Beispiel #1
      level = "ERROR",
      message = "Failure writing drop flow mod",
      explanation = "An I/O error occured while trying to write a " + "drop flow mod to a switch",
      recommendation = LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH)
  protected void doDropFlow(
      IOFSwitch sw, OFPacketIn pi, IRoutingDecision decision, FloodlightContext cntx) {
    // initialize match structure and populate it using the packet
    OFMatch match = new OFMatch();
    match.loadFromPacket(pi.getPacketData(), pi.getInPort());
    if (decision.getWildcards() != null) {

    // Create flow-mod based on packet-in and src-switch
    OFFlowMod fm = (OFFlowMod) floodlightProvider.getOFMessageFactory().getMessage(OFType.FLOW_MOD);
    List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>(); // Set no action to
    // drop
    long cookie = AppCookie.makeCookie(FORWARDING_APP_ID, 0);

        .setHardTimeout((short) 0)
        .setIdleTimeout((short) 5)
        .setLengthU(OFFlowMod.MINIMUM_LENGTH); // +OFActionOutput.MINIMUM_LENGTH);

    try {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("write drop flow-mod sw={} match={} flow-mod={}", new Object[] {sw, match, fm});
      messageDamper.write(sw, fm, cntx);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Failure writing drop flow mod", e);
Beispiel #2
  protected void doForwardFlow(
      IOFSwitch sw, OFPacketIn pi, FloodlightContext cntx, boolean requestFlowRemovedNotifn) {
    OFMatch match = new OFMatch();
    match.loadFromPacket(pi.getPacketData(), pi.getInPort());

    // Check if we have the location of the destination
    IDevice dstDevice = IDeviceService.fcStore.get(cntx, IDeviceService.CONTEXT_DST_DEVICE);

    if (dstDevice != null) {
      IDevice srcDevice = IDeviceService.fcStore.get(cntx, IDeviceService.CONTEXT_SRC_DEVICE);
      Long srcIsland = topology.getL2DomainId(sw.getId());

      if (srcDevice == null) {
        log.debug("No device entry found for source device");
      if (srcIsland == null) {
        log.debug("No openflow island found for source {}/{}", sw.getStringId(), pi.getInPort());

      // Validate that we have a destination known on the same island
      // Validate that the source and destination are not on the same switchport
      boolean on_same_island = false;
      boolean on_same_if = false;
      for (SwitchPort dstDap : dstDevice.getAttachmentPoints()) {
        long dstSwDpid = dstDap.getSwitchDPID();
        Long dstIsland = topology.getL2DomainId(dstSwDpid);
        if ((dstIsland != null) && dstIsland.equals(srcIsland)) {
          on_same_island = true;
          if ((sw.getId() == dstSwDpid) && (pi.getInPort() == dstDap.getPort())) {
            on_same_if = true;

      if (!on_same_island) {
        // Flood since we don't know the dst device
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
              "No first hop island found for destination " + "device {}, Action = flooding",
        doFlood(sw, pi, cntx);

      if (on_same_if) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
              "Both source and destination are on the same " + "switch/port {}/{}, Action = NOP",

      // Install all the routes where both src and dst have attachment
      // points.  Since the lists are stored in sorted order we can
      // traverse the attachment points in O(m+n) time
      SwitchPort[] srcDaps = srcDevice.getAttachmentPoints();
      Arrays.sort(srcDaps, clusterIdComparator);
      SwitchPort[] dstDaps = dstDevice.getAttachmentPoints();
      Arrays.sort(dstDaps, clusterIdComparator);

      int iSrcDaps = 0, iDstDaps = 0;

      while ((iSrcDaps < srcDaps.length) && (iDstDaps < dstDaps.length)) {
        SwitchPort srcDap = srcDaps[iSrcDaps];
        SwitchPort dstDap = dstDaps[iDstDaps];
        Long srcCluster = topology.getL2DomainId(srcDap.getSwitchDPID());
        Long dstCluster = topology.getL2DomainId(dstDap.getSwitchDPID());

        int srcVsDest = srcCluster.compareTo(dstCluster);
        if (srcVsDest == 0) {
          if (!srcDap.equals(dstDap) && (srcCluster != null) && (dstCluster != null)) {
            Route route =
                    (short) srcDap.getPort(),
                    (short) dstDap.getPort());
            if (route != null) {
              if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    "pushRoute match={} route={} " + "destination={}:{}",
                    new Object[] {match, route, dstDap.getSwitchDPID(), dstDap.getPort()});
              long cookie = AppCookie.makeCookie(FORWARDING_APP_ID, 0);

        } else if (srcVsDest < 0) {
        } else {
    } else {
      // Flood since we don't know the dst device
      doFlood(sw, pi, cntx);
Beispiel #3
 static {
   AppCookie.registerApp(OFSwitch.OFSWITCH_APP_ID, "switch");
Beispiel #4
  protected void doForwardFlow(IOFSwitch sw, OFPacketIn pi, FloodlightContext cntx) {

    // Setup fields for our packets
    OFMatch match = new OFMatch();
    match.loadFromPacket(pi.getPacketData(), pi.getInPort());

    // Check if we have the location of the destination
    IDevice dstDevice = IDeviceService.fcStore.get(cntx, IDeviceService.CONTEXT_DST_DEVICE);

    if (dstDevice != null) {
      IDevice srcDevice = IDeviceService.fcStore.get(cntx, IDeviceService.CONTEXT_SRC_DEVICE);
      Long srcIsland = topology.getL2DomainId(sw.getId());

      if (srcDevice == null) {
        log.debug("No device entry found for source device");
      if (srcIsland == null) {
        log.debug("No openflow island found for source {}/{}", sw.getStringId(), pi.getInPort());

      // Validate that we have a destination known on the same
      // island
      // Validate that the source and destination are not on
      // the same switchport
      boolean on_same_island = false;
      boolean on_same_if = false;
      for (SwitchPort dstDap : dstDevice.getAttachmentPoints()) {
        long dstSwDpid = dstDap.getSwitchDPID();
        Long dstIsland = topology.getL2DomainId(dstSwDpid);
        if ((dstIsland != null) && dstIsland.equals(srcIsland)) {
          on_same_island = true;
          if ((sw.getId() == dstSwDpid) && (pi.getInPort() == dstDap.getPort())) {
            on_same_if = true;

      if (!on_same_island) {
        // Flood since we don't know the dst device
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
              "No first hop island found for destination " + "device {}, Action = flooding",
        doFlood(sw, pi, cntx);

      if (on_same_if) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
              "Both source and destination are on the same " + "switch/port {}/{}, Action = NOP",

      // Install all the routes where both src and dst have
      // attachment
      // points. Since the lists are stored in sorted order we
      // can
      // traverse the attachment points in O(m+n) time
      SwitchPort[] srcDaps = srcDevice.getAttachmentPoints();
      Arrays.sort(srcDaps, clusterIdComparator);
      SwitchPort[] dstDaps = dstDevice.getAttachmentPoints();
      Arrays.sort(dstDaps, clusterIdComparator);

      int iSrcDaps = 0, iDstDaps = 0;

      while ((iSrcDaps < srcDaps.length) && (iDstDaps < dstDaps.length)) {
        SwitchPort srcDap = srcDaps[iSrcDaps];
        SwitchPort dstDap = dstDaps[iDstDaps];
        Long srcCluster = topology.getL2DomainId(srcDap.getSwitchDPID());
        Long dstCluster = topology.getL2DomainId(dstDap.getSwitchDPID());

        int srcVsDest = srcCluster.compareTo(dstCluster);
        if (srcVsDest == 0) {
          if (!srcDap.equals(dstDap) && (srcCluster != null) && (dstCluster != null)) {

            // AND CALCULATE FLOWS
            // Call getroute also with weights!!

            Route route =
                    (short) srcDap.getPort(),
                    (short) dstDap.getPort());

            if (route != null) {
              if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    "pushRoute match={} route={} " + "destination={}:{}",
                    new Object[] {match, route, dstDap.getSwitchDPID(), dstDap.getPort()});
              long cookie = AppCookie.makeCookie(FORWARDING_APP_ID, 0);

              // if there is prior routing decision
              // use wildcard
              Integer wildcard_hints = null;
              IRoutingDecision decision = null;
              if (cntx != null) {
                decision = IRoutingDecision.rtStore.get(cntx, IRoutingDecision.CONTEXT_DECISION);
              if (decision != null) {
                wildcard_hints = decision.getWildcards();
              } else {
                // L2 only wildcard if there is no
                // prior route decision
                wildcard_hints =
                    ((Integer) sw.getAttribute(IOFSwitch.PROP_FASTWILDCARDS)).intValue()
                        & ~OFMatch.OFPFW_IN_PORT
                        & ~OFMatch.OFPFW_DL_VLAN
                        & ~OFMatch.OFPFW_DL_SRC
                        & ~OFMatch.OFPFW_DL_DST
                        & ~OFMatch.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK
                        & ~OFMatch.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK;

        } else if (srcVsDest < 0) {
        } else {
    } else {
      // Flood since we don't know the dst device
      doFlood(sw, pi, cntx);
Beispiel #5
 * Abstract base class for implementing a forwarding module. Forwarding is responsible for
 * programming flows to a switch in response to a policy decision.
@LogMessageCategory("Flow Programming")
public abstract class ForwardingBase implements IOFMessageListener, IDeviceListener {

  protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ForwardingBase.class);

  protected static int OFMESSAGE_DAMPER_CAPACITY = 10000; // TODO: find sweet spot
  protected static int OFMESSAGE_DAMPER_TIMEOUT = 250; // ms

  public static short FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 5; // in seconds
  public static short FLOWMOD_DEFAULT_HARD_TIMEOUT = 0; // infinite

  protected IFloodlightProviderService floodlightProvider;
  protected IDeviceService deviceManager;
  protected IRoutingService routingEngine;
  protected ITopologyService topology;
  protected ICounterStoreService counterStore;

  protected OFMessageDamper messageDamper;

  // for broadcast loop suppression
  protected boolean broadcastCacheFeature = true;
  public final int prime1 = 2633; // for hash calculation
  public static final int prime2 = 4357; // for hash calculation
  public TimedCache<Long> broadcastCache =
      new TimedCache<Long>(100, 5 * 1000); // 5 seconds interval;

  // flow-mod - for use in the cookie
  public static final int FORWARDING_APP_ID = 2; // TODO: This must be managed
  // by a global APP_ID class
  public long appCookie = AppCookie.makeCookie(FORWARDING_APP_ID, 0);

  // Comparator for sorting by SwitchCluster
  public Comparator<SwitchPort> clusterIdComparator =
      new Comparator<SwitchPort>() {
        public int compare(SwitchPort d1, SwitchPort d2) {
          Long d1ClusterId = topology.getL2DomainId(d1.getSwitchDPID());
          Long d2ClusterId = topology.getL2DomainId(d2.getSwitchDPID());
          return d1ClusterId.compareTo(d2ClusterId);

  /** init data structures */
  protected void init() {
    messageDamper =
        new OFMessageDamper(

  /** Adds a listener for devicemanager and registers for PacketIns. */
  protected void startUp() {
    floodlightProvider.addOFMessageListener(OFType.PACKET_IN, this);

  /** Returns the application name "forwarding". */
  public String getName() {
    return "forwarding";

   * All subclasses must define this function if they want any specific forwarding action
   * @param sw Switch that the packet came in from
   * @param pi The packet that came in
   * @param decision Any decision made by a policy engine
  public abstract Command processPacketInMessage(
      IOFSwitch sw, OFPacketIn pi, IRoutingDecision decision, FloodlightContext cntx);

  public Command receive(IOFSwitch sw, OFMessage msg, FloodlightContext cntx) {
    switch (msg.getType()) {
      case PACKET_IN:
        IRoutingDecision decision = null;
        if (cntx != null)
          decision = IRoutingDecision.rtStore.get(cntx, IRoutingDecision.CONTEXT_DECISION);

        return this.processPacketInMessage(sw, (OFPacketIn) msg, decision, cntx);
    return Command.CONTINUE;

   * Push routes from back to front
   * @param route Route to push
   * @param match OpenFlow fields to match on
   * @param srcSwPort Source switch port for the first hop
   * @param dstSwPort Destination switch port for final hop
   * @param cookie The cookie to set in each flow_mod
   * @param cntx The floodlight context
   * @param reqeustFlowRemovedNotifn if set to true then the switch would send a flow mod removal
   *     notification when the flow mod expires
   * @param doFlush if set to true then the flow mod would be immediately written to the switch
   * @param flowModCommand flow mod. command to use, e.g. OFFlowMod.OFPFC_ADD,
   *     OFFlowMod.OFPFC_MODIFY etc.
   * @return srcSwitchIincluded True if the source switch is included in this route
        level = "WARN",
        message = "Unable to push route, switch at DPID {dpid} not available",
        explanation = "A switch along the calculated path for the " + "flow has disconnected.",
        recommendation = LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH),
        level = "ERROR",
        message = "Failure writing flow mod",
        explanation = "An I/O error occurred while writing a " + "flow modification to a switch",
        recommendation = LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH)
  public boolean pushRoute(
      Route route,
      OFMatch match,
      Integer wildcard_hints,
      OFPacketIn pi,
      long pinSwitch,
      long cookie,
      FloodlightContext cntx,
      boolean reqeustFlowRemovedNotifn,
      boolean doFlush,
      short flowModCommand) {

    boolean srcSwitchIncluded = false;
    OFFlowMod fm = (OFFlowMod) floodlightProvider.getOFMessageFactory().getMessage(OFType.FLOW_MOD);
    OFActionOutput action = new OFActionOutput();
    action.setMaxLength((short) 0xffff);
    List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>();

        .setLengthU(OFFlowMod.MINIMUM_LENGTH + OFActionOutput.MINIMUM_LENGTH);

    List<NodePortTuple> switchPortList = route.getPath();

    for (int indx = switchPortList.size() - 1; indx > 0; indx -= 2) {
      // indx and indx-1 will always have the same switch DPID.
      long switchDPID = switchPortList.get(indx).getNodeId();
      IOFSwitch sw = floodlightProvider.getSwitches().get(switchDPID);
      if (sw == null) {
        if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
          log.warn("Unable to push route, switch at DPID {} " + "not available", switchDPID);
        return srcSwitchIncluded;

      // set the match.
      fm.setMatch(wildcard(match, sw, wildcard_hints));

      // set buffer id if it is the source switch
      if (1 == indx) {
        // Set the flag to request flow-mod removal notifications only for the
        // source switch. The removal message is used to maintain the flow
        // cache. Don't set the flag for ARP messages - TODO generalize check
        if ((reqeustFlowRemovedNotifn) && (match.getDataLayerType() != Ethernet.TYPE_ARP)) {

      short outPort = switchPortList.get(indx).getPortId();
      short inPort = switchPortList.get(indx - 1).getPortId();
      // set input and output ports on the switch
      ((OFActionOutput) fm.getActions().get(0)).setPort(outPort);

      try {
        counterStore.updatePktOutFMCounterStoreLocal(sw, fm);
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
              "Pushing Route flowmod routeIndx={} " + "sw={} inPort={} outPort={}",
              new Object[] {indx, sw, fm.getMatch().getInputPort(), outPort});
        messageDamper.write(sw, fm, cntx);
        if (doFlush) {

        // Push the packet out the source switch
        if (sw.getId() == pinSwitch) {
          // TODO: Instead of doing a packetOut here we could also
          // send a flowMod with bufferId set....
          pushPacket(sw, pi, false, outPort, cntx);
          srcSwitchIncluded = true;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("Failure writing flow mod", e);

      try {
        fm = fm.clone();
      } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        log.error("Failure cloning flow mod", e);

    return srcSwitchIncluded;

  protected OFMatch wildcard(OFMatch match, IOFSwitch sw, Integer wildcard_hints) {
    if (wildcard_hints != null) {
      return match.clone().setWildcards(wildcard_hints.intValue());
    return match.clone();

   * Pushes a packet-out to a switch. If bufferId != BUFFER_ID_NONE we assume that the packetOut
   * switch is the same as the packetIn switch and we will use the bufferId. In this case the packet
   * can be null Caller needs to make sure that inPort and outPort differs
   * @param packet packet data to send.
   * @param sw switch from which packet-out is sent
   * @param bufferId bufferId
   * @param inPort input port
   * @param outPort output port
   * @param cntx context of the packet
   * @param flush force to flush the packet.
        level = "ERROR",
        message =
            "BufferId is not and packet data is null. "
                + "Cannot send packetOut. "
                + "srcSwitch={dpid} inPort={port} outPort={port}",
        explanation = "The switch send a malformed packet-in." + "The packet will be dropped",
        recommendation = LogMessageDoc.REPORT_SWITCH_BUG),
        level = "ERROR",
        message = "Failure writing packet out",
        explanation = "An I/O error occurred while writing a " + "packet out to a switch",
        recommendation = LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH)
  public void pushPacket(
      IPacket packet,
      IOFSwitch sw,
      int bufferId,
      short inPort,
      short outPort,
      FloodlightContext cntx,
      boolean flush) {

    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
      log.trace("PacketOut srcSwitch={} inPort={} outPort={}", new Object[] {sw, inPort, outPort});

    OFPacketOut po =
        (OFPacketOut) floodlightProvider.getOFMessageFactory().getMessage(OFType.PACKET_OUT);

    // set actions
    List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>();
    actions.add(new OFActionOutput(outPort, (short) 0xffff));

    po.setActions(actions).setActionsLength((short) OFActionOutput.MINIMUM_LENGTH);
    short poLength = (short) (po.getActionsLength() + OFPacketOut.MINIMUM_LENGTH);

    // set buffer_id, in_port

    // set data - only if buffer_id == -1
    if (po.getBufferId() == OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE) {
      if (packet == null) {
            "BufferId is not set and packet data is null. "
                + "Cannot send packetOut. "
                + "srcSwitch={} inPort={} outPort={}",
            new Object[] {sw, inPort, outPort});
      byte[] packetData = packet.serialize();
      poLength += packetData.length;


    try {
      counterStore.updatePktOutFMCounterStoreLocal(sw, po);
      messageDamper.write(sw, po, cntx, flush);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Failure writing packet out", e);

   * Pushes a packet-out to a switch. The assumption here is that the packet-in was also generated
   * from the same switch. Thus, if the input port of the packet-in and the outport are the same,
   * the function will not push the packet-out.
   * @param sw switch that generated the packet-in, and from which packet-out is sent
   * @param pi packet-in
   * @param useBufferId if true, use the bufferId from the packet in and do not add the packetIn's
   *     payload. If false set bufferId to BUFFER_ID_NONE and use the packetIn's payload
   * @param outport output port
   * @param cntx context of the packet
  protected void pushPacket(
      IOFSwitch sw, OFPacketIn pi, boolean useBufferId, short outport, FloodlightContext cntx) {

    if (pi == null) {

    // The assumption here is (sw) is the switch that generated the
    // packet-in. If the input port is the same as output port, then
    // the packet-out should be ignored.
    if (pi.getInPort() == outport) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            "Attempting to do packet-out to the same "
                + "interface as packet-in. Dropping packet. "
                + " SrcSwitch={}, pi={}",
            new Object[] {sw, pi});

    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
      log.trace("PacketOut srcSwitch={} pi={}", new Object[] {sw, pi});

    OFPacketOut po =
        (OFPacketOut) floodlightProvider.getOFMessageFactory().getMessage(OFType.PACKET_OUT);

    // set actions
    List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>();
    actions.add(new OFActionOutput(outport, (short) 0xffff));

    po.setActions(actions).setActionsLength((short) OFActionOutput.MINIMUM_LENGTH);
    short poLength = (short) (po.getActionsLength() + OFPacketOut.MINIMUM_LENGTH);

    if (useBufferId) {
    } else {

    if (po.getBufferId() == OFPacketOut.BUFFER_ID_NONE) {
      byte[] packetData = pi.getPacketData();
      poLength += packetData.length;


    try {
      counterStore.updatePktOutFMCounterStoreLocal(sw, po);
      messageDamper.write(sw, po, cntx);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Failure writing packet out", e);

   * Write packetout message to sw with output actions to one or more output ports with
   * inPort/outPorts passed in.
   * @param packetData
   * @param sw
   * @param inPort
   * @param ports
   * @param cntx
  public void packetOutMultiPort(
      byte[] packetData,
      IOFSwitch sw,
      short inPort,
      Set<Integer> outPorts,
      FloodlightContext cntx) {
    // setting actions
    List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>();

    Iterator<Integer> j = outPorts.iterator();

    while (j.hasNext()) {
      actions.add(new OFActionOutput(, (short) 0));

    OFPacketOut po =
        (OFPacketOut) floodlightProvider.getOFMessageFactory().getMessage(OFType.PACKET_OUT);
    po.setActionsLength((short) (OFActionOutput.MINIMUM_LENGTH * outPorts.size()));

    // set buffer-id to BUFFER_ID_NONE, and set in-port to OFPP_NONE

    // data (note buffer_id is always BUFFER_ID_NONE) and length
    short poLength = (short) (po.getActionsLength() + OFPacketOut.MINIMUM_LENGTH);
    poLength += packetData.length;

    try {
      counterStore.updatePktOutFMCounterStoreLocal(sw, po);
      if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            "write broadcast packet on switch-id={} " + "interfaces={} packet-out={}",
            new Object[] {sw.getId(), outPorts, po});
      messageDamper.write(sw, po, cntx);

    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Failure writing packet out", e);

   * @see packetOutMultiPort Accepts a PacketIn instead of raw packet data. Note that the inPort and
   *     switch can be different than the packet in switch/port
  public void packetOutMultiPort(
      OFPacketIn pi, IOFSwitch sw, short inPort, Set<Integer> outPorts, FloodlightContext cntx) {
    packetOutMultiPort(pi.getPacketData(), sw, inPort, outPorts, cntx);

   * @see packetOutMultiPort Accepts an IPacket instead of raw packet data. Note that the inPort and
   *     switch can be different than the packet in switch/port
  public void packetOutMultiPort(
      IPacket packet, IOFSwitch sw, short inPort, Set<Integer> outPorts, FloodlightContext cntx) {
    packetOutMultiPort(packet.serialize(), sw, inPort, outPorts, cntx);

  protected boolean isInBroadcastCache(IOFSwitch sw, OFPacketIn pi, FloodlightContext cntx) {
    // Get the cluster id of the switch.
    // Get the hash of the Ethernet packet.
    if (sw == null) return true;

    // If the feature is disabled, always return false;
    if (!broadcastCacheFeature) return false;

    Ethernet eth =
        IFloodlightProviderService.bcStore.get(cntx, IFloodlightProviderService.CONTEXT_PI_PAYLOAD);

    Long broadcastHash;
    broadcastHash =
        topology.getL2DomainId(sw.getId()) * prime1 + pi.getInPort() * prime2 + eth.hashCode();
    if (broadcastCache.update(broadcastHash)) {
      sw.updateBroadcastCache(broadcastHash, pi.getInPort());
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  protected boolean isInSwitchBroadcastCache(IOFSwitch sw, OFPacketIn pi, FloodlightContext cntx) {
    if (sw == null) return true;

    // If the feature is disabled, always return false;
    if (!broadcastCacheFeature) return false;

    // Get the hash of the Ethernet packet.
    Ethernet eth =
        IFloodlightProviderService.bcStore.get(cntx, IFloodlightProviderService.CONTEXT_PI_PAYLOAD);

    long hash = pi.getInPort() * prime2 + eth.hashCode();

    // some FORWARD_OR_FLOOD packets are unicast with unknown destination mac
    return sw.updateBroadcastCache(hash, pi.getInPort());

        level = "ERROR",
        message = "Failure writing deny flow mod",
        explanation = "An I/O error occurred while writing a " + "deny flow mod to a switch",
        recommendation = LogMessageDoc.CHECK_SWITCH)
  public static boolean blockHost(
      IFloodlightProviderService floodlightProvider,
      SwitchPort sw_tup,
      long host_mac,
      short hardTimeout,
      long cookie) {

    if (sw_tup == null) {
      return false;

    IOFSwitch sw = floodlightProvider.getSwitches().get(sw_tup.getSwitchDPID());
    if (sw == null) return false;
    int inputPort = sw_tup.getPort();
        "blockHost sw={} port={} mac={}", new Object[] {sw, sw_tup.getPort(), new Long(host_mac)});

    // Create flow-mod based on packet-in and src-switch
    OFFlowMod fm = (OFFlowMod) floodlightProvider.getOFMessageFactory().getMessage(OFType.FLOW_MOD);
    OFMatch match = new OFMatch();
    List<OFAction> actions = new ArrayList<OFAction>(); // Set no action to
    // drop
        .setInputPort((short) inputPort)
        .setWildcards(OFMatch.OFPFW_ALL & ~OFMatch.OFPFW_DL_SRC & ~OFMatch.OFPFW_IN_PORT);
        .setLengthU(OFFlowMod.MINIMUM_LENGTH); // +OFActionOutput.MINIMUM_LENGTH);

    try {
      log.debug("write drop flow-mod sw={} match={} flow-mod={}", new Object[] {sw, match, fm});
      // TODO: can't use the message damper sine this method is static
      sw.write(fm, null);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Failure writing deny flow mod", e);
      return false;
    return true;

  public void deviceAdded(IDevice device) {
    // NOOP

  public void deviceRemoved(IDevice device) {
    // NOOP

  public void deviceMoved(IDevice device) {}

  public void deviceIPV4AddrChanged(IDevice device) {}

  public void deviceVlanChanged(IDevice device) {}

  public boolean isCallbackOrderingPrereq(OFType type, String name) {
    return (type.equals(OFType.PACKET_IN)
        && (name.equals("topology") || name.equals("devicemanager")));

  public boolean isCallbackOrderingPostreq(OFType type, String name) {
    return false;