if (cat != null && !cat.equals("")) { categoryBox.setSelectedItem(cat); } else { categoryBox.setSelectedIndex(0); } GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(); Date dd = par.getDueDate(); if (dd != null) { gc.setTime(dd); dueDateChooser.setCalendar(gc); } Date sd = par.getStartDate(); if (sd != null) { gc.setTime(sd); startDateChooser.setCalendar(gc); } } } // can't change status on a new project if (p == null) { statusComboBox.setEnabled(false); } // cloning takes the fields filled in for an existing task and resets // only those // that don't apply to the clone if (function == Action.CLONE) { // need new task number projectIdText.setText("CLONE"); projectIdText.setEditable(false); statusComboBox.removeAllItems(); statusComboBox.addItem(Resource.getResourceString("OPEN")); statusComboBox.setEnabled(false); } // change existing task else if (function == Action.CHANGE) { String state = null; if (p != null) state = p.getStatus(); // set next state pulldown - projects only move between open and // closed statusComboBox.removeAllItems(); statusComboBox.addItem(Resource.getResourceString("OPEN")); statusComboBox.addItem(Resource.getResourceString("CLOSED")); statusComboBox.setSelectedItem(state); statusComboBox.setEnabled(true); } }
/** Save project. */ private void saveProject() { // validate that description is present if (description.getText() == null || description.getText().equals("")) { Errmsg.getErrorHandler().notice(Resource.getResourceString("empty_desc")); return; } try { String num = projectIdText.getText(); Project p = new Project(); if (!num.equals("NEW") && !num.equals("CLONE")) { p.setKey(Integer.parseInt(num)); } // fill in the fields from the screen Calendar cal = startDateChooser.getCalendar(); if (cal == null) cal = new GregorianCalendar(); p.setStartDate(cal.getTime()); // start date cal = dueDateChooser.getCalendar(); if (cal != null) { p.setDueDate(cal.getTime()); // due date // validate due date if (DateUtil.isAfter(p.getStartDate(), p.getDueDate())) { throw new Warning(Resource.getResourceString("sd_dd_warn")); } } p.setDescription(description.getText()); p.setStatus((String) statusComboBox.getSelectedItem()); String cat = (String) categoryBox.getSelectedItem(); if (cat.equals("") || cat.equals(CategoryModel.UNCATEGORIZED)) { p.setCategory(null); } else { p.setCategory(cat); } p.setParent(null); String proj = (String) parentProjectComboBox.getSelectedItem(); try { p.setParent(getProjectId(proj)); } catch (Exception e) { // no project selected } TaskModel.getReference().saveProject(p); p.setKey(p.getKey()); showProject(Action.CHANGE, p, null); } catch (Warning w) { Errmsg.getErrorHandler().notice(w.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { Errmsg.getErrorHandler().errmsg(e); } }