   * Executes a series of tasks that are "locked" such that only one thread should execute each.
   * These are locked across multiple compute nodes as well.
   * @param description Name of the series of tasks that will be executed
   * @param lockedCallables Tasks that will be executed
   * @throws Exception
  public static void ExecuteLockTasks(String description, ArrayList<LockedCallable> lockedCallables)
      throws Exception {
    MultiThreadedTaskHandler taskHandler = new MultiThreadedTaskHandler(description);

    // Prepare the tasks to be executed
    for (LockedCallable callable : lockedCallables) {

    try {
      // See if any of the tasks returned a false value and if so, pause then retry
      if (ListUtilities.AnyFalse(ListUtilities.CreateBooleanList(taskHandler.Execute()))) {
        ExecuteLockTasks(description, lockedCallables);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      // If an exception occurred, log it, pause, then try again
      ExecuteLockTasks(description, lockedCallables);