public void run() { Map read; boolean shouldRead = go_read; String command = null; long last = 0; try { /* swallow the banner if requested to do so */ if (swallow) { readResponse(); } while (shouldRead) { synchronized (listeners) { if (commands.size() > 0) { command = (String) commands.removeFirst(); } } if (command != null) { _sendString(command); command = null; lastRead = System.currentTimeMillis(); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.window != null && !this.window.isShowing() && (now - last) < 1500) { /* check if our window is not showing... if not, then we're going to switch to a very reduced read schedule. */ } else { read = readResponse(); if (read == null || "failure".equals(read.get("result") + "")) { break; } processRead(read); last = System.currentTimeMillis(); } Thread.sleep(100); synchronized (listeners) { shouldRead = go_read; } } } catch (Exception javaSucksBecauseItMakesMeCatchEverythingFuckingThing) { javaSucksBecauseItMakesMeCatchEverythingFuckingThing.printStackTrace(); } }
public void fireSessionWroteEvent(String text) { Iterator i = listeners.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ((ConsoleCallback), text); } }
public void addSessionListener(ConsoleCallback l) { listeners.add(l); }
public void sendString(String text) { synchronized (listeners) { commands.add(text); } }