   * Gets background color for cell for row ic. Override it if you want to change the color from the
   * default.
  public Color getBackgroundColorOfCell(int it, boolean selected) {
    if (observedStates == null) {
      if (observedStates == null) return null;
    if (observedStates.getParentData() != null) {

      Associable tInfo = data.getTaxaInfo(false);
      NameReference genBankColor = NameReference.getNameReference("genbankcolor");
      Object obj = tInfo.getAssociatedObject(genBankColor, it); // not saved to file
      if (obj instanceof Color) return (Color) obj;
    if (bits == null || it < 0 || it > bits.getSize()) return null;
    String note = getNote(it);
    if (selected) {
      if (bits.isBitOn(it)) return ColorDistribution.darkGreen;
      else return ColorDistribution.darkRed;
    } else if (bits.isBitOn(it)) {
      if (StringUtil.blank(note)) return ColorDistribution.veryLightGreen;
      if (!(note.equalsIgnoreCase("x"))) return ColorDistribution.lightGreenYellowish;
      return ColorDistribution.lightGreenYellow;
    } else {
      if (StringUtil.blank(note)) return ColorDistribution.brown;
      if (!(note.equalsIgnoreCase("x"))) {
        return Color.red;
      return ColorDistribution.lightRed;
 /** Called to alter data in all cells */
 public boolean operateOnData(CharacterData data) {
   if (!(data instanceof ContinuousData)) return false;
   ContinuousData cData = (ContinuousData) data;
   int numItems = cData.getNumItems();
   String[] items = new String[numItems];
   for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
     if (StringUtil.blank(cData.getItemName(i))) items[i] = "(unnamed)";
     else items[i] = cData.getItemName(i);
   int d =
           "Rename item",
           "Rename item:",
   if (!MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(d) || d < 0 || d >= numItems) return false;
   else {
     String s =
             containerOfModule(), "Rename Item", "New name for " + items[d], items[d]);
     if (StringUtil.blank(s)) return false;
     cData.setItemReference(d, NameReference.getNameReference(s));
     return true;
 public void processCompletedOutputFiles(String[] outputFilePaths) {
   if (outputFilePaths.length > 1 && !StringUtil.blank(outputFilePaths[1])) {
     ZephyrUtil.copyLogFile(this, "TNT", outputFilePaths[1]);
   if (outputFilePaths.length > 2 && !StringUtil.blank(outputFilePaths[2])) {
     ZephyrUtil.copyOutputText(this, outputFilePaths[2], commands);
 public int userQueryItem(String message, MesquiteModule module) {
   int numItems = getNumItems();
   String[] items = new String[numItems];
   for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
     if (StringUtil.blank(getItemName(i))) items[i] = "(unnamed)";
     else items[i] = getItemName(i);
   return ListDialog.queryList(
       module.containerOfModule(), "Select item", message, MesquiteString.helpString, items, 0);
 public void fromString(String description, MesquiteInteger stringPos, int format) {
   hasDefaultValues = false;
   ParseUtil.getToken(description, stringPos); // RMatrix
   ParseUtil.getToken(description, stringPos); // =
   ParseUtil.getToken(description, stringPos); // (
   for (int i = 0; i < getNumStates(); i++) {
     String s = ParseUtil.getToken(description, stringPos);
     if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(")") || StringUtil.blank(s)) return;
     setStateFreq(i, MesquiteDouble.fromString(s));
  /** for those permitting editing, indicates user has edited to incoming string. */
  public void setString(int row, String s) {

    if (StringUtil.blank(s)) setNote(row, null);
    else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("No Data")) return;
    else setNote(row, s);
  public Object doCommand(String commandName, String arguments, CommandChecker checker) {
    if (checker.compare(
        this.getClass(), "Returns the matrix source", null, commandName, "getMatrixSource")) {
      return matrixSourceTask;
    } else if (checker.compare(
        this.getClass(), "Copies the data for selected taxon", null, commandName, "copyData")) {
      if (observedStates == null) return null;
      CharacterData data = observedStates.getParentData();
      if (data == null) return null;
      int it = MesquiteInteger.fromString(parser.getFirstToken(arguments));
      if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(it)) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        data.copyDataFromRowIntoBuffer(it, sb);
        if (StringUtil.notEmpty(sb.toString())) {
          localCopyDataClipboard = sb.toString();
          localCopyData = data;
          localCopyDataTaxon = data.getTaxa().getTaxonName(it);
        } else {
          localCopyDataClipboard = null;
          localCopyData = null;
          localCopyDataTaxon = null;
      return null;
    } else if (checker.compare(
        this.getClass(), "Pastes the data for selected taxon", null, commandName, "pasteData")) {
      if (observedStates == null) return null;
      CharacterData data = observedStates.getParentData();
      if (data == null) return null;
      int it = MesquiteInteger.fromString(parser.getFirstToken(arguments));
      if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(it) && StringUtil.notEmpty(localCopyDataClipboard)) {
        data.pasteDataFromStringIntoTaxon(it, localCopyDataClipboard);
      return null;
    } else if (checker.compare(
        "Pastes the data for selected taxon",
        "deleteDataTouched")) {
      if (observedStates == null) return null;
      CharacterData data = observedStates.getParentData();
      if (data == null) return null;
      int it = MesquiteInteger.fromString(parser.getFirstToken(arguments));
      Debugg.println("prepare to delete row: " + it);
      if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(it)) {
        if (!AlertDialog.query(
            "Delete Data?",
            "Are you sure you want to delete the data for taxon "
                + data.getTaxa().getTaxonName(it)
                + " in the matrix \""
                + data.getName()
                + "\"",
            "Yes")) {
          zapData(data, it);
      return null;
    } else if (checker.compare(
        this.getClass(), "Deletes the data for selected taxa", null, commandName, "deleteData")) {
      if (observedStates == null) return null;
      if (data == null) return null;
      if (!AlertDialog.query(
          "Delete Data?",
          "Are you sure you want to delete the data for these taxa in the matrix \""
              + data.getName()
              + "\"",
          "Yes")) zapData(data);
      return null;
    } else if (checker.compare(
        "deleteds () and anything between",
        "deletePrepended")) {
      if (observedStates == null || taxa == null) return null;
      boolean anySelected = taxa.anySelected();
      int myColumn = -1;
      if (getEmployer() instanceof ListModule) {

        myColumn = ((ListModule) getEmployer()).getMyColumn(this);
        if (table != null)
          anySelected = anySelected || table.anyCellSelectedInColumnAnyWay(myColumn);

      for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) {
        if ((!anySelected || selected(taxa, it, myColumn))) {
          String note = getNote(it);
          while (!StringUtil.blank(note) && note.indexOf("(") >= 0) {
            int start = note.indexOf("(");
            int end = note.indexOf(")");
            String firstBit = "";
            if (start > 0) firstBit = note.substring(0, start);
            note = firstBit + note.substring(end + 1, note.length());
          setNote(it, note);
      return null;
    } else if (checker.compare(this.getClass(), "deletes *", null, commandName, "deleteStar")) {
      if (observedStates == null || taxa == null) return null;
      boolean anySelected = taxa.anySelected();
      int myColumn = -1;
      if (getEmployer() instanceof ListModule) {

        myColumn = ((ListModule) getEmployer()).getMyColumn(this);
        if (table != null)
          anySelected = anySelected || table.anyCellSelectedInColumnAnyWay(myColumn);
      for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) {
        if ((!anySelected || selected(taxa, it, myColumn))) {
          String note = getNote(it);
          while (!StringUtil.blank(note) && note.indexOf("*") >= 0) {
            int start = note.indexOf("*");
            String firstBit = "";
            if (start > 0) firstBit = note.substring(0, start);
            note = firstBit + note.substring(start + 1, note.length());
          setNote(it, note);
      return null;
    } else if (checker.compare(
        "Prepends to the note the sequence length (including N\'s and ?\'s) for the selected taxa",
        "prependLength")) {
      if (observedStates == null || taxa == null) return null;
      boolean anySelected = taxa.anySelected();
      int myColumn = -1;
      if (getEmployer() instanceof ListModule) {

        myColumn = ((ListModule) getEmployer()).getMyColumn(this);
        if (table != null)
          anySelected = anySelected || table.anyCellSelectedInColumnAnyWay(myColumn);
      for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) {
        if (hasData(it) && (!anySelected || selected(taxa, it, myColumn))) {
          String note = getNote(it);
          if (StringUtil.blank(note)) note = "(" + sequenceLength(it) + ")";
          else note = "(" + sequenceLength(it) + ") " + note;
          setNote(it, note);
      return null;
    } else if (checker.compare(
        "Prepends to the note the number of non-missing sites (not including N\'s and ?\'s) for the selected taxa",
        "prependNumSites")) {
      if (observedStates == null || taxa == null) return null;
      boolean anySelected = taxa.anySelected();
      int myColumn = -1;
      if (getEmployer() instanceof ListModule) {

        myColumn = ((ListModule) getEmployer()).getMyColumn(this);
        if (table != null)
          anySelected = anySelected || table.anyCellSelectedInColumnAnyWay(myColumn);
      for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) {
        if (hasData(it) && (!anySelected || selected(taxa, it, myColumn))) {
          String note = getNote(it);
          if (StringUtil.blank(note)) note = "(" + numSites(it) + ")";
          else note = "(" + numSites(it) + ") " + note;
          setNote(it, note);
      return null;
    } else if (checker.compare(
        "Deletes the notes for the selected taxa",
        "deleteAnnotation")) {
      if (observedStates == null || taxa == null) return null;
      boolean anySelected = taxa.anySelected();
      int myColumn = -1;
      if (getEmployer() instanceof ListModule) {

        myColumn = ((ListModule) getEmployer()).getMyColumn(this);
        if (table != null)
          anySelected = anySelected || table.anyCellSelectedInColumnAnyWay(myColumn);
      for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) {
        if (hasData(it) && (!anySelected || selected(taxa, it, myColumn))) {
          setNote(it, null);
      return null;
    } else return super.doCommand(commandName, arguments, checker);
  public void runFilesAvailable(int fileNum) {
    String[] logFileNames = getLogFileNames();
    if ((progIndicator != null && progIndicator.isAborted()) || logFileNames == null) return;
    String[] outputFilePaths = new String[logFileNames.length];
    outputFilePaths[fileNum] = externalProcRunner.getOutputFilePath(logFileNames[fileNum]);
    String filePath = outputFilePaths[fileNum];

    if (fileNum == 0
        && outputFilePaths.length > 0
        && !StringUtil.blank(outputFilePaths[0])
        && !bootstrapOrJackknife()) { // tree file
      if (ownerModule instanceof NewTreeProcessor) {
        String treeFilePath = filePath;
        if (taxa != null) {
          TaxaSelectionSet outgroupSet =
              (TaxaSelectionSet) taxa.getSpecsSet(outgroupTaxSetString, TaxaSelectionSet.class);
          ((NewTreeProcessor) ownerModule).newTreeAvailable(treeFilePath, outgroupSet);

        } else ((NewTreeProcessor) ownerModule).newTreeAvailable(treeFilePath, null);
    } else if (fileNum == 1
        && outputFilePaths.length > 1
        && !StringUtil.blank(outputFilePaths[1])
        && !bootstrapOrJackknife()) { // log file
      if (MesquiteFile.fileExists(filePath)) {
        String s = MesquiteFile.getFileLastContents(filePath);
        if (!StringUtil.blank(s))
          if (progIndicator != null) {
            String rep = parser.getFirstToken(); // generation number
            if (MesquiteInteger.isNumber(rep)) {
              int numReps = MesquiteInteger.fromString(rep) + 1;
                  "Replicate: " + numReps); // + ", ln L = " + parser.getNextToken());
              if (bootstrapOrJackknife()) {
                logln("Replicate " + numReps + " of " + bootstrapreps);
              logln("Replicate " + numReps + " of " + totalNumHits);

              double timePerRep = 0;
              if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(numReps) && numReps > 0) {
                timePerRep = timer.timeSinceVeryStartInSeconds() / numReps; // this is time per rep
              int timeLeft = 0;
              if (bootstrapOrJackknife()) {
                timeLeft = (int) ((bootstrapreps - numReps) * timePerRep);
              } else {
                String token = parser.getNextToken(); // algorithm
                token = parser.getNextToken(); // Tree
                token = parser.getNextToken(); // Score
                String best = parser.getNextToken(); // Best
                logln("  Score " + token + "; best found so far " + best);
                timeLeft = (int) ((totalNumHits - numReps) * timePerRep);

                  "  Running time so far "
                      + StringUtil.secondsToHHMMSS((int) timer.timeSinceVeryStartInSeconds())
                      + ", approximate time remaining "
                      + StringUtil.secondsToHHMMSS(timeLeft));
      } else if (MesquiteTrunk.debugMode) logln("*** File does not exist (" + filePath + ") ***");