Beispiel #1
  protected FeatureValue calcFeatureValue(Decorable di) {
    // Feature applicable only to edges
    if (!(di instanceof Edge)) {
      throw new UnsupportedTypeException(
          "Feature only defined for edges: " + di.getClass().getCanonicalName());

    // Feature applicable only to binary edges
    Edge e = (Edge) di;
    if (e.numNodes() != 2) {
      throw new UnsupportedTypeException("Feature only defined for binary edges: " + e.numNodes());

    Iterator<Node> itr = e.getAllNodes();
    Node n1 =;
    Node n2 =;

    FeatureValue fv1 = n1.getFeatureValue(fid);
    FeatureValue fv2 = n2.getFeatureValue(fid);

    if (fv1.equals(FeatureValue.UNKNOWN_VALUE) || fv2.equals(FeatureValue.UNKNOWN_VALUE)) {
      return val0;

    // If sparse value is specified and at least one value is not the sparse
    // value, return 0.
    if (commonvalue != null && fv1.equals(commonvalue)) {
      return val0;

    return fv1.getStringValue().equals(fv2.getStringValue()) ? val1 : val0;
  private double getSimilarity(Node item1, Node item2, boolean normalize) {
    if (initialize) {

    // If either value is unknown, return 0 similarity
    if (!item1.hasFeatureValue(featureid) || !item2.hasFeatureValue(featureid)) {
      return 0;

    String[] string1 = item1.getFeatureValue(featureid).getStringValue().split(delimiter);
    Set<String> string1set = new HashSet<String>(string1.length);
    for (String s : string1) {
      if (s.trim().length() != 0) {

    String[] string2 = item2.getFeatureValue(featureid).getStringValue().split(delimiter);
    Set<String> string2set = new HashSet<String>(string2.length);
    for (String s : string2) {
      if (s.trim().length() != 0) {

    Set<String> isect = new HashSet<String>(string1set);
    if (isect.isEmpty()) {
      // Save computation by breaking early
      return 0;

    double numerator = 0;
    for (String fid : isect) {
      double val1 = ((NumValue) item1.getFeatureValue(fid)).getNumber();
      double val2 = ((NumValue) item2.getFeatureValue(fid)).getNumber();

      numerator += val1 * val2;

    double denom1 = 0;
    for (String fid : string1set) {
      double val1 = ((NumValue) item1.getFeatureValue(fid)).getNumber();
      if (val1 == 0) {
        throw new InvalidStateException("Feature value cannot be 0: " + fid + " for " + item1);

      denom1 += val1 * val1;

    double denom2 = 0;
    for (String fid : string2set) {
      double val2 = ((NumValue) item2.getFeatureValue(fid)).getNumber();
      if (val2 == 0) {
        throw new InvalidStateException("Feature value cannot be 0: " + fid + " for " + item2);

      denom2 += val2 * val2;

    double finalsim =
        denom1 != 0 && denom2 != 0 ? (numerator / (Math.sqrt(denom1) * Math.sqrt(denom2))) : 0;

    return finalsim;