/** * @param list * @return */ public static List specieForFamilyDataAsLabelValueBean(List list) { List newList = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Specie s = (Specie) it.next(); LabelValueBean bean = new LabelValueBean(s.getName(), s.getId()); newList.add(bean); } return newList; }
/** * @param list * @return */ public static List specieDataAsLabelValueBean(List list) { if (specieListInMemory == null) { logger.debug("Creating species data as LabelValueBean for the first time..."); specieListInMemory = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Specie s = (Specie) it.next(); LabelValueBean bean = new LabelValueBean(s.getName(), s.getId()); specieListInMemory.add(bean); } specieListInMemory.add(0, new LabelValueBean("", "")); } else { logger.debug("Returning the species data as LabelValueBean without creating objects..."); } return specieListInMemory; }