public ProductStatsScreen(Session session) { super(session); headerBox = new CLIObject(WIDTH, 2); headerBox.setLine( 0, " Previous (<) Product Statistics "); headerBox.setLine( 1, " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); listBox = new CLIObject(WIDTH, 5); listBox.setLine( 0, " "); listBox.setLine(1, " |X| List all products (a)"); listBox.setLine(2, " | | List products by customer login (c) customer: __________"); listBox.setLine( 3, " "); listBox.setLine( 4, " --------------------------------------------------------------------------"); productsBox = new CLIObject(WIDTH, 13); productsBox.setLine(0, ""); productsBox.setLine(1, " No products to show."); for (int i = 2; i < 13; i++) { productsBox.setLine(i, ""); } listAllProducts = true; customerLogin = ""; curPage = 1; setPreparedStatements(); addScreenObject(headerBox, new Point(originX, originY)); addScreenObject(listBox, new Point(originX, originY + 2)); addScreenObject(productsBox, new Point(originX, originY + 7)); }
public void listProducts() { products = new ArrayList<Product>(); try { ResultSet results; if (listAllProducts) { results = listAllProductsStatement.executeQuery(); } else { listByCustomerStatement.setString(1, customerLogin); results = listByCustomerStatement.executeQuery(); } while ( { int auctionId = results.getInt("auction_id"); Product product = new Product(session.getDb(), auctionId); products.add(product); } } catch (SQLException e) { while (e != null) { debug.println(e.toString()); debug.flush(); e = e.getNextException(); } } if (products.size() <= 0) { productsBox.setLine(0, ""); productsBox.setLine(1, " No products to show."); for (int i = 2; i < 13; i++) { productsBox.setLine(i, ""); } } else { productsBox.setLine(0, " Name | Status | Highest Bid Amount | Buyer or Highest Bidder"); productsBox.setLine(1, ""); ArrayList<Product> productsOnPage = paginator.paginate(products, curPage, 5); int lineOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < productsOnPage.size(); i++) { Product product = productsOnPage.get(i); // lineOffset works now lineOffset = i * 2; productsBox.setLine( lineOffset + 3, " " + + " | " + product.status + " | $" + product.amount + " | " + product.getHighestBidder()); } // clear the lines of productBox if there are not as many products as before int lastLine = productsOnPage.size() * 2 + 2; for (int i = lastLine; i < 12; i++) { productsBox.setLine(i, ""); } productsBox.setLine(12, paginator.getPageMenu(products, curPage, 5)); } }
public int run() { reset(); draw(); boolean finished = false; while (!finished) { String option = getInput(); if (option.equals("<")) { finished = true; } if (option.equals("c")) { listAllProducts = false; listBox.setLine(1, " | | List all products (a)"); listBox.setLine(2, " |X| List products by customer login (c) customer: |_________"); draw(); String customer = getInput(); if (customer.equals("<")) { finished = true; } while (!checkCustomer(customer)) { updateStatus(customer + " is not a valid customer login, please enter another. "); draw(); customer = getInput(); if (customer.equals("<")) { return ADMIN; } } updateStatus(""); listBox.setLine( 2, " |X| List products by customer login (c) customer: " + customer); customerLogin = customer; curPage = 1; } else if (option.equals("a")) { listBox.setLine(1, " |X| List all products (a)"); listBox.setLine(2, " | | List products by customer login (c) customer: __________"); listAllProducts = true; curPage = 1; } else if (option.startsWith("p")) { option = option.substring(1, option.length()); curPage = Integer.parseInt(option); } listProducts(); draw(); } return ADMIN; }