Beispiel #1
 void write2(NetworkDataRepresentation ndr) {
   // reset buffer size here...
   // calculate rough length required length + 16 for the last bytes
   // plus adding 30 more for the verifier etc.
   ndr.getBuffer().buf = new byte[bufferLength() + 16 + 30];
Beispiel #2
  /** @exclude */
  public void write(NetworkDataRepresentation ndr) {

    // reset buffer size here...
    // calculate rough length required length + 16 for the last bytes
    // plus adding 30 more for the verifier etc.
    ndr.getBuffer().buf = new byte[bufferLength() + 16];

    JIOrpcThis orpcthis = new JIOrpcThis();


    // when it ends add 16 zeros.
  // use this oxidObject, it is actually OxidResolverImpl extends NdrObject.
  public void processRequests(
      IJICOMRuntimeWorker workerObject, String baseIID, List listOfSupportedInterfaces)
      throws IOException {

    if (JISystem.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
              "processRequests: [JIComRuntimeEndPoint] started new thread "
                  + Thread.currentThread().getName());
    // this iid is the component IID just in case.
    if (baseIID != null) {
      getTransport().getProperties().setProperty("IID2", baseIID);

    getTransport().getProperties().put("LISTOFSUPPORTEDINTERFACES", listOfSupportedInterfaces);

    bind(); // will bind to the server and perform the initial bind\bind ack.

    while (true) {

      // first recieve and then answer
      ConnectionOrientedPdu response = null;
      ConnectionOrientedPdu request = receive();

      if (!workerObject.isResolver()) {
        int j = 0;
      if (JISystem.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
                "processRequests: [JIComRuntimeEndPoint] request : "
                    + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                    + " , "
                    + request
                    + " workerObject is resolver: "
                    + workerObject.isResolver());
      NdrBuffer buffer = null;
      NetworkDataRepresentation ndr = new NetworkDataRepresentation();
      if (request instanceof RequestCoPdu) {
        buffer = new NdrBuffer(((RequestCoPdu) request).getStub(), 0);
        if (buffer.buf != null) {
          if (JISystem.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                new PrintStream(byteArrayOutputStream), buffer.buf, 0, buffer.buf.length);
            JISystem.getLogger().finest("\n" + byteArrayOutputStream.toString());
          // System.err.println("Vikram: " + Long.toString(Thread.currentThread().getId()));
          // jcifs.util.Hexdump.hexdump(System.err, buffer.buf, 0, buffer.buf.length);
        ndr.setFormat(((RequestCoPdu) request).getFormat());
        workerObject.setOpnum(((RequestCoPdu) request).getOpnum());
        // sets the current object, this is used to identify the JILocalCoClass to work on.
        // for most cases this will be null , till there is an actual COM interface request.
        workerObject.setCurrentObjectID(((RequestCoPdu) request).getObject());

        try {

          ((NdrObject) workerObject).decode(ndr, buffer);
          ResponseCoPdu responseCoPdu = new ResponseCoPdu();
          responseCoPdu.setContextId(((RequestCoPdu) request).getContextId());
          responseCoPdu.setFormat(((RequestCoPdu) request).getFormat());
          responseCoPdu.setCallId(((RequestCoPdu) request).getCallId());
          ((NdrObject) workerObject).encode(ndr, null);
          int length =
              ndr.getBuffer().length > ndr.getBuffer().index
                  ? ndr.getBuffer().length
                  : ndr.getBuffer().index;
          //					  length = length + 4;
          responseCoPdu.setAllocationHint(length + 4);
          byte[] responsebytes = new byte[length + 4];
              ndr.getBuffer().getBuffer(), 0, responsebytes, 0, responsebytes.length - 4);
          //					  responseCoPdu.setStub(ndr.getBuffer().getBuffer());
          response = responseCoPdu;

        } catch (JIRuntimeException e) {
          JISystem.getLogger().throwing("JIComRuntimeEndpoint", "processRequests", e);
          // create a fault PDU
          response = new FaultCoPdu();
          response.setCallId(((RequestCoPdu) request).getCallId());
          ((FaultCoPdu) response).setStatus(e.getHResult());
      } else if (request instanceof BindPdu || request instanceof AlterContextPdu) {

        if (!workerObject.isResolver()) {
          // this list will be clear after this call.
          /* Basically the cycle expected is like this...first a bind call comes, then a RemQI, that populates the
           * list internally (Remunknownobject), then an alter context comes for the QIed interface, this clears the set
           * object (if any) , then a normal request comes through.
          // this call is only valid when the workerObject is RemUnknownObject.
          // so the context us NTLMConnectionContext
          if (context instanceof JIComRuntimeNTLMConnectionContext) {
            ((JIComRuntimeNTLMConnectionContext) context)

          switch (request.getType()) {
            case BindPdu.BIND_TYPE:
              currentIID =
                  ((BindPdu) request).getContextList()[0].abstractSyntax.getUuid().toString();
            case AlterContextPdu.ALTER_CONTEXT_TYPE:
              // we need to record the iid now if this is successful and subsequent calls will now
              // be for this iid.
              currentIID =
                  ((AlterContextPdu) request)
              // nothing

        response = context.accept(request);

        if (!workerObject.isResolver()) {
          PresentationResult[] result = null;
          PresentationContext context = null;
          boolean successful = false;
          if (response instanceof BindAcknowledgePdu) {
            result = ((BindAcknowledgePdu) response).getResultList();
            successful = result[0].result == PresentationResult.ACCEPTANCE;
            context = ((BindPdu) request).getContextList()[0]; // am expecting only one
          } else {
            result = ((AlterContextResponsePdu) response).getResultList();
            successful = result[0].result == PresentationResult.ACCEPTANCE;
            context = ((AlterContextPdu) request).getContextList()[0]; // am expecting only one

          //					  if (successful)
          //					  {
          //						  //now select the Interface from the request and set that as the object expected
          // to come.
          // workerObject.setCurrentJavaInstanceFromIID(context.abstractSyntax.toString().toUpperCase());
          //						  //set the component null;
          //					  }

      } else if (request instanceof FaultCoPdu) {
        // TODO to throw or not to throw ...that is the question :)...i think it should be logged ,
        // but not thrown
        // otherwise this thread will be terminated and further access will be blocked for the com
        // server.
        // TODO write logging code here and comment this code.
        FaultCoPdu fault = (FaultCoPdu) request;
        throw new FaultException("Received fault.", fault.getStatus(), fault.getStub());
      } else if (request instanceof ShutdownPdu) {
        throw new RpcException("Received shutdown request from server.");
      } else if (request instanceof Auth3Pdu) {
        //				  try {
        //					Thread.sleep(1000);
        //				} catch (InterruptedException e) {
        //					// TODO Auto-generated catch block
        //					e.printStackTrace();
        //				}
        continue; // don't do anything here, the server will send another request
      if (JISystem.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
                "processRequests: [JIComRuntimeEndPoint] response : "
                    + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                    + " , "
                    + response);
      // now send the response.

      if (workerObject.workerOver()) {
                "processRequests: [JIComRuntimeEndPoint] Worker is over, all IPID references have been released. Thread "
                    + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                    + " will now exit.");