public void dummySegmentation() {

    List<Dataset> predictDataset = new ArrayList<>(imgDatasets.size());

    INDArray predict = dummyClassification();
    int currIdx = 0;

    for (int ds = 0; ds < imgDatasets.size(); ds++) {
      List<List<int[]>> profilesSet = testData.get(ds).getProfiles();


      Dataset currDataset = predictDataset.get(ds);

      RandomAccess<RealType<?>> randomAccess = currDataset.randomAccess();

      for (List<int[]> p : profilesSet) {
        for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) {
          randomAccess.setPosition(p.get(i)[0], 0);
          randomAccess.setPosition(p.get(i)[1], 1);

          double value = predict.getRow(currIdx).getDouble(i);
          if (value != 0) randomAccess.get().setReal(value);
      Overlay[] overlays = BinaryToOverlay.transform(context, currDataset, true);
      //            List<Overlay> overlayList = Arrays.asList(BinaryToOverlay.transform(context,
      // currDataset, true));
      ImageDisplay display = new DefaultImageDisplay();
      for (Overlay o : overlays) {
   * Generate the corresponding sequences of labels (0, 1) for a set of profiles, depending on if
   * the pixel belongs to the membrane or not
   * @param trainingSet Set of intensity profiles extracted from an image, for the training of the
   *     neural network and for that we need to label.
   * @param labeledDs Dataset where pixels belonging to membranes have been drawn.
  public void generateConfirmationSet(ProfilesSet trainingSet, Dataset labeledDs) {

    RandomAccess<RealType<?>> randomAccess = labeledDs.randomAccess();

    List<int[]> labeledProfiles = new ArrayList<>(trainingSet.getProfiles().size());

    for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.getProfiles().size(); i++) {

      List<int[]> profile = trainingSet.getProfiles().get(i);
      int[] labels = new int[trainingSet.getMaxLenght()];
      Arrays.fill(labels, 0);

      for (int j = 0; j < profile.size(); j++) {

        int[] point = profile.get(j);

        randomAccess.setPosition(point[0], 0);
        randomAccess.setPosition(point[1], 1);

        double pixelValue = randomAccess.get().getRealDouble();

        if (pixelValue == COLOR) {

          for (int k = j - membraneWidth.getValue() / 2;
              k <= j + membraneWidth.getValue() / 2;
              k++) {
            if (k < 0 || k > labels.length) continue;
            else labels[k] = 1;
